Trail Description Photos 1 2. The return would be down the Gorge Path. The pile of rocks atop Dorr Mountain anchors this marker in place. The trail will pass the East Face trail for Dorr Mountian and the Ladder Trail. At mile 2.3, the trail culminates at the Canon Brook Trail. It was tough to enjoy myself at the top of Dorr, though. Our Plan was to take the North Ridge trail over Kebo, then up towards Dorr but to then take a turn to Cadillac. The North Ridge Trail starts around the Sieur du Mont Springs area and the Jesup Trail. From the trail junction, hike south for a few minutes to tag the actual summit marker. The view from the peak of Dorr Mountain is just as splendid as those I had seen on the way up. Dorr Mountain Summit. Parked at the Notch Trail parking and walked the loop road to the Kebo Mountain trail head. From the peak, head south onto the Dorr South Ridge Trail as it descends the southern ridge. Once at the trail intersection at the top of Dorr Mountain, hike south just a bit to tag the summit marker. The trail is a steady climb. From here, you can choose to follow the North or South Ridge trail. The mostly open terrain of the north ridge affords wonderful views of Huguenot Head and Dorr Mountain, as well as the village of Bar Harbor and the jumble of islands just offshore. This trail is about 1.3 miles long and ends on the summit of Dorr Mountain. While there are many hiking routes up the mountain, one of the most popular is the Champlain North Ridge Trail, a scenic hike of just over a mile. Shortly before reaching the summit, you’ll come to the 4 way intersections where all Dorr Mountain trails converge. The Trail. Then we decided to maybe climb all three mountains. Hiked up Kebo then on to Dorr Mt via the Northridge trail. It’s less exposed than the Precipice and Beehive, but still fun, and Dorr is a much larger mountain than Champlain (Precipice) and the Beehive are. Cadillac Mountain has many interconnected trails that lead to the summit, but the most unique is the Gorge Path. Kebo Mountain and Dorr North Ridge Trails est un sentier allez-retour de 3.4 miles modérément fréquenté situé près de Bar Harbor, Maine. The trail is now known as the Schiff Path and it heads west uphill to the summit ridge of Dorr Mountain. We didn't met a soul on the Kebo/North ridge Trails, but the Notch Trail was group after group of hikers. " The views are wonderful in every direction, especially the taller Cadillac Mountain to the west. Le sentier offre plusieurs activités et est accessible toute l'année. Click on the image to see a larger version. The Ladder Trail, or the East Face Trail, connect to the Schiff Path for the hike to the summit. Hiked down to the Notch and took the Notch trail back to the car. From the top of Dorr Mountain, the views are stunning, with a great vantage point of the Mt Desert Narrows to the east and Cadillac Mountain to the west. Le sentier vous présentera des fleurs sauvages et sa difficulté est évaluée comme modérée. Les chiens sont les bienvenus sur ce sentier mais seulement en laisse. From the summit marker, there are so many options for your return hike. Just to the east of Cadillac Mountain is its smaller sibling, Dorr Mountain, and their close proximity creates a narrow and dark gorge between the two. I will admit I am heartbroken we did not take more photos of this trail as what we have to share here does not do it justice. To your right is the North Ridge Trail, straight ahead is the Cadillac – Dorr connector trail, and to your left, the trail you’ll follow briefly is the South Ridge Trail to Dorr Mountain’s summit. To complete the loop hike, a good option is to continue hiking down the Dorr Mountain South Ridge Trail. Continue on the Kane trail until it eventually climbs up and reaches a trail junction with the Dorr Mountain South Ridge Trail.