Similarly, Advantage Multi shouldn’t be combined with Revolution and other preventatives except for Capstar or the Preventic collar. If my pets do get re-infested I need to know if Cap-star can be safely used during the 30 days before their second dose of Frontline. If your pet has been subjected to a flea or tick treatments, a flea bath should be avoided for a couple of days. Read the entire product label before each use. Using Shampoo After Frontline Plus. As always, much respect to the members on this board and many thanks in advance. You feel good to know that your canine is healthy and joyful and your only wish would be for your pet to remain healthy. Our vet prescribed Revolution for the worms on a monthly basis because they are outdoor cats and often get cases of worms. Heartgard with Frontline Plus -- In the US you would need to use Heartgard year 'round, and in most areas of the country use Frontline year 'round also. Then, simply remember to wait for 24 hours after using Frontline Plus before letting your pet get wet! Only a vet can understand and suggest an apt combination as and when required. Monthly application is simple so peace of mind comes easy month after month. There seem to be some confusion as to what each "spot" treatments do. Before using FRONTLINE Plus on your pet for the first time, make sure you speak with your vet. Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. Frontline and Frontline Plus are among the most popular topical flea control products. Well I just applied my dogs topical treatment yesterday, and today, one of them rolled in a pile of something smelly. Can I use Nexgard and Frontline Plus together? By: Erika Raines El Segundo, CA Replied on 04/19/2011. Conclusion If you want to treat for fleas & ticks or have a continuing flea problem in your household, using Frontline Plus would be the best option for you. You’ll save time and money with this one-stop shop. However, vet consultation is advised before combining Seresto Flea collar with any other treatments. It is possible that you see more fleas on your pet after using Frontline Plus. Ticks can be found anywhere in the United States—any time of year in both rural and urban environments 9; Ticks can spread several diseases in cats 9, 11; They can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions 9, 11; REVOLUTION PLUS kills 3 types of ticks for a full month after one dose, including black-legged ticks (a.k.a. It can be used on kittens from 8 weeks of age and is safe to use … FrontlinePlus gives you the power to help prevent a flea infestation on your pet. While Frontline Plus is labeled as waterproof, I usually advise clients to wait at least 24 to 48 hours before bathing their pet. Revolution treats fleas and heart worms but no ticks. Our 3 cats have various problems combined - the main two being deer ticks and worms. Fleas and ticks don't need to bite your pet in order for Frontline Plus to work but will die simply on contact. Frontline Plus also prevents the development of flea eggs, larvae and pupae produced by any adult fleas acquired for up to 6 weeks after treatment. Most importantly, the preventative nature of Frontline Plus will spare your pet discomfort by avoiding recurrent flea attacks. All of these products not only kill juvenile forms of fleas but also eliminate ticks for a month. As long as FRONTLINE Plus is fighting, you can forget about fleas and ticks. Frontline Plus and Revolution both protect dogs against fleas and ticks. The combination has shown successful results of flea and tick prevention, esp., tick prevention. Can we apply both Revolution and Frontline each … Which Flea Treatment Is Right For Your Dog -Topical, Oral, Or Flea Collar. I would not use both together, frontline is for fleas and ticks, revolution doesn't kill ticks but it does kill intestinal worms and fleas and mites. Active ingredients – Revolution uses a medicine called selamectin as its active ingredient, which is applied topically to your do… Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media. However, this is a sign that the medication is working. Two treatments targeting the same problem should be cautiously combined. © 2020 - All Rights Reserved, Tweets by @, Heartworms: Know Everything About Heartworms & Prevention Methods, Emotional Support Animals – How They Are Changing Lives of American People, Training Tips to Help Your Dog Stop Barking At Guests. Once applied, FRONTLINE Plus will protect your pet from fleas and ticks for a full 30 days. Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. It is important to note that, although your pet can be bathed after the 24 hour waiting period is up, the flea and tick control action Frontline Plus can be affected by using the wrong shampoo. Heartgard is a go-to option if one is looking to combine a heartworm preventatives with flea or tick treatments. A carcinogen is any substance that can cause cancer. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. However, Revolution doesn't kill deer ticks and being in the Northeast - CT specifically - we definitely need that protection too. You can use Capstar and Frontline together, doing this would make using Frontline Plus more effective. One of the most common problems with canines is the flea and tick infestation, which is generally, cured using treatments. I am also wondering if there are any side effects if I mix Frontline and Revolution. But it is important to think rationally rather than emotionally in certain situations and give your canine the desired time to recover. In the past I have used Frontline. Favorite Answer The active ingredient in Frontline is fipronil. Frontline Plus is an all-in-one option, ticking the boxes for both treatment and prevention. Avoid contact with the treated area until dry. I live in Florida, and I use Frontline Plus with good results. In another post, I told you how to save money on flea treatment by splitting large tubes of Advantage, made by Bayer, and Frontline, made by Merial. You can apply Revolution any time now as … Capstar is one of the safest things you can give as far as flea meds, and I've given it the same day as topicals since it's for immediate flea kill although only effective for 24 hours. Commercial topical products such as Frontline, Advantage, K9 Advantix, and Revolution are, of course, formulated to control fleas. So he had to get a bath ASAP. Here are some of the combinations that you can try. With Frontline Plus, you can … As a pet parent, it comes naturally to one to cure one’s pooch at the earliest. However, vet consultation is advised before combining Seresto Flea collar with any other treatments. Frontline Plus and Advantage II mustn’t be combined. So, should one resort to a different treatment, when one is already been taken? I have 4 cats and I can't seen to get rid of the fleas. You can continue to use … Revolution protects against ear mites and scabies. I hope this helps. It is always advisable to consult a vet before combining treatments. So I was wondering if I can combine Cap-star with Frontline Plus. Though external flea and tick treatments, i.e., treatments of your house or surroundings do not conflict with the preventatives being administered to your pets, it would be a smart move to avoid spraying your pet while treating your house for fleas and ticks. Vets and groomers received a warning in 1996 in regards to possible contamination from increased exposure to Frontline. I've already put the Frontline on them, but I've heard that it doesn't work as well as it used to. It also prevents parasitic worms like heartworm, roundworm, and hookworm. Some treatments may show instant results, whereas, some may not. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. (different opinions depending on where I look) As I understand, Frontline Plus treats fleas & ticks. It is also exactly three weeks after the last application today. Frontline Plus treats and controls Flea Allergy Dermatitis in cats. Here is the question,"How soon after using Frontline Plus can you apply Revolution?". Not all pets are the same and thus, the extent to which treatment may show results vary. It’s always a great feeling having your pooch play around you, showing you the affection with its playful tactics, walking around the place as if patrolling its territory. Why should I care about ticks? Indoors in winter is the perfect breeding ground for fleas. Capstar or Comfortis can be combined individually with a variety of flea and tick treatments, viz., Frontline Plus, Revolution, Advantage Multi, etc. 2. This is because Heartgard doesn’t target fleas or ticks and thus doesn’t hinder with the other process. The 2nd, (S)-methoprene, attacks flea eggs and larvae. How to Save Money on Revolution for Treating Fleas. Similarly, if the pet has been given a flea bath, flea or tick treatments should be planned a few days later. 1. Oral flea treatments like Capstar which kills only adult fleas can be combined with Frontline Plus as well as Revolution. My dog is taking sentinel can I also use frontline plus my 5 year old jack russel terrier is 15 pounds and takes sentinel can i use frontline plus also she just had her sentinel dose 3 days ago she has been having a flea problem. Just as we sometimes react to a combination of treatments, our pets may also do the same. 1. You can give it now, but I wonder it what you're dealing with is something other than fleas. I use frontline for the dog and revolution for the cats Alpha1 Pack Leader and Lover How To Celebrate Thanksgiving With Your Beloved Pets? Though it is not usually recommended to use more than one oral flea treatment at the same time, it’s safe to combine Comfortis &Capstar. Frontline Plus for Dogs has 2 tough killing ingredients. If not so, the combination should be avoided. Flea collars like Preventic are safe to combine one-on-one with preventatives like Revolution, Frontline Top Spot or K9 Advantix, Frontline Plus, etc. You can do the same thing and save money treating fleas with Revolution, known internationally as Stronghold, but there are a couple of differences. The catch here is to assure the absence of heartworm treatment from the flea or tick treatment. Most environmental flea sprays or … Also, one should keep in mind to avoid administering treatment more than the recommended dosage without the vet’s advice. There should not be an interaction between frontline in seresto but like I said I’m not sure how much extra help frontline would give you. Buy Heartgard Plus at Lowest Price | Free Shipping! Frontline Plus is proven safe for pregnant cats, while Revolution Plus is not; Revolution Plus starts working more quickly – killing fleas within 6 hours, as compared to 12 for Frontline; There are reports of a considerable number of pets that have skin reactions to Frontline Plus, while there is no such feedback for Revolution Plus. After all, your veterinarian is the most qualified professional to advise you on the health of your dog or cat. The 1st, fipronil, kills adult fleas and ticks. Flea control products such as Revolution and Frontline Plus (do not use Frontline on rabbits) have been successful. To begin, let’s start by looking at the primary differences between Revolution and Frontline. I'm currently using Revolution on my 2 German Shepherds to prevent Heartworm and kill fleas/ticks. Is it ok to use both Revolution and Frontline at the same time or is it better to use Frontline and Heartgard? I've got two GSD's a male 3.5 years old ,good health 80lbs. ANSWER: If a pet still has fleas, many veterinarians will use the product more frequently than once monthly, sometimes as often as once every 2-3 weeks. Before taking any measure that could be potentially harmful to your pet, it is always suggested to take the vet’s advice on the same. Frontline Plus will kill fleas and ticks as soon as they come in contact with the Frontline-coated fur. Its very rare that I ever get any fleas or ticks on my dogs. Though it is ok to apply Frontline Plus even when the dog is given Nexgard, you can … There is also the risk of skin irritation at the site of exposure to fipronil. and a 6 month old female, also good health that is 45lbs. Can I safely use Frontline now or do I need to wait one month to apply it? I have noticed an increase in the number of alive ticks. Additionally, Frontline Plus helps protect dogs from infestations of chewing liceand sarcoptic mites. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP, Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media. Other treatments such as a lime-sulfur dip, shampoos, or injectable anti-parasitic medications are sometimes used. Yet over and over again on discussion boards and in forums, you see comments from dog and cat owners claiming that Frontline isn’t working. Inquiring minds want to know. Vet consultation is the prime advice to all. They work together to kill all month long. The active ingredient in Revolution is selamectin. Flea collars like Preventic are safe to combine one-on-one with preventatives like Revolution, Frontline Top Spot or K9 Advantix, Frontline Plus, etc. Second choice is Trifexis, which kills fleas faster than any other product out there, plus prevents heartworms and intestinal parasites. So the question is can I use both so my cats are covered for internal problems as well as ticks? I was bathing my silky terrier today and found a dead tick in the bath water.Since she was on Revolution, should I be worried? Let us have a look at some of the treatments that shouldn’t be combined. I place Sentry Plus flea medication on my cats last Wednesday. Since both Sentry and Frontline use the same active ingredient (fipronil) it is unlikely that you will see better protection switching to the Frontline. you could however use a different spot on such as revolution or frontline which contain completely different active ingredients. I used Frontline Plus on my cats for fleas but they are still itching. For these reasons, the use of Frontline on humans is ill-advised. August 31, 2018 May 30, 2019 budgetvetcare can you give nexgard and frontline at the same time, frontline plus for dogs, nexgard for dogs, use nexgard and frontline plus together Combining two treatments without the recommendation of the vet can land the pet owner into unnecessary trouble. The combination has shown successful results of flea and tick prevention, esp., tick prevention. The medicine does not seem to be working. While both products are broadly similar – working to fight against ticks, fleas and other parasites – there are some key differences that you may want to consider when choosing the right medication for your dog. When you get a chance if you can accept my answer and rate I would appreciate it. Got two GSD 's a male 3.5 years old, good health that is 45lbs to think rationally than! Use a different spot on such as Frontline Plus is labeled as waterproof, I usually advise clients wait! Vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée you ’ ll Save time and Money with one-stop... German Shepherds to prevent heartworm and kill fleas/ticks you 're dealing with is other. More fleas on your pet after using Frontline Plus before letting your discomfort... 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