Lord Miraak. Base Damage Absorb 15 points of stamina. Miraaks sword has the highest base damage of any one-handed sword available. Miraak's Sword is a Sword in Skyrim. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim> Workshop > Mark's Workshop > Better Miraak's Sword This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & … Getting a 300 damage sword at level 20 would be enough to ruin anyone's play experience, rather they are aware of it or not. Dwarven Smithing A simple replacer for Miraak's sword and staff. Ebony Ingot, Daedra Heart Spawn Commands. The laughter of Hermaus Mora echoes in her mind as tendrils from the sword slowly start creeping over the skin of her arm. Upgrade Material Maybe elven armor, miraaks mask, miraaks sword, and I have no idea what in the offhand. I've always liked the look of Miraaks sword, I mean how can you not? hide. 000f1ac1 - Dragonbane 1-18. This page was last edited on 26 January 2018, at 13:51. The level 60+ version of the sword has the highest base damage of all one-handed swords. Miraak's Sword has the second lightest weight and the highest base physical damage of any one-handed sword available, more damaging than both level 46+ Chillrend and the dragonbone sword by one point. The swashbuckling adventurer reaches into the burned remains of her adversary - Miraak. Lord Miraak, also referred to as the First Dragonborn, was the main antagonist and final boss of the Dragonborn DLC for the 2011 role-playing video game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. 3 Majority of codes found and posted by Tnor (Michael N) To add an item type in: player.additem "code" # of item To look up codes for items not found type in: help "name of item" 0 - this will give you a full listing of codes that that the search term in it. Has same effect as Miraak's staff except the sword applies it on hit and is weaker then the staff enchantment. This thread is archived. This bizarre looking sword appears to elongate when swung. Ill have to see how it looks with elven though. Ebony Ingot + Daedra Heart: ID. This section contains bugs related to Miraak's Sword. 000139A9 - Glass Sword. The item ID for Miraak's Sword in Skyrim on Steam (PC / Mac) is: Dawnguard DLC Code + … ---Best version of the mask is lvl 60+!---You can get these after you've done the main Dragonborn questline.---Thanks for subscribing!--- I forget the exact numbers. Miraak, or formerly known as Fenrik, is a former antagonist and current protagonist in A Skyrim Tale, who was introduced during the Dragonborn DLC Main Questline. Miraak's Sword has the second lightest weight and the highest base physical damage of any one-handed sword available, more damaging than both level 46+ Chillrend and the dragonbone swordby one point. I've been wondering, is there any mod where you can get Miraak's sword at the start of the game? Sounds like a … I didn't want to make it overpowered since Miraak's sword already is awesome. for example: miraaks sword ID: xx039FB4 replace xx with the number of dragonborn in your loadorder: correct ID: 07039FB4 note, that the correct ID, depends on YOUR loadorder. Class Absorb 15 points of Stamina. 6.Miraak Sword. Benefits from the Dwarven Smithing perk. Head inside the Temple Miraak together with the warrior and take a look around the rooms - you should find some valuable items and a treasure chest. report. I don't know which action it was (probably location), but it worked. 0001393b - Glass Helmet. It also has a really cool tentacle feature that looks like a whip when swung, its only cosmetic but it’s still super cool. Weight Sword Stats. I just wanted the visual effect of the tenacles. Gameplay. The adventurer attempts to discard the sword but the worst occurs. I've included the codes for each different version, hopefully this will come in handy if you find an item at a low level but want to keep using it. Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. Before leaving the unfriendly land of Apocrypha, search the enemy's body and use the book in the middle of the room for an additional prize. Any ideas? Now here's the fun bit, playing as a tornado of vines is probably the most fun I've had in Skyrim to date. Either hand Damage. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 Gallery 4 Others Miraak is the main antagonist of the third expansion for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Dragonborn. Regardless of whether it is charged … Stats . #5 < > Showing 1-5 of 5 comments . The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995, https://en.uesp.net/w/index.php?title=Skyrim:Miraak%27s_Sword&oldid=2171942. It claims the highest base damage among any other swords of this type, however, it is only available in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn. it's a cool tentacle thrashing piece of art but I've always found it lacking. Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. It can be tempered with one ebony ingot and one Daedra heart, and the Dwarven Smithing perk doubles the improvement. 4 Variants for the sword and 1 for the staff. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 3 Base Value. He has also appeared as a creature card in the digital card game The Elder Scrolls: Legends. Customize your avatar with the [SKYRIM] - Sheathed Miraak's Sword [ORIGINAL] and millions of other items. share. Sword Stats. The Temple of Miraak is the second quest for Dragonborn Main Storyline.. If the base stats of the sword weren’t great enough, it also absorbs … Community content is available under. The item ID for Miraak's Mask in Skyrim on Steam (PC / Mac) is: Dawnguard DLC Code + 03C0F1. Miraak's Sword is a unique, leveled one-handed sword found in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn. -Bloodskall Blade-Miraak's Robes-Miraak's Boots-Miraak's Gloves Can anyone tell me what the item codes are so I can get them with console commands? Miraak's Sword It absorbs 15 points of stamina and has a unique visual effect similar to a Lurker attack, shooting a tentacle out during each swing, but doesn't affect weapon range. I'm pretty sure that Miraak's sword is what they're going for here. So if draining stamina is what you want, use Miraak's sword. 12 14 16 Weight. To place this item in-front of your character, use the following console command: Miraak's Sword is a One-Handed Sword in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn. They've said they want give players powerful Daedric Prince weapons (along with other game mechanics). At the base, the tentacles part to reveal a green eye. Can be upgraded with the Arcane Blacksmith perk, Ebony Ingot and Daedra Heart . xx0397f6xx039fb1xx039fb4 And from that moment onward, Jorda… Thanks to anyone who replies. The item ID for Miraak's Mask in Skyrim on Steam (PC / Mac) is: Dawnguard DLC Code + 03C0F1. I was having exactly the same issue. The ingredients and perks needed to forge/temper the weapon are: 50% Upvoted. Acquired From. 00013938 - Glass Boots. When Miraak is left with very little health and there are no more Dragons in the area, Hermaeus Mora will appear and kill him. 0001393a - Glass Gauntlets. Trying to dual weild them to exploit the fast left hand power attack. Vahl and Miraak first met when Vahl stumbled into the realm of Apocrypha where Miraak almost instantaneously struck Vahl to her knees with the Sparks spell. I've been using miraak's sword as part of my "Wrath of the Daedra" theme. Property: Value: Weight: 3 Value: 1267 Damage: 16 Tempering/Crafting Recipe . save. I suppose they went with this rather than the Oghma Infinium or black books which Hermaeus Mora should dole out. 000139AA - Glass Warhammer. Spawn Commands. To spawn this item in-game, open the console and type the following command: player.AddItem Dawnguard DLC Code + 03C0F1 1. He is the first entity to take up the mantle of 'Dovahkiin', however before he would he would use his ability to slay his own kind, he was loyal to the Dragons, serving as the Dragon Lord that was responsible for ruling over the area of Solsteim. This page was last modified on 16 June 2020, at 17:31. Dragonborn main quest, The Black Star (Miraaks sword loses charge very quickly so the Black Star is a blessing), The Blessings of Nature, Agent of Mara, main quest until you become Dragonborn. I'm having some trouble locating some item codes. Personally I prefer his sword, ive not used the staff as I prefer to stick with melee weapons. Miraak’s Sword is a tentacled monstrosity resembling a giant thorn dipped in toxic swamp water. The last thing I tried was as each dragon lands that Miraak absorbs the soul from, I took a swipe at it with my sword and stood in the flow of the soul to Miraak. So far i think Miraak's sword is the strongest sword in the game in terms of power (198 damage), while dragonbone sword is 2nd highest with 193. 12–16 Afterwards head to the deeper part of the dungeon. Miraak's Sword can be looted from the skeletal remains of Miraak, along with his staff and outfit, upon his death at the end of the quest "At the Summit of Apocrypha.". When the weapon is swung, the blade takes the shape of a tentacle and appears to grow in length; however, this effect is purely cosmetic, and does not increase striking range. Miraak's Robes can be acquired from the remains of Miraak at the conclusion of the quest "At the Summit of Apocrypha," along with his mask, boots, gloves, sword, and staff. Upgrades and Enchantment. Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Base Value Regardless of whether it is charged or not, the tentacles on the sword will constantly writhe around the blade, while it glitters in a dampened green shine. Miraak's Sword in Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn. He then went on to belittle Vahl's achievements, saying she did little "beyond killing a few Dragons". If there are different codes for leveled versions then please give me the highest level. 410–1250 I've modified the blade to be more corroded and wavier with black book font engraved into it, I've kept the slick look but not as gooey. Mix & match this t shirt with other items to create an avatar that is unique to you! When the weapon is swung, the blade takes the shape of a tentacle and appears to grow in length; however, this effect is purely cosmetic, and does not increase striking range. Miraak's Sword is carried by Miraak. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following: *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. It is obtainable from his corpse at the end of At the Summit of Apocrypha. Just open the console and type the following: help "miraak's sword" to get the item ID, then just type "player.additem [ID… The unique sword with the highest base damage of any one handed weapon in the game, Miraak’s Sword is also the second lightest sword. A simple replacer for Miraak's sword and staff. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Lord Miraak. Miraaks sword has the highest base damage of any one-handed sword available. Interestingly enough, it is also the second-lightest sword available in Skyrim, next to the Ghostblade.. 4 Variants for the sword and 1 for the staff. And I love miraaks robes, but I feel like they weren't designed with the intent of looking like the sword/herma mora's gear. Perk Miraak's Sword can be upgraded at a grindstone with an ebony ingot, a Daedra heart and the Arcane Blacksmith perk. It should be noted that Miraak is the First Dragonborn as well as a Dragon Priest who betrayed the Dragons in his quest for power. Sword Slot. 000139BE - Glass Arrow. I want to do a cosplay playthrough of Miraak from the get go. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine, https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Miraak%27s_Sword?oldid=2973660. The charge of Miraak's Sword is incredibly small as even a petty soul gem is enough to charge it completely. To place this item in-front of your character, use the following console command: FormID This page was last edited on 26 January 2018, at 13:51. When you superforge a Dragonbone sword and Miraak's sword, Miraak's sword with a level 100 One-handed and 100 Smithing, the Dragonbone sword is about 127 and Miraak's sword is about 134. But when she irresistably pulls the dead rebellious dragonborn's sword out, the worst occurs. To spawn this item in-game, open the console and type the following command: player.AddItem Dawnguard DLC Code + 03C0F1 1. One-Handed, Sword I've added Mora's Agony enchantment to the sword so it does 10 pts of poison damage now. *If you can, give the highest damage with all the possible perks (100 smith + blacksmith elixir + extreme smithing gauntlets). Either way, you can just pop the higher-leveled one in via console. Behind the corner, there are two Cultists - try eliminating them, but at the same time try avoiding the trap (there's a pressure plate in the middle of the room). They can be acquired using the code player.additem in the command console. Per page: 15 30 50. Notes. Permissions and credits Credits and distribution permission. 0 comments. Armor - Nightingale - Noctune Left Weapon - Mehrune's Razor - Mehrune's Dagon Right Weapon - Miraak's Sword - Hermaeus Mora Ring - Erudite Ring - Molag Bal Amulet - Amulet of the Gargoyle - Molag Bal If it weren't for the fact that I consider the ring helpful to me, I'd use namira's ring instead. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Additional Effects This page contains Item Codes for the various types of Armor in Skyrim.. Miraak's Sword bears the following enchantment: When this weapon runs out of charges, the tentacle effect will stop working. 00013939 - Glass Armour. Miraak's Sword is carried by Miraak.It is obtainable from his corpse at the end of At the Summit of Apocrypha.It absorbs 15 points of stamina and has a unique visual effect similar to a Lurker attack, shooting a tentacle out during each swing, but doesn't affect weapon range. The Nightingale Bow is found in the Inner Sanctum after you've defeated Arch-Curate Vythur in … 427 (Levels 1 – 44) 737 (Levels 45 – 59) 1267 (Levels 60+) Upgrade Ingredient. Base Damage: 12-16 depending on the level you are; The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim > … Miraak's Sword Absorb 15 points of stamina: Type. That way the main story of Dragonborn will come to an end. It also benefits from the Dwarven Smithing perk, which doubles the improvement. It also has a really cool tentacle feature that looks like a whip when swung, its only cosmetic but it’s still super cool. Base Damage: 12-16 depending on the level you are; Weight: 3; Base Value: $410- $1,250 I'm playing on XBox. It can be tempered with one ebony ingot and one Daedra heart, and the Dwarven Smithing perk doubles the improvement. If you want a custom enchantment, just use a Dragonbone sword. During the quest At the Summit of Apocrypha Effect. 6.Miraak Sword. Armor - Nightingale - Noctune Left Weapon - Mehrune's Razor - Mehrune's Dagon Right Weapon - Miraak's Sword - Hermaeus Mora Ring - Erudite Ring - Molag Bal Amulet - Amulet of the Gargoyle - Molag Bal If it weren't for the fact that I consider the ring helpful to me, I'd use namira's ring instead. They went with this rather than the Oghma Infinium or black books which Hermaeus should. 1267 ( Levels 60+ ) Upgrade Ingredient is also the second-lightest sword available as a creature card in offhand. Shirt with other game mechanics ) green eye June 2020, at 13:51 Code player.AddItem the! Want give players powerful Daedric Prince weapons ( along with other game mechanics.. Tentacles part to reveal a green eye the tenacles the Dwarven Smithing perk, ebony ingot and one Daedra.. Just use a Dragonbone sword and its licensors Knights of the Daedra theme! ( Levels 45 – 59 ) 1267 ( Levels 45 – 59 ) 1267 ( 1. The game where you can get Miraak 's sword is incredibly small even! 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