4. A 2 Na1+ Cr2O72-
( 1 N [ � � � � � � � % ' S U \ ] _ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ( * 1 2 4 ] _ f g i � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 2 3 ` a b c e f � � � � � � � � � � # $ % � � � ������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������� CJ H*OJ QJ CJ H*OJ QJ 6�CJ OJ QJ 6�CJ OJ QJ 5�CJ V ( N O � � � � � L M � � � � � � ! " 4 0 obj
They are positive and negative numbers used for balancing the redox reaction. ` CaI 2 11. The oxidation number of oxygen in compounds is usually -2. � t ______________________
12. The Roman numerals in fact show the oxidation number, but in simple ionic compounds this will always be the same as the metal’s ionic charge. ______________________
14. Pb4+ O2- 9. ______________________
Chemistry: Oxidation Numbers and Ionic Compounds
Write the correct formula for the compound formed by each of the following pairs of ions. 1. �!�aP�/�[ȹ;��e㜤��9J���/�H�/@��B�L"e� if�2Z���*�J�6�t#)��S�ϠН)>�F� z�{���q��Җ� �ۚ�u���n��d:��-
����Y� �8��z��z��!ͿDy��搖9G�tHˤCZF�f�!-�i�vɅ. FeSO4 16. Na 2 CO 3 12. Ionic Compounds Chemical Formulas - Tells 2 things. Mg(NO3)2 17. stream
19. � b x���mo9��#���Nc��' �fwoi���qBD"���?W�=~d*�3UhT]5�*�_=~������Ǐ����������ba� �霪�/K�Zc�(�u��VUP�\�8X�t�k}�[j[3Ѿ:�Zo�Y]�](�Ql��f���wkO6
�~zyZU����J3�k�j�Bw��"�쯐���f��쯐���f������%;oY��ݍ跺V4*����6ZiӴ՛�¢�yשv\R�eĦ��t����E�u�'M�B���Խڗ �Ҫ��Pe�t��Q7����VG��������z�V����
��ϵ��n�U5�0�Jckյ�J��zV������ܮ�]]W���_�lj�:'������������^�������ڭ�w��`����ݨݽ#㋑G��""�IS�B�� i�V��3��qK*5�0r� $2u�*m���s�н�\���E����Z} W��ܐ�]|�}�����^u�����yE��/�o�Su�%�.���^��oT����D�7W���g���������y��;ߗ�J~�r�T��6R��oK��{��O��o����;�}�z���xI��N��O Roman Numerals in Ionic Compound Names A Roman numeral in parentheses, followed by the name of the element, is used for elements that can form more than one positive ion. Ga3+ 3 ClO31-
14. a year ago. Ni2+ SO42- 3. Oxidation Numbers and Ionic Compounds Subject: Chemistry Author: Jeff Christopherson Last modified by: Jeff and Indu Christopherson Created Date: 1/16/2004 4:23:00 PM Other titles: Oxidation Numbers and Ionic Compounds Category: Chemistry - Chemical Formulas � The oxidation number for an element in a covalent compound is by taking the oxidation number to be equal to the charge that the element would carry, if all the bonds in the compound were regarded as ionic instead of covalent. 0 are one-atom ions Oxidation numbers: + or –number 1 0 obj
Fe2+ SO42-
17. ______________________
4. X NH41+ NO21-
19. Z The alkali metals (group I) always have an oxidation number of +1. NaCl - Sodium Chloride, MgO - Magnesium oxide, AlCl 3 - Aluminium trichloride, v This notation is usually seen with metals since they commonly display more than one oxidation state or valence. Rule 2: The oxidation number of a monatomic (one-atom) ion is the same as the charge on the ion, for example: Rule 3: The sum of all oxidation numbers in a neutral compound is zero. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
The less electronegative atom is assumed to lose the bonding electrons, so its oxidation number will be positive - it mimics a cation. � � ______________________
������������ � � ������������ȸ�������ȸ�����ȸȸ������ȸȸ������ȸȸ��� 5�B*CJ H*OJ QJ \�ph � 5�B*CJ OJ QJ \�ph � CJ H*OJ QJ 6�CJ OJ QJ 6�CJ \�5�CJ CJ OJ QJ CJ H*OJ QJ H� � � � � � / Dalton's atomic theory. The oxidation number of oxygen in most compounds is − 2. R ? <>
K1+ C2H3O21-
20. Exceptions include OF 2 because F is more electronegative than O, and BaO 2, due to the structure of the peroxide ion, which is [O-O] 2-. Mg2+ 2 NO31-
18. 2 0 obj
In compounds with nonmetals, the oxidation number of hydrogen is +1. � NH4NO2 18. In ionic compounds, the ionic charge of an atom is its oxidation number. � Ga(ClO3)3 13. The oxidation number of a free element is always 0. b��S1��M=Lfƥ����f�|�CZ�:rѲp���MP. 3 NH41+ PO43-
16. What is the charge for an ion in group 1? NaF
2. � Tarnish is from the oxidation of silver in the presence of sulfur-containing compounds (in the air or in food) to give black Ag2S. Positives give electrons; negatives receive. � Compounds and ions. � Chemistry A Ionic Compounds Name_____ Hour: _____ Page 7 Worksheet # 4-Calculating Oxidation Numbers The charge an element has in a compound in called an oxidation number. Ca2+ 2 I1-
12. For example, in the formation of calcium chloride (CaCl 2 ), calcium loses two valence electrons, and the two chlorine atoms gain one electron each. The more electronegative atom is assumed to take the bonding electrons, so its oxidation number will be negative - it mimics an anion. FeSO4 16. 1. r � � PbO2
10. Al3+ O2- 4. Mg(NO3)2 17. Group 1 metals in the elemental form, such as hydrogen, lithium and sodium, have an oxidation number of +1; group 2 metals in their elemental form, such as magnesium and calcium, have an oxidation number of +2. Na1+ F1- 1. Play this game to review Chemical Bonds. Ca2+ ClO31- 5. Others, notably the nonmetals and the transition elements, can assume a variety of oxidation numbers; for example, nitrogen can have any oxidation number between −3 (as in ammonia, NH 3 ) and +5 (as in nitric acid , HNO 3 ). Ga(ClO3)3 13. "{gu�Tj�e��
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���:�m3�X���[� ���C���wa�a(���r�U�p��/��ry[�PF�eH�(CZF�f�!-�i�W> The oxidation state of oxygen goes from 0 to, indicating reduction. represents the simplest ratio of the ions involved Monatomic ions. Chemistry: Oxidation Numbers and Ionic Compounds Write the correct formula for the compound formed by each of the following pairs of ions. Na1+ F1- 1. Some elements have more then one oxidation number and when naming a compound these must be identified. � The Old, Classic, or Common Way of Naming Names of some ionic compounds Common, or trivial, names of compounds are sometimes used in informal conversations between chemists, especially older chemists. ______________________
For each of the following compounds, write� A) the symbols of the ions in the compound , and B) the number of each ion in one molecule of that compound. In ionic compounds containing metal ions, the name is formed with the name of the metal (with the positive oxidation number), followed by the name of the non-metal (with the negative oxidation number) with the added suffix '-ide'.. For example: HCl - Hydrogen Chloride,. Al3+ O2- 4. The alkaline earth metals (group II) are always assigned an oxidation number of +2. NiSO4
4. The sum of the oxidation numbers of all the atoms in an ion or molecule is equal to its net charge. 7. � K1+ S2- 2. | This glaze goes on dull, and it is usually a pastel color, but the finished product comes out of the kiln (or oven) with bright shiny colors. ______________________
15. <>
Ratios of the atoms in Compound Subscripts represent the number of ions of each element in an ionic compound A . The oxidation number of hydrogen in most compounds is + 1. � � Elements make up a Compound. So, when it comes to ionic compounds, their ions have actual charges. In the case of an ionic compound, oxidation numbers are assigned based on the number of electrons transferred between reacting species. To determine what the oxidation number is, you must use the anion (negative ion) to determine what the positive oxidation number is. %PDF-1.5
3. The oxidation number of a Group IA element in a compound is +1. For water, oxygen has a oxidation number while hydrogen has a. CuNO3
8. 0. Li1+ CO32- 10. one. s ______________________
20. in CF4the oxidation number of the C is +4 the oxidation number of each of the F's is -1. 11. � The oxidation number of a Group IIA element in a compound is +2. charge 3. !-Si�BD�)��L!�e Naming monatomic ions and ionic compounds. Chemistry. By definition, the oxidation number of an atom is the charge that atom would have if the compound was composed of ions. ��?�}�(����6�i}H��#ڌ>�e�!-�/��_G_d�:�:���(�y��t\�A�ڡ����wq�r '��]��`�t:�����*P�T���k��|Y�S������ϵ�N�`O6
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��!U��H��)6�j�Z�,����M��Wǿ!��t�8��/`/�u:�{]��߯����5�M�N�^m�n�u8�|��(����O$������rճ��UZ1Ka�nTۍ-�����0�b�F\�8�â���q֪n��f��qJ#r�+�I��Zb�� ��V҃[�q��L�rH˹�M��M���� Ӧ� Ӧ�`��%7��z��0p&���;1۷]��]vd���=��;�����Lɗ�?$Q�-=�*Z2ua��X@�&� -#�ib�6!i1L�ô �Y; There is no space between the element name and the parenthesis. ______________________
10. � ~ ______________________
2. (NH4) 3P
7. Oxidation Numbers and Ionic Compounds DRAFT. N Write the formulas for the four ionic compounds that can be made by combining the cations Mg2+ and Fes+2.43 (a) (NH 4) 2 CO 3 (d) AlPO 4 (b) CaI 2 (e) AgCH 3 CO 2 1. Oxidation Numbers and Ionic Compounds DRAFT. 9 Fluorine in compounds is always assigned an oxidation number of -1. � � % 5 � 0 � - � �
� � 5 $ ( ( � Name: ________________________
Hour: ____ Date: ___________
Chemistry: Oxidation Numbers and Ionic Compounds
Write the correct formula for the compound formed by each of the following pairs of ions. q CaI2 11. � Such numbers are written to the _____ of the symbol for the element. Worksheet search result by word Mixed naming worksheet number 2 from naming ionic compounds worksheet answers , source:ftxs8.com The configuration of electrons will most likely be set inside the analysis from the atomic structure. Many elements only have one possible oxidation number, but other elements have several possible oxidation numbers ______________________
3. � For the synthesis of water, the oxidation numbers of the free elements (hydrogen and oxygen) are zero. The oxidation number of an atom is zero in a neutral substance that contains atoms of only one element. u � � The oxidation state, sometimes referred to as oxidation number, describes the degree of oxidation (loss of electrons) of an atom in a chemical compound.Conceptually, the oxidation state, which may be positive, negative or zero, is the hypothetical charge that an atom would have if all bonds to atoms of different elements were 100% ionic, with no covalent component. While hydrogen has a monatomic ion has an oxidation number of an atom the. Commonly display more than one oxidation state of oxygen goes from 0 to, indicating oxidation ions... The synthesis of water, the oxidation number will be positive - it mimics a cation atoms of only element. Each ion in group 1 involved monatomic ions oxygen ) are zero CF4the... 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