Be ready to Drop, Cover, and Hold On if you feel an aftershock. earthquake preparedness Earthquakes are a fact of life in California. State Capitol Hold earthquake drills with your family. It contains chemicals like iodine, chlorine, and other disinfectant agents. When one is in bed during the earthquake, protect the head with the pillow. Learn how to shut off the gas valves in your home and keep a wrench handy for that purpose. Prepare the food, water, vitamins, or clothes. However, there are instances when aftershocks cause additional damage to the properties and death of loved ones. Before an Earthquake: Preparedness Tips Encourage your family, friends and co-workers to practice DROP, COVER and HOLD ON or LOCK, COVER and HOLD ON (for wheelchair or walker users) drills at home and at work. Self-check for Earthquake Safety" is a 12-point questionnaire homeowners can use to assess the earthquake readiness of their house. Decide how and where your family will reunite if separated or if travel becomes difficult. Meanwhile, if one chooses to prepare his own water supply, choose containers that are air-tight and food-grade water storage containers. Send a message or call them if possible. Sacramento, CA 95814 This is true for cats, hamsters, birds, and dogs. Do not use your vehicle except in an emergency. Make sure that it can be replenished on a regular basis. Inside the meter box, one can find a valve that looks like the gas meter valve. Now, check out the checklist below to equip the family before the earthquake attacks: Sometimes we might not know where and when will an earthquake occurs. Indeed, the administration has to oversee the safety of its citizens. Examples of which are a knife and can opener. Examples of which are extra eyeglasses, medications, hearing aid batteries, sanitation items, and contact lens solutions. Orient each family member so they will know what to do, even if they are outside the home when an earthquake happens. Learn where to take cover during an earthquake. Earthquake Preparedness Checklist – 15+ Immediate Tips: Family Planning for Earthquake Safety . Although this is a good method of purifying water, some people do not like it since it produces a smell of chlorine, which they find rather frustrating. Cover them with blankets to keep them warm while medical assistance is on the way. Inside the meter box, one can find a valve that looks like the gas meter valve. For those who have pets, make sure to identify a safe place for them. Take the food, water, and other necessaries. After natural calamities, clothes are important to keep one warm, especially when living in a cold climate. Common survival measures include storing food and water for an emergency, and educating individuals what to do during an earthquake. For millennials, get ready some extra batteries, charger, or portable internet for the gadgets. Bring cash, gadgets, and other important documents. After all, the life of our family members is important. Keep preparing! Japan has wonderful mitigating plans which the United States can adapt accordingly. Also, have a manual such as Standard First Aid & Personal Safety by the American Red Cross.Have Designate an out-of-state friend or relative that separated family members can call to report their whereabouts and condition. If you live in an earthquake-prone region, take charge. Cooperate fully with public safety officials. Earthquake Preparedness: Must-Have List - Alameda, CA - Every earthquake, large or small, is a reminder to put together an earthquake kit or update your supplies. Apart from preparing the kit and the home before an earthquake strikes, familiarize oneself with the earthquake drill too. EARTHQUAKE PREPAREDNESS CHECKLIST (EPC) * Health & Safety Code 1596.867 requires an Earthquake Preparedness Checklist be included as an attachment to the Emergency Disaster Plan (LIC 610, LIC 610A and 610A (SP)) and be made accessible to … Currently, there isn't a way to predict when and where they'll occur, but it's always a good idea to be prepared for one. However, each individual has his own role to play to achieve a safe and environment whenever calamities strike. If it’s impossible to put out the fire, call the fire department for help. Earthquake Preparedness Checklist Batteries: Keep a steady supply of batteries and replace them on a regular basis. However, with preparation, we can mitigate its effects on the family and the community. There are more actions to take, but it all depends on the strategies of the family. Make sure not to use the elevators and take the stairs instead. Earthquake Safety And Preparedness Tips. Apart from the solids, store enough liquid for the family. According to the agency, the citizens are at the bottom of the pyramid. Turn on your portable or car radio for information and safety advisories. First aid kit and manual. EARTHQUAKE PREPAREDNESS EARTHQUAKE PREPAREDNESS CHECKLIST Most people would associate the risk of earthquakes with well‐publicized and seismically active areas like California, parts of Washington State, and some areas of Nevada and Utah. Are you prepared for the “Big One?” Homeowners should take the necessary precautions to minimize property damage before a quake strikes. Move away from display shelves containing objects that could fall. If it needed to be restored, have a professional do it instead. Make certain shelves are securely fastened. Put them inside the cage when necessary. Drop to the ground, get under something sturdy like a table or desk, and hold on for at least 60 seconds. However, prepare the basic kitchen utensils to aid in times of need. Most telephones will be out of order or used for emergency purposes, so portable radios or digital televisions will be your best source of information. Ifyouareinavehicle,pullovertoaclear locationandstop.Avoidbridges, … Indeed, it is better to get ready whenever disaster strikes. Avoid driving or going sight-seeing on damaged properties. This is especially true for those who live in high-earthquake risk areas. Post a message inside your home indicating where you can be found. Earthquake Preparedness Checklist There is a 99% chance of a magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquake striking the Golden State during the next 30 years, according to the California Earthquake Authority. Most earthquake-related injuries result from collapsing walls or floors, flying glass, and falling objects as a result of the ground shaking or people trying to move more than a few feet during the shaking. Surviving an earthquake and reducing its health impact requires preparation, planning, and practice. Pullover and stay inside the car. Adults and children should always carry an emergency card. Of those whose homes remained intact, many were temporarily without water, electricity and phone service. There can be power outages during calamities, thus, a light source is important. Tel: (916) 319-2063 off grid cooking. If there is damage, turn utilities off at the source. The above-mentioned tips are some of the most common things experts recommend. Be aware of its expiration date and replenish it once the supply is depleted. Meanwhile, do turn off the gas if the emergency exits. Some of the reunion points are the home, neighbors, school, or community centers. Food: Store at least a three days of non-perishable food. Do not turn on the gas, let the gas company do it. Also, this can signal some help on the rescuers, so make sure to have one always. Before the Earthquake. Learn how to turn off gas, water and electricity. Water: Store in air-tight containers and replace about every six months. If someone has stopped breathing, give a CPR, but be sure to follow the guidelines as set by the American Heart Association. To have the right sources of nutrients, have some dried fruits or cereals on the package too. Replace the water containers every 6 months. It’s also time to get into the habit of an annual or semi-annual prep review , where you check your supplies, update anything expired, swap out winter and summer clothes in your go-bags, check contact info, etc. Earthquake Safety Checklist Portable, battery-powered radio or television and spare batteries. Food: Store at least a three days of non-perishable food. According to FEMA, it is appropriate to have a supply of special needs items. Men can’t go for a few days without food, but they can survive longer with even water alone. It is a good practice to keep a flashlight beside the bed. In this regard, we have a portable radio, TV, and some batteries. Whenever the family members were outside the home when the earthquake happened, prepare a place to reunite. Do not interfere with the relief and rescue efforts of the authorities. Check building for cracks and damage, including roof, chimneys and foundation. For an unlimited power supply, invest in a powered generator inside the house. Read the product labels to be guided accordingly. The earthquake preparedness is taken at various levels, such as individual, household, organizational, or societal. When the earthquake stops, orient the family members to check if anyone has injuries. America's PrepareAthon! : Understanding the Facts on Bottled Waters, 52-Week Savings Plan for Preppers and Beginners, 5 Cardiac Diet Recipes for a Stronger Heart. Secure water heater and refrigerator. Preventive action can reduce loss resulting from earthquake shaking as well as the risk of post-earthquake fires. Thus, it is best to have on-hand emergency supplies at home, office, or car. The U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) describes this as a pyramid. Install strong latches or bolts on cabinets. If in case that the bottled water becomes unavailable, worry not, because there are other ways to purify water and make it safe for drinking. If the earthquake happens and one is outdoors, place oneself in safe locations. Also, make sure that the beddings are clean and available when necessary. EARTHQUAKE CHECKLIST Earthquakes strike suddenly, without warning, and they can occur at any time of the year, day or night. Place heavy items on lower shelves. Gather the necessary supplies and see to it that it has an ID. Flashlights: Have several flashlights placed throughout your home. This includes a pipe wrench, adjustable/ crescent wrench, saw, and hammer. Portable Radio: Know your local emergency radio stations. First Aid Kit: Make sure your kit is well stocked, especially with bandages and disinfectants. Report the emergency immediately to medical personnel. Whereas, there are violent seismic activities that can destroy even big cities. Ask the local fire department to determine which product is the best for the household. If one needs to be evacuated, there can be few spending like on food, gas, and others along the way. Unlike other natural disasters, earthquakes can’t be predicted and occur without warning. Meanwhile, do turn off the gas if the emergency exits. Do not touch the broken appliances or downed lines because this might cause electrocution. Pull over to the side of the road and come to a full stop. With this, one can be connected to the outside world, even if the connection is becoming an issue. Earthquake Preparedness Checklist This checklist outlines specific steps to take to reduce the chance of potential injuries, property damage, and down time. An active person will require to drink at least ½ gallon of drinking water daily. Besides that, they aren’t limited to the West Coast of the U.S. and can happen anywhere, anytime. Expect aftershocks to follow the main shock of an earthquake. Fax: (562) 529-3255, Privacy and Conditions of Use | Accessibility | General Disclaimer | © 2021 California State Assembly Democratic Caucus, Special Education Town Hall with Assemblymember Garcia (English and Spanish), Blue Ribbon Commission on Early Childhood Education. Preparedness measures Preparedness can consist of survival measures, preparation that will improve survival in the event of an earthquake, or mitigating measures, that seek to minimise the effect of an earthquake. This can store electricity for long hours and days. Go with products that do not require extensive preparation. An earthquake is a natural phenomenon, and it pertains to the sudden shaking of the earth. When the earthquake happens, shut off the utility services of the home. How to Opt for goods that last at least 72 hours, such as canned or dehydrated foods. Preparing For An Earthquake: A Complete Preparedness Checklist, U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Coronavirus: All You Need To Know About Signs, Symptoms, And Risks, 7 Beneficial Insects To Your Garden Or Lawn That You Must Learn Now, Get Home Bag Backpacks And Starter List To Buy Immediately, DIY Greenhouse Plans: Easy Plans To Build Now At Home, Morakniv Bushcraft Black Carbon Steel Survival Knife with Fire Starter Review, Wild Edible Plants For Survival You Didn’t Know Existed Around You, 10 Best Tube Tents for Camping and Emergency Survival Shelter, 10 Best Survival Backpacks You Should Own Today. A portable stove and matches are also important, and don’t forget the can opener! As a country in the Pacific Ring of Fire, their plans are not to stop earthquakes but to go with its flow. Best DIY Chicken Nesting Boxes Ideas To Create, DIY Homemade Febreze With Essential Oils And Other Natural Ingredients, 8 Best Mosquito Traps To Buy That Works Indoors, Paracord Knots: Its Usage, Benefits, And Instructions For Beginners, Five Survival Skills Every Child Should Know In The Modern Times, Tips On How To Make Your Groceries Last As Long As Possible, Get Home Bag Backpack Content List to Own Today, My Patriot Supply-Patriot Pantry Food Items Review, 10 Best Emergency Candles For Outdoor Enthusiasts And Survivalists, Top 15 Best Bushcraft Knives to Have for Your Money, Easy, Nutritious, and Delicious Camping Meals to Try for the Whole Family, How Long Does Bottled Water Last? Your family needs to be prepared before an earthquake hits. Have one too at the workplace and in the car. Keep a supply of non-perishable food, which is according to the family’s diet. emergency preparedness plans Determine in advance whether the school’s policy is to hold or to release your children in the event of an emergency. Any parts of the world can experience an earthquake, and it strikes without prior notice. Click here for a printable checklist to get your family prepared for an earthquake! Earthquake Preparedness Resources useful information to help you prepare for an earthquake. This is true, especially for children. Store at least 1 gallon of water each person per day. Learn locations of nearby hospitals, clinics, fire stations, etc. Turn it in the same direction as one does in the gas meter. Though a source of light is essential during disasters, however, experts do not advise the use of candles and matches after an earthquake because there might be gas leaks near the area. So, be sure to take all possible means to prevent injury or death of a loved one. With this, electric gadgets can be charged, and one can communicate with loved ones and authorities when needed. Dollar Collapse Predictions: What Will Happen When It Happens? Thus, children, pregnant, and ill members of the family need more water. Check for gas and water leaks, broken electrical wiring or sewage lines. Create a family and a workplace emergency plan that includes how they will contact or reconnect with you if separated. If communication is impossible and the member is still missing, report the issue to the authorities to ask for some assistance. Always remember to put mind above all else. For latest COVID-19 updates, please see our dedicated page or Surviving an earthquake is easy if we could just learn to react accordingly. Keep the water on its original container, and do not open the seal until needed. Get into an open area away from trees, buildings, walls and power lines. Test them on a regular basis. (877), Information Supplied By: California Emergency Management Agency, American Red Cross, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Capitol Office Make sure you’re prepared for the next earthquake. Lastly, one can disinfect the water with the use of disinfection tablets. Think about communications, since the chances are the phone company and possibly cell towers will be down. Even texting on loved ones who are outside the home can be problematic, especially if the internet is not working. Food, water, sleeping bags and extra clothes. Stay inside instead, and protect the members of the household. The kit must also include a manual to be guided on how to respond accordingly. The real key to surviving an earthquake and reducing your risk of injury lies in planning, preparing, and practicing what you and your family will do if it happens. Have some fire extinguishers inside the home and even in the car. Also, ensure that the copies of credit and other essential documents like insurance policies and financial records are in a safe place and easy to reach when needed. Use a whistle, flashlight, or any gadgets on the body. Don’t drive on the bridges or overpasses that are deteriorating. This can be achieved through information dissemination and providing adequate resources for them. Thus, the telephones, cell phones, or other gadgets may lose their connection. Our Earthquake Checklist details the steps to take to minimize losses from this unpredictable peril. Only use your phone for emergencies and to call your out-of-area contact to inform them of your status. Fire Extinguisher: Have your extinguisher recharged regularly. Clean up the spilled gasoline and other flammable liquids to prevent injuries. Boiling is the safest method that is known to all mankind. Such is the case of the Earthquake Preparedness, which pertains to a set of measures taken to minimize the dreadful effects. In buying groceries, avoid foods that will make one thirsty. Earthquakes A tremor of the surface of the Earth, sometimes severe and devastating, which results from shock waves generated by the movement of rock masses deep within the Earth, particularly near boundaries of tectonic plates. Prepare some basic tools inside the home or in the car. If there are babies in the family, then ready in advance the formula milk, pacifiers, bottles, and diapers. The greatest danger from falling debris is outside and close to outer walls. Collect an extra supply of food for babies, people on restricted diets and even your pets! In times of disasters, one does not have the luxury to cook food that needs long hours of cooking. Although it comes without warning, there are several measures to do to minimize its effect. The first method is boiling. Stay calm and stay active helping others. Be aware of your risk level. Maintain a first aid kit to tend to wounds or other illnesses. With this, the family will be conditioned on how to react correctly and spontaneously whenever shaking happens. Lakewood, CA 90712 Get under a desk or table or stand in a corner. Special Items: Keep at least a one-week supply of medications, eyeglasses, blankets and sleeping bags, extra cash and any other goods you think you may need during an earthquake emergency. A basic emergency supply kit … Thus, this article aims to introduce what is an earthquake preparedness. Also, this can help the household update with news and communicate with authorities. Some of the things to have in advance are the jacket, shirt, hat, gloves, pants, undergarments, shoes, socks, blankets, and sleeping bags. Earthquake Safety Checklist 5 Home Preparedness In the event of an earthquake, you may be instructed to shut off the utility services at your home. If there is any bleeding, apply direct pressure to the wound. The need for water differs on every person depending on physical condition, diet, activity, climate, and health. For more information, consult the local utilities near the area. Do not use candles, matches or other open flames during or after the tremor in case of possible gas leaks. In a nutshell, an earthquake is inevitable. Furthermore, they should have a carrier or a leash to have them close when an aftershock strikes. LDS Cannery/ Home Storage Centers: How Can You Use Their Products? Fax: (916) 319-2163, District Office: Flashlight, portable radio and batteries. Some areas can experience weak tremors that cannot be felt. 4 Earthquake Safety Checklist have a battery-powered CB, other two-way radio, or wind-up powered radio. 4909 Lakewood Blvd., Suite 400 Move away from tall buildings, streetlights, electrical posts, and big trees. Large or heavy items should be closest to the floor. If one lives in a coastal area, be aware of a possible tsunami. 8. The ATMs and banks might be closed after an earthquake, thus, they have some cash or coins in the wallet. Inspect the home for other possible damages with the use of a flashlight. Obtain emergency water from water heaters, melted ice cubes and canned vegetables. Discard food that is already expired because this might cause further health problems. Train each member of the family on how to turn off the electricity, gas, and water outlets. Then, filter the water through a coffee filter or clean cloth. Thus, keep them as close as possible. Every member of the family must know how to drop, cover, and hold on when there is an earthquake. Most of the time, it is due to the collapsing building, falling debris, and others. To assemble your kit store items in airtight plastic bags and put your entire disaster supplies kit in one or two easy-to-carry containers such as plastic bins or a duffel bag. Be aware of hazards like falling tree branches and other debris, downed electrical wires and damaged roadways. Emergency Supply List . Just follow the instruction of the tablets before putting them in the water. Tools: Keep an adjustable wrench for turning off gas and water mains. For more information, consult the local utilities near the area. Add a map to your DR plan and make sure everyone is aware of the earthquake risk level in your specified region. Examples of which are a sturdy table or against inside walls. Do not move any person who is seriously injured. Thereafter, be sure to store the water supplies in a cool dark place. There are four basic steps you can take to be more prepared for an earthquake:Step 1:Secure your space by identifying hazards and securing moveable items.Step 2:Plan to be safe by creating a disaster plan and deciding how you will communicate in an emergency.Step 3:Organize disaster supplies in … Meanwhile, Class ABC can be used in any type of fire. Earthquake Insurance Information: Tel: (562) 529-3250 Additionally, preplanning ensures timely post-earthquake response and rapid restoration of operations. List three places where family members should plan to go if they cannot stay in or return to their home. Turn it in the same direction as one does in the gas meter. Visit the websites below to learn more about California earthquakes and how to prepare your family and your home, before the next damaging earthquake strikes. Keep a first aid kit at home and in your car. Take note that fire extinguishers come for certain types of fires like gas, grease, or electrical fire. Put the bleach on the water, let it settle, and filter using a clean cloth or coffee filter. Read these tips for Being Prepared for an Earthquake provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Place large and heavy objects and breakable items (bottled foods, glass or china) on lower shelves. Basic Disaster Supplies Kit. For example, opt for salt-free crackers, canned goods with high liquid content, and whole-grain cereals. Consult your local utilities if you need more information. Turn off all the water sources in the premises by locating the water meter box. The aftershocks can be less violent than the main one. This will tackle the things to get ready either at the individual or household level. This is due to the shifting of the rock underneath the surface. These examples can be prevented easily by following a few steps. Opt for bottled water during emergencies. When the pet is lost, it might take time and effort to find it. Stay inside your car until the shaking is over. Do not move seriously injured individuals unless they’re in immediate danger. Room 219 Lastly, prepare for any aftershocks. When trapped under debris, do not panic and think of an escape. If there members of the family who are missing, just keep calm and wait for them at the reunion points. If possible, move to an open area. Another method is through bleaching. If it needed to be restored, … After an earthquake, the signal may be jammed. Turn off all the water sources in the premises by locating the water meter box. Teach responsible members of your family how to turn off the gas, electricity, and water at valves and main switches. When covering, it is not advisable to move immediately since there is a high risk of encountering some injury. Read on to check out our recommendations for staying safe after an earthquake. Be aware of the danger spots which are near breaking window glass, falling mirrors, falling chimneys, and other unsecured types of furniture. Staythereuntiltheshakingstops(away frombuildings,powerlines,trees, streetlights). If one is driving his car, stop as quickly as safety permits. Make sure not to use a color-safe, scented, or bleacher with added cleansers because the chemicals might be harmful to the body. Assess the environment first then move when it is safe to do so. 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