Or if they did, they probabky inflated the numbers with pellets made of foam, or god knows what else. Carabine Daisy Model 880 Rifle. Although I did take out many squirrels with the 2200. RWS 8.2 grain pellets – 687 fps. on April 26, 2014, 07:53:16 PM, SimplePortal 2.3.4 © 2008-2011, SimplePortal, Just a hunter always looking to improve his skills, The Great Northwest, United States, Washington. Three different air rifles,same ammo,same target,and same Yahoo shooting them.Luck? Yes the Crosman … My 901 is appreciably more powerful than my 2100. The Powerline 880 can be modified to include a sight and scope if desired. It wasn't until one of my neighbors got a Daisy 880 that I began to appreciate Daisy a little but more. 649. Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. The sights are MUCH better on the 901 than the 2100. I have not personally used the 901, but I would give it a try. Easily the most bang for your buck under $50. The 760 is less expensive but also less powerful. Skill? Post Jan 13, 2012 #7 2012-01-13T00:41 … Rastatt. But it Has a Plastic Receiver: Lets get over it already. The crosman 2100 of old probably was stronger, or on par at a minimum. I would give the Daisy Powerline 880 pellet gun 4 stars out of 5 stars. I have a 2 year old Daisy 901 that I have been happy with, it is actually more powerful than my Crosman 2100, even though Crosman says it is stronger, what bunk! The Crosman 664 is another nice airgun. The Crosman broke within a year. Accuracy - Similar. The fiber optic sight is an amazing up grade from the scoop or … I plan on using this guns for pest birds, close range tree rats, and general plinking. It wasn't until one of my neighbors got a Daisy 880 that I began to appreciate Daisy a little but more. Power - Both generally deliver around 7 to 8ft-lbs of muzzle energy, or IOW around 650fps with 8gr pellets. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP, Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media. They are powerful and durable. Brand. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. If I were to only purchase one of them and NOT the other, and money was not an object I would get the 901. It's based on the old Powermaster 66. Definitely meets all my criteria to be a truck gun - especially the criteria for price. They are easy to handle, lightweight enough to carry thoughout the day but heavy enough to give the shooter great accuracy and aim. Durability - If you don't abuse them and lubricate them properly, either will generally last for years. Granted the rifled Daisy 880 is the least expensive super accurate rifled barrel gun out there but... for $20 more but it is single feed and this 760 has a 5 shot pellet clip that is super convenient. Daisy Outdoor Products 880 Rifle with Scope. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Vintage Daisy Model 880 BB Pellet Pneumatic Pump Rifle - .177 /BB Rifle at the best online … I liked the Daisy better. If I had to pick between the Daisy 880 and Crosman760, I would take the 880 About the Design of the Daisy 880: The Daisy 880 is one of the best designed multi pump rifles … The Daisy Power Line 856 von Brandon McDonough vor 9 Jahren 8 Minuten, 23 Sekunden 6.955 Aufrufe Shooting a watermelon with the , daisy powerline 856 , 15ft-20ft away. Mettre en place 50 BB dans le magazine et chaque fois que vous tirez en arrière le levier, la charge d'une bille en acier. I should probably start reading the manual BEFORE trying to operate an airgun. I only with it was still offered with a metal receiver. The 901 is well balanced, accurate, and seems to be holding up well, I use it regularly. From 1972 through 1983 the Daisy 880 was a smooth bore long gun. The Crosman 2100 is generally considered the best of the dual-ammo multi-pump pneumatics. PC77 steel breech 18.7" barrel, 700 fps @ 15 & 755 @ 20 pumps with 7.4g Crosman points. They're both a great way to learn to shoot for cheap, or to take out some tasty small game at close ranges (anyone who tells you it can't be done humanely hasn't tried it, or has a "real" gun bias). Rastatt. (4) It produces about 6.3 ft-lbs of muzzle energy, which again, while not great is respectable. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. I Know that thru the 70s-80s and early 90s the 2100 was the more powerful but the 880 was more popular in Nevada because of the way they looked. Even in it's current plastic configuration, no doubt the 880 is a good little gun. Here’s the chronograph video… Daisy vs Crosman ! I got the 901 and I like it. Overall Length - The 2100 is 39.75 inches to 37.6 for the 880… I'm hoping that somewhere a young … the 901 is synthetic where the 880 is plain old plastic. Right now I am very disappointed with Crosman, I am considering another of their Co2 2240 pattern pistols, but in a different configuration from my regular model of 2240 pistol. Elle est caractérisée par une crosse et ante-bras de Monte Carlo en fibre de bois. I just upgraded the front sight to a fiber optic sight that I bought on Amazon. La carabine à air comprimé de multi-pompage le plus vendu Daisy. During that time the Daisy 881 was the rifled version. the 901 is only around $25 more than an 880, the better stock and barrel supports and the better front sight is worth it to me. The classic woodgrain handle and sleek steel barrel consistently get great reviews from faithful users. That is pretty powerful for a .177 caliber pneumatic rifle of any kind, beat out only by the Crosman Legacy 1000 in multi pump pneumatic rifles, the PCP’s that are more powerful are way to expensive to be worth it, and the springers that are more powerful are more of a bad joke. You just can’t beat the Powerline 880 for $54.00. No doubt it is a super handy little gun to tote in it's … To the best of my knowledge the 901 and Daisy 880 are equal in power, accuracy, and identical in internal design. I'd take an older sheridan to either though . The Crosman Legacy 1000 is producing even higher pressures in its air chamber, so it is going to take a better strike of the hammer to open the valve fast enough to use all the Air pressure to push the pellet down the barrel. Weight - The 2100 weighs 4.8lbs to 3.1lbs for the 880 . Anything bigger you need a daisy 880. After 1984 the Daisy 880 is rifled,… Daisy vs Crosman ! Crosman has been coming out with new guns but I don't plan to buy any of them, wish Daisy would offer as nice a variety too. The 901 I am told has multiple straw barrel stabilizers in it as well to improve out of the box accuracy. Daisy 880: Since 1972 Daisy has been making some very nice Multi Pump Pneumatic Air Rifles. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media. All Springer/NP/PCP Air Gun Discussion General, http://www.gatewaytoairguns.org/GTA/index.php?topic=98049.0, Quote from: Trigg603 on April 21, 2014, 10:21:35 PM, Quote from: DavidS on April 21, 2014, 10:05:15 PM, Quote from: K.O. The scope that comes with the gun isn't the best, I don't even use it. 2100 is very accurate-it deserves a decent scope not. The stock does flex a bit when pumping and although it is annoying, I haven't found a solution. No doubt it is a super handy little gun to tote in it's current plastic form. Re: Crosman 2100 vs Daisy Powerline 880 « Reply #2 on: May 15, 2008, 07:11:43 AM » personally, since I have shot both, I prefer the crosman 2100 (classic). I bought a little BSA 4x32 to put on it. SUPER EASY Red Ryder BB Jam Fix! So here is the project; I got this $30.00 760 because it doesn't come with a worthless scope. The sound of the 901 firing is different than my Crosman 2100, and I believe that the 901 puts the pellets out a bit faster. Here is a buy link to the new version: Page 10/22. Crosman also decided that a stronger hammer spring was in order, I agree with them. Crosman 2100 vs Daisy 880. As a boy, in my home town it was Crosman vs. Daisy, and I grew up a huge fan of Crosman. The current model retails for about $50 from Pyramid Air. The front sight on my 2100 is too wide for precise shooting, while the 901's front sight is much thinner. They are both fiberoptic, and I do like that. Recoil Spring, it's funny because it's true. The Daisy 880 is by far my favorite bb gun. Powerline 880 is the flagship of the Daisy Product line. The 901 is supposed to be a bit more robust, and that is why it costs a little bit more. As far as pumping the gun, I actually thought my 901 was broken because if I didn't cock the gun before I started pumping, the air would come out of the barrel. Crosman 760 Powermaster Old Vs New von CHARLES CRANFORD vor 1 Jahr 7 Minuten, 56 Sekunden 25.200 Aufrufe I compare a first variant , Crosman 760 , to a 760 from 2019. Recoil, I've had the same exact experience with my 901 so far. As someone else said, I'd take an old metal 880 over a 2100/2200. I only with it was still offered with a metal receiver. Pellet Hunter .22...I enjoyed a good chuckle on your comments regarding the use of old data with Crosman, the makers of airguns love to use strange pellets to boost their specifications. Daisy Red Ryder BB Gun MOD Daisy Red Ryder BB Gun MOD by envirosponsible 8 years ago 4 minutes, 55 seconds 157,158 views When's the last time you shot a Red Ryder? Today's new 880's are pretty flimsy, and the 901's i have handled in stores seem a little more durable. Not that there is a huge price difference, but an 880 is a less than $50 AG. Both guns have their selling points. Daisy Powerline 901 Air Rifle 2020 It can reliably hit targets and has enough power to kill squirrels and small game from 20 yards. Et pour une bonne raison. I would expect the Daisy 901 to be significantly more powerful than the Crosman 2100, simply because every Daisy 880 that I have shot is much more powerful than ANY Crosman 2100 that I have EVER used, and the Dasiy 880 and 901 share the same exact power plant. by David Yummus 1 year ago 10 minutes, 1 second 54,616 views Daisy Powerline 880 , vs Crosman 760. My 901 is definitely more powerful than my 2100. the daisy is just lighter and easier to pump. 649. They are powerful and durable. And is a darn good one for the price. Crosman 2100 vs Daisy 880 The Crosman 2100 and Daisy 880 are two pretty common BB/pellet guns sold at Walmart. I wish the Crosman Recuit had a rifled barrel. My old metal framed 66 is easier to pump and load and almost as powerful as a 2100 and very accurate. The first in the line being the Daisy 880. The Monty Carlo stock of the 66 makes it easier to scope too. von Daisy 880 Fanatic Fix It vor 7 Monaten 6 Minuten, 2 Sekunden 9.986 Aufrufe This , fix , does work for a defective NEW , I am 6'2" and around 260, and while I agree the 2100 is a larger framed gun, I do find with the 901 comfortable to shoulder and shoot. Crosman 7.9 grain pellets – 695 fps. I agree with airgun_target. I was looking for an enexpensive AG to beat around the dairy farm last week, so I went to Wally world and grabbed the old standby cheap MSP, Crosmn 76 I actually returned the first gun because of this issue. The closest competitors are the Crosman 760, Crosman 2100 and the Umarex NXG APX. 3 out 3 in minus the red ryder incident. von David Yummus vor 1 Jahr 10 Minuten, 1 Sekunde 54.616 Aufrufe Daisy Powerline , 880 vs Crosman 760. IMO you’d be better off buying a daisy 880. Here are the results of a chronograph test on the Daisy Powerline 880 air rifle using lead pellets from 3 different manufacturers. Login with username, password and session length. Crosman Hollow Points shot from a 760 with 10 pumps will drop a squirrel. It’s powerful, accurate, easy to operate, durable and inexpensive. JSB 7.33 grain pellets – 719 fps. They haven't updated those stats since production went downhill, lol. Daisy vs Crosman ! the trigger is … The looseness in the stock is only noticeable if you really hold your hand on it and wiggle it with muscle. I'm going to buy a 901 or 880 today, and want to know which one is more powerful, accurate ( if there is a difference ), and durable. The scope that comes with the gun isn't the best, I don't even use it. I had an opportunity to shoot an old metal framed Daisy 880 a few years ago. As far as I know, the 901 and 880 are the same internally. Angle of the sun? Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. Daisy vs Crosman ! As a boy, in my home town it was Crosman vs. Daisy, and I grew up a huge fan of Crosman. Crosman 760 Pumpmaster® Highlights Crosman 760 Pumpmaster® Highlights von Crosman vor 7 Jahren 2 Minuten, 31 Sekunden 302.821 Aufrufe SUPER EASY Red Ryder BB Jam Fix! The Daisy 880 is by far my favorite bb gun. They have been … Even in it's current plastic configuration, no doubt the 880 is a good little gun. File Type PDF Crosman 760 Manual https://amzn.to/39UG5v7 Here is a ... Daisy 880 \u0026 Crosman 2100 | PIGEON SMACKDOWN | Airgun Evolution Daisy 880 \u0026 Crosman … This can kill but you need that scope to hit a head shot at about 10 to 15 yards. also i can confirm that the 901 does have barrel supports as i had daisy send me a diagram and the supports are there. Gun because of this issue year ago 10 minutes, 1 Sekunde 54.616 Aufrufe Daisy Powerline, 880 vs 760! En fibre de bois like that include a sight and scope if desired Daisy Product line to new. 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