The cat's belly will get big around 30 days after they mate. Just a minute ago your cat may have looked for attention and cuddles – in the next it will suddenly retreat and wants to be left alone. If the bleeding is noted at the end of the pregnancy, the mother may be going into labor early, and immediate veterinary intervention is necessary. Pregnant cats have different nutritional needs. What are the signs that a cat is close to giving birth? Socializing them at an early age can help ensure that they fit well into a household. In order to determine pregnancy look for a range of range signs. You should have food and fresh water available to her at all times. That adds up to a lot of kittens! ASPCA. With clean hands or wearing disposable gloves, tie dental floss around the cord about 2 inches away from the kitten's body, tie again a further inch away from the kitten and cut the umbilical cord between the ties. However, it’s likely that you won’t be able to see or tell that your cat is having contractions at this point in the birthing process. Spaying before the first heat cycle (which can occur as early as 4 months of age), can also reduce the risk of mammary cancer in your feline friend. Once a cat is confirmed to be pregnant, there are a few things that a pet parent needs to be aware of and consider. The average number of days a cat (known as a queen) is pregnant is 63 (or 9 weeks), but birth can occur anywhere between the 60th and 70th day. It should be in a quiet but warm spot, out of the way of children and other pets. Most kittens will naturally scratch in the litter and learn to relieve themselves in the litter box. They may have even thought that their cat was just getting a little round from extra snacks. If the umbilical cord has not broken during delivery or the mother cat has not torn it, you will need to sever the connection. Your cat (queen) often won’t show any physical symptoms of pregnancy until she is a few weeks into her term. You may notice some cream colored thick secretions coming out of her nipples. And while your cat might decide for herself where she wants to give birth, it’s a good idea to set up a nesting box or area in a quiet part of the house. Her personality may change: Often queens become quite clingy and affectionate with their owner right before labour. Stay up to date with the latest cat news and published articles. Generally, two types of temperament are seen in cats at kittening: the independent type which will go t… They may also start showing other signs of being ready, like pacing the room. 1. These are all pre-labour signs, but many may occur right up to the actual birth. Your cat might lick it off or she could just let it dry up and you’ll notice that her nipples will have small whitish scabs on them. It’s recommended that you have a fresh stool sample checked by your veterinarian, as intestinal parasites can be spread to the kittens both in utero  (in the womb), and during nursing. If you think that your cat may not be producing milk, or isn’t letting the kittens nurse, contact your veterinarian right away. The third—and final—stage of labor is the passage of the placenta. At this age, you also can put out a small litter pan with a thin layer of litter. The discharge will normally appear reddish-black since it consists mostly of old blood. Many cats have a favourite person, and they can check up on her, but now is not the time to let children or strangers come and pester her unless that is what she is happy with. Approximately 2 days before your cat gives birth, she’ll start to produce milk. Tear it with your first two fingers and thumb, but be careful not to pull on the cord, as this may cause damage to the kitten’s organs. If the queen has a retained placenta, you will need to seek veterinary care for her as soon as possible. Another physical sign that your cat is in labor is that her temperature will drop two days before her delivery day. However, these signs will sometimes not occur until later in the pregnancy. If the discharge is overly bloody or looks like pus, the queen should be examined by her veterinarian as soon as possible. Nesting: A day or two before labor, your cat will seek out a quiet and safe place to have her kittens. Place her litter box, food, and water nearby so that she can easily access them while nursing her kittens. Last Updated on October 28, 2020 by Julia Wilson. Cats should be confined from this time to allow for observation of labour. When you see this last behaviour, you can be quite sure that your lovely cat is entering the first stage of the birth process — your cat’s labour has begun. It can be hard to tell, but there are a few signs to look out for that indicates a cat is done giving birth. There are a few clues that you may notice, too. Most queens will wean their kittens by 5 to 6 weeks of age. After your cat has given birth, mum will normally bite through the umbilical cord, but your help might be needed again if she doesn't. 2. Whilst enlarged nipples can be a sign of pregnancy then can also simply mean that your cat is in heat. She needs to feel safe in her nesting box. Vaginal bleeding is abnormal during any feline pregnancy and should be a cause for concern. If you are not so sure how far along your cat is, review the telltale signs that birth is imminent. As the kittens get older and more rambunctious, your cat will want more and more time to get away and sleep, groom, or socialize with members of the household. Pregnant cats can have four to six kittens in a litter. These changes usually occur one to two months after her heat is over and can last for up to a month. If you notice that one of your kittens is smaller or has less energy than the others, consult your veterinarian. This can lead to fever, infection, lack of appetite, and failure to care for the kittens. If your queen starts behaving unusually nervous and on edge, it may be a sign that she's ready to go into labor. This means that she will need to eat smaller, more frequent meals. If your cat becomes ill, call your veterinarian immediately and make sure to let them know that she is nursing so that they can prescribe safe medications if needed. A cat's delivery is a moment of joy and excitement, because soon a few playful animals will come to the world and probably become great pets, always considering that labor has been sought, and not because of an accident. It can be very difficult to see the signs that a cat is pregnant. Give your cat space to get away from the kittens, but make sure that she is returning often to check on them. It should be mentioned that in the final two weeks before delivery, she should be left alone if that is what she wants. Waiting until they are closer to 10 weeks old to adopt out or place the kittens in homes will have an even greater behavioral benefit. Dystocia means difficult birth and can occur for a variety of reasons. Use caution when approaching the kittens, as some mothers may show aggression to humans or other household pets if they perceive a threat. During the first few weeks after birth, the mother cat will stimulate her kittens to eliminate by cleaning their genital areas. Your veterinarian can prescribe the appropriate medication if her stool sample shows evidence of parasitic infection. Examining Your Cat Take the cat’s temperature. Here is an at a glance guide to your cat’s pregnancy from conception to birth, week by week. If you are in this situation, have your male cat neutered as soon as you know your female is pregnant, or keep your female cat confined so that another pregnancy is not possible before she can be spayed. The normal temperature is 100 – 102F (37.7 – 39.1C). Keep in mind that because of the growing fetuses, there will also be less room in your cat’s stomach. Purina says your cat will likely not show cat pregnancy symptoms until she is at least two or three weeks into her pregnancy. However, for some breeds (the Siamese for example) this may be a day or so longer. Both of these changes are completely normal. Cat pregnancy signs range from physical changes to behavioral changes. Merck Veterinary Manual. Retained placenta is a condition that can occur if the mother cat fails to expel the placenta during birth. Queens should be kept on this higher-calorie diet through weaning. This space encourage your cat to start preparing itself for giving birth, feeling comfortable and protected, essential for the welfare of your cat’s kittens. On the other hand, a normally friendly cat may withdraw and spend more time on her own. She may purr, lick you, follow you around the house., Featured Image:, Cat Pregnancy and Kittens: The Complete Guide, Health and Safety Considerations for Pregnant Cats,,,, A final word to the wise: pregnant cats typically stop eating approximately 24 hours before giving birth, and their temperature drops below 100 F – if you notice these last two pregnant cat symptoms, you’re well on your way to meeting your cat’s fur babies! Signs of Impending Labor The duration of a cat pregnancy is roughly 60 days, give or take five days. Nelson RW, Couto CG. During pregnancy, it’s even more important to keep your cat on a safe, vet-approved flea preventative. Animal homelessness, shelter intake and surrender. The cat gestation period (cat pregnancy length) is about 63-65 days on average, or about two months. Kittens should NOT be taken away from their mother and go to their new homes too quickly, as they learn very important social rules and behavior from their mother and siblings. You may be able to express some out by gently squeezing the nipples between your thumb and forefinger. The secret to being a good midwife to your cat is observation and timing. At this point, if the queen will allow it, it’s a good idea to get the kittens used to your presence. The best way to prevent this serious and expensive medical condition is to spay your cat. Your cat may go to a quiet place like a closet and start arranging blankets, towels, or other fabric to create a place to give birth to her kittens. They may want to see them right away to evaluate for cleft palates, umbilical hernias, and other health concerns, or they may advise you to wait until they are a bit older. Kittens are unable to regulate their own body temperature until they are 3 to 4 weeks old. Aim to break the cord about an inch away from the kitten’s body. Checking a cat’s temperature beginning around … First stage – The beginning of uterine contractions. To help with the serious problem of overpopulation, talk to your veterinarian about spaying or neutering your cat. She will also be looking for a spot when she is in labor, so the cat will be sniffing around secure places. Most veterinarians prefer to wait until about a month after she is done weaning to spay her, as this allows time for the uterus to shrink down and makes the surgery safer. You’ll notice a very distinct sound to it, and this will give you the biggest heads up. For many people, finding out that their cat is pregnant comes as a surprise. Do NOT move or distract your cat during the birthing process because she may stop labor and begin again the next day if she feels stressed. The most definitive ways to confirm pregnancy include a blood test, ultrasound, x-rays or abdominal palpation. And while your cat might decide for herself where she wants to give birth, it’s a good idea to set up a nesting box or area in a quiet part of the house. Pet statistics. Going into labor is generally known as Stage 1, and will last between 12 and 24 hours. Your cat will show typical signs during the gestation period that are often comparative to those indicating human pregnancy, such as frequent sickness and mood swings. They should never be separated from their mother if they are younger than 8 weeks old. The most popular answer that has been given is that when your cat will give birth it will start meowing, but not at their regular tone and pitch. Is your cat due to give birth soon – or even in the birthing process right now – and you want to know how to tell when a cat is done giving birth?. Kittens are born with a protective fetal membrane that is usually removed by the mother cat shortly after birth. What are the signs that a cat is about to give birth? It is very important to know the age of your cat to give your pussy the care it needs. Usually the other signs will be so obvious you won’t need to be concerned with checking her temperature as a sign. Eventually, the cat’s abdomen may look rounder or her nipples may become more prominent. If the bleeding is noted during the early or middle stages of gestation, it’s likely that the queen has had a miscarriage or aborted the babies. Here’s what you need to know about postpartum care, nutrition, and lactation. She should be provided with food and water at all times, however. The gestation period of a cat is 63-65 days. She may rest in her nesting box and knead with her front paws. The second stage of labor in cats begins with stronger, more frequent uterine contractions that eventually lead to the birth of a kitten. Often the date of birth of a pet is not known because it has not been with us since birth. Pregnant and lactating cats have a much higher metabolic demand associated with growing, birthing, and feeding kittens, so these diets can help ensure sufficient nutrition. There are some signs that she may be close to giving birth (known as “queening”). During this time, kittens are very susceptible to disease, and it can be stressful to the mom and babies. You can then stimulate the kitten to breathe by firmly stroking their body with a towel. What Is Freeze-Dried Dog Food? VCA Hospitals. It is best to watch your cat from a distance, taking care not to disturb her or make her anxious. Nesting Activities: As the birth gets closer, your pregnant cat may seek out quiet, private places for the birth to take place.This typically begins up to two days prior to labor, but it may only begin a few hours prior. 4. Once the kittens are 3 to 4 weeks old, you can begin the weaning process by giving them access to kitten food. In the cat pregnancy generally lasts for 63 to 65 days; however, it is not unusual for some cats to carry a normal litter for either a shorter or longer time (range 58 to 70 days). This anxious late-pregnancy behavior is a sign that she's about to begin nesting -- essentially looking for a calm, warm, quiet and safe place to give birth to her litter peacefully. If there is too much commotion around her, she may become stressed and neglect her kittens. The mother and her kittens should be kept in a quiet, low-traffic area of the house. Julia lives in Sydney with her family, four cats and two dogs. You can use newspaper or towels as bedding. Avoid giving medications and vaccines while your cat is nursing. Watch for “poor doers” or the “runts of the litter” (kittens who are much smaller and not growing as quickly as their littermates), as they could have underlying health conditions affecting their ability to grow. Signs That Your Cat Is Going to Give Birth:A pregnant cat is generally pretty self-sufficient and knows what she needs to do to give birth to her kittens.But knowing what to expect as an owner will help you spot any problems before they start and get vets assistance if something does occur that the cat can’t deal with. In addition, cats should never be vaccinated during pregnancy. A nesting box should be provided for the queen two weeks prior to delivery so she can settle in. If you do not know when the pussy cat was born, you have to approximately calculate the cat's age through certain observations. You can mix dry kibble with water (and let it soak to make the kibbles softer) or canned kitten food to make it easier for them to eat. Any queen that is being used for breeding should be current on her vaccinations and preventatives prior to pregnancy. When you start to wonder if your cat is pregnant, look for the following signs: After about two weeks, your cat's nipples may grow and become more pink. Cats usually have 4 pairs of mammary glands. They should still have constant access to the queen, who will continue to nurse them. There are some signs that she may be close to giving birth (known as “queening”). Full author bio Contact Julia, (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}), About   Privacy policy   Disclaimer   Linking policy   FAQ   Contact   Sitemap Copyright © - All Rights Reserved. Elsevier. Giving birth to kittens. Approximately 2 days before your cat gives birth, she’ll start to produce milk. Contact your vet if you your cat does any of the following: Has redness and swelling in any of her mammary glands. She enjoys photography, gardening and running in her spare time. These are all pre-labour signs, but many may occur right up to the actual birth. Williams Krista. Around 35 days a pregnant cat’s nipples will often turn bright pink and may express milky fluid. Sometimes it’s so hard to tell that a cat is pregnant that you don’t know until you’ve got a litter of kittens. Cancer and tumors. You can use a timer to keep track of the time between kittens to make sure there isn’t a problem. The gestation of a cat is 63-65 days so if your your cat is approaching this, these are the signs to look out for: Increase in size of mammary glands – The mammary glands increase in size during the last week of gestation. The pet owner should have already prepared a nesting box for the queen, although sometimes the queen herself will choose another location. The gestation period (the time span between conception and birth) of a cat is generally about sixty-three days long, a little over two months. Here are some tips for caring for your cat’s kittens safely. But make sure there are accessible unheated areas, as kittens will need to be able to move away from the heat source if they become too warm. 5th edition. Signs of impending birth include an increase in the size of the mammary glands (breasts), milk production, nesting, drop in body temperature, loss of appetite, genital licking and restlessness. Just as is the case with human childbirth, cats do not give birth to a firmly fixed schedule, and so you should potentially be prepared for a few days’ difference between the guidelines and the reality of what will happen with your own cat! You might also be able to observe some shallow and rapid breathing, and possibly a slight flaring of your kitty's nostrils during the beginning faint contractions. Pregnancy in cats usually goes smoothly, but premature contractions and labor do happen from time to time. Flea anemia is one of the most common causes of death in young kittens. Genital licking:  This is a sign that delivery is very close. She will start nesting: Seeking out a quiet and safe spot for her to deliver her kittens. According to the ASPCA, a cat can have an average of four to six kittens per litter, and can have one to two litters per year. Here’s what you need to know about providing the right food for a pregnant cat. Restlessness: About 24 to 48 hours before labor, the pregnant queen may seem restless or anxious.She may go in and out of her nesting area, almost as if pacing. The most simple signs are that she will be eating and drinking more often, and will be more affectionate. If your female cat is around a male cat that is not neutered, she could become pregnant again before she is even done weaning her current litter. Over the next few weeks, they will rely more and more on kitten food rather than nursing. Is It Better Than Dehydrated Dog Food. Although you may want to pet and hold the kittens constantly, do not intervene too much in the first week or two of their lives. Many veterinarians recommend deworming at regular intervals, starting at 2 to 4 weeks of age, and vaccinating at 6 weeks of age. Kittens’ eyes generally open around 7 to 10 days of age. Just as it is with human childbirth, cats do not give birth to a tightly fixed schedule. Special pet topics. Swollen nipples and milk discharge: In the days leading up to the birth, her nipples will increase in size, around two days before she gives birth, they will produce milk. So for the first four weeks of their lives, you should provide a warm, clean box or bedding for the mother and kittens to share. Pregnant cats are very independent and will usually find their own quiet area to nest before giving birth. Cats can also suffer from false pregnancy, or pseudopregnancy. Drop in body temperature: A day or two before her birth, her temperature will drop to 99F (37.2C). When a cat is pregnant, they are typically referred to as a “queen.” Usually a queen’s behavior will not greatly change during pregnancy, but some cats may become either more affectionate or aggressive. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}), Julia Wilson is a cat expert with over 20 years of experience writing about a wide range of cat topics, with a special interest in cat health, welfare and preventative care. Common spots queens choose is the back of a wardrobe or inside drawers. Loss of appetite: A few hours before she gives birth it’s quite common for her to lose interest in eating. Once your cat has given birth, the real work begins. The behavior of a cat in heat is changed and she is likely to get pregnant if meeting a male cat. A greenish-black mass of fetal membranes (sometimes called “afterbirth”) is expelled after passage of each kitten. Do NOT use over-the-counter dewormers on your pregnant or nursing cat, as some of these could be dangerous. The cat’s behaviour alters little until the final week of the pregnancy. You can use a large cardboard box with low sides, making it easy for your cat to step in and out, or simply put down soft, clean bedding. Newborn kittens should be nursing every one to two hours, so your cat will likely be with them constantly for the first week or two. The cat gestation period can vary from as short as 61 days to as long as 72 days. Given birth, she’ll start to produce milk to check on them during.... Mind that because of the way of children and other pets your thumb and.. Is in heat is over and can last for up to the queen two weeks before delivery she. The pussy cat was just getting a little round from extra snacks down and any. To nurse them kittens will naturally scratch in the pregnancy cat space to get from! For her as soon as possible regulate their own quiet area to nest before giving birth to higher-calorie... 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