solder filet, with a greater component stand-off from the board. A subject is a component of a clause or sentence that describes what the sentence/clause is about. And just so you know, we insisted that the vitamin component is OPTIONAL for all winners. The condition of stability of friction is that the tangential component CQ of the resistance required shall not exceed the friction due to the normal component; that is, that CQ~f.CP, 90 be a point in a rigid F body CD, rotating round the fixed axis c, a ~ F, the component of the velocity of A. is the component of the velocity of that point in a plane perpendicular to the axis, and its total velocity is v=~. Monitor - The computer monitor is one component that is easily changed to suit your needs. If OK be the vector representing the former component at time t, the vector which represents it at time 1+&t will be OK, equal to oi~ in magnitude and making with it an angle o~. If the two interfering waves, being still of same length X, be in opposite phases, or sõ that one is in advance of the other by 2X, and consequently one produces in the air the opposite state of motion to the other, then the resultant wave is one of the same length X, but the excursions of the particles are decreased, being the difference between those due to the component waves as in fig. 3. After reflow this produces a fuller solder filet, with a greater component stand-off from the board. For example, in the case of a particle lying on a smooth curve, or on a smooth surface, if it be displaced along the curve, or on the surface, the virtual work of the normal component of the pressure may be ignored, since it is of the second order. In software engineering, the degree of complication of a system or system, 29. User: In the statement, "Calvin sold his", which sentence component is missing?A. tangential component of the velocity at the boundary must be zero. After February 1917 they were extremely amorphous, to the point of having a large and influential petty-bourgeois component within them. A subsequent determination of the plane of polarization gives the ratio of the amplitudes of the vibrations in the component streams. 2. Hence KK (= CnI~b) will represent the change in this component due to the extraneous forces. The HD sounds isn't carried with the component cords. We are interested in the essential trace element molybdenum, which is required as a component of the cofactors of various redox enzymes. Tissues.The component parts of the tissues of which plants are composed may consist of but slightly modified cells with copious protoplasmic contents, or of cells which have been modified in various ways to perform their several functions. The expression (5) gives the illumination at due to that part of the complete image whose geometrical focus is at =o, the retardation for this component being R. If the man is pure and his conduct is pleasing in the sight of God, he is united with that female part of the soul which was his component part prior to his birth " (Zohar, i. reservists ' civilian employers and for increased support of Reserve component families. If, then, the gathas reach back to the time of Zoroaster, and he himself, according to the most probable estimate, lived as early as the 14th century B.C., the oldest component parts of the Avesta are hardly inferior in age to the oldest Vedic hymns. component in a sentence Example Sentences for "component" Culture is sometimes described as having three components: what people think, what they do and the material products they produce. 3. Owing to the similarity of structure and mode of life it is convenient to treat the Lichens (q.v.) Koenig, Quelques experiences d'acoustique (1882) describes apparatus and experiments, intended to show, in opposition to Helmholtz, that beats coalesce into tones, and also that the quality of a note is affected by alteration of phase of one of its component overtones relative to the phase of the fundamental. Hence if 1 be the length of the string, and x the horizontal displacement of the bob from the equilibrium position, the horizontal component of gravity is mgx/l, whence The motion is therefore simple-harmonic, of period r= 27ri/(l/g). This metabolism is a key component of the biogeochemical sulfur cycle. The Natural Language Understanding component using typed unification grammar (Regulus) is linked to a commercial speaker-independent speech recognition system (Nuance). Resolve the evil into its original component parts. The motion of a rigid body in the most general case may be specified by means of the component velocities u, v, w of any point 0 of it which is taken as base, and the component angular velocities p, q, r. The component velocities of any point whose co-ordinates relative to 0 are x, y, z are then u+qzry, v+rxpz, w+Pyqx (12). There is a vanity component here. To take the simplest case of a one component system water substance has its three phases of solid ice, liquid water and gaseous vapour in equilibrium with each other at the freezing point of water under the pressure of its own vapour. We've been breaking down the budget into its, 12. Modifiers are words or phrases that describe parts of the sentence by adding additional information. The vascular plant component is always poor, but richer communities support opposite-leaved golden saxifrage and mossy saxifrage. These components include the subject, the predicate, the direct and indirect object, the compliments, phrases and clauses. A common way to connect related words, phrases, and even entire clauses is to … The public became angry when the police officer’s report did not comport with the statements of the witnesses. This is a simple case consisting of a small number of component species. In the Eschenhagen form of vertical force balance two deflecting magnets are used to partly neutralize the vertical component, so that the centre of gravity is almost exactly over the support. How to use component in a sentence. The subject is a noun or pronoun that tells what or who the sentence is about. Even if the analysis of the literature into component documents were complete, we should still possess a most imperfect record, since the documents themselves have passed through many redactions, and these redactions have proceeded from varying standpoints of religious tradition, successively eliminating or modifying certain elements deemed inconsistent with the canons of religious usage or propriety which prevailed in the age when the redaction took place. Abbreviations, contractions, and acronyms. The component of a balance weight which is necessary to balance the reciprocating masses introduces a vertical unbalanced force which appears as a variation of pressure between the wheel and the rail, technically called the hammer-blow, the magnitude of which increases as the square of the speed of the train. Digital Download. Subject. But a variety of causes set back the development of the city, notably the prevalence of plague and cholera due to the silting up of the creeks that divided its component islands; and it was not till after the amalgamation of the old and new companies in 1708 that the governor's seat was transferred from Surat to Bombay. protamine zinc insulin, it could be mixed with regular insulin without affecting the action profile of either component. a small section of a bigger part of a whole thing. It's difficult to see component in a sentence. Weatherization is another important energy saving component that can help you reduce the amount of fossil fuel needed to heat and cool your home. individualis, that which is not divided, an individual), in political philosophy, the theory of government according to which the good of the state consists in the well-being and free initiative of the component members. static final int CENTER Put the component in the center of its display area. As a Direct Object . 6. The second component at frequency 200 remains a damped sinusoid. The subject is a noun or pronoun that tells what or who the sentence is about. stabilizer calculation in the symmetric group given by the degree component. William Phillips on page 63 states that the major component of slave trade in the eleventh century were the Vikings. It is the last part of the metal to undergo this transformation and, when thus transformed, it is of constant though not atomic composition, and habitually consists of interstratified plates of its component metals. The total acceleration of any particle is that obtained by the superposition of the component accelerations derived from its association with the other particles of the system severally in accordance with this law. electrostatic discharge The rapid transfer of a voltage potential into a circuit or component. A hardware component can be a device as small as a transistor or as large as a disk drive as long as it is part of a larger system. agribusiness sector where international trade is a major component. Sentence types can also be combined. add public Component add( String name, Component comp) Adds the specified component to this container. Components of a Sentence. peculiarities of the skeleton or portions of the skeleton of certain birds - one of the most remarkable of which is that on the component parts of the foot (pp. Examples of individual component in a sentence, how to use it. There is no doubt that inheritance is a major, 30. No matter whom you believe, Lip Venom by DuWop is a familiar component in a promising makeup artist's kit. The photographs of Athenian vases are the single largest component of Beazley's original archive. Sentences are composed of several components. Solid technique and a degree of fantasy are the other components. • In bǎ constructions, bǎ is the sentence root and the following noun its dependent. ZI /t = - (a - s) M'Q 2 sine cos ° - EQ sin() =[ - (a - (3)M'U+E]V (8) Now suppose the cylinder is free; the additional forces acting on the body are the components of kinetic reaction of the liquid - aM' (Ç_vR), - (3M' (-- E -FUR), - EC' dR, (9) so that its equations of motion are M (Ç - vR) _ - aM' (_vR) - (a - $) M'VR, (io) M (Ç+uR) = - OM' (dV+U R) - (a - ()M'UR - R, '(II) C dR = dR + (a - Q)M'UV+0V; (12) and putting as before M+aM'=ci, M+13M' = c2, C+EC'=C3, ci dU - c2VR=o, dV +(c1U+E)R=o, c 3 dR - (c 1 U+ - c 2 U)V =o; showing the modification of the equations of plane motion, due to the component E of the circulation. Ib, F cos 0 =c 1 - = (W +W'a) V cos 43, F sin 0 = c 2.11 = (W +W'/3) V sin 4) . ULTRAMARINE, a blue pigment, consisting essentially of a double silicate of aluminium and sodium with some sulphides or sulphates, and occurring in nature as a proximate component of lapis lazuli. The phenomenon is due to very fine particles of dust suspended in the high regions of the atmosphere that produce a scattering effect upon the component parts of white light. CL componeNTs BT below decks watercraft component RT frame NT futtock saw NT top timber © MDA, 2002. glenoid component of the prosthesis becomes loose. But this is where I want to use the universal sentence encoder and get the sentence embedding tensor instead (the encoder accepts a string, list of strings or list of string eager tensors to generate the embeddings). The component of the velocity of the point of contact of the teeth T along the line of connection is ~i. Fungi are also a very important component of microbial inoculants. The second component is the area for food preparation. The existing UM aerosol scheme assumes each of the aerosol components to be externally mixed (particles consist of only one component). Many psychology courses have reduced their practical component to virtually nil. in cycling), it is purely automatic. ; A compound-complex sentence contains two or more … CIRCAR, an Indian term applied to the component parts of a subah or province, each of which is administered by a deputygovernor. Simple (i.e. Regarding the ultimate curve as derived from a given penultimate curve, we connect with the ultimate curve, and consider as belonging to it, certain points called " summits " cn the component curves P 1 = o, P2 =o respectively; a summit / is a point such that, drawing from an arbitrary point 0 the tangents to the penultimate curve, we have OE as the limit of one of these tangents. English features four core sentence elements (subjects, predicates, objects, and modifiers) that make up phrases and clauses, which in turn make up sentences. HDMI and Component cables enhance the digital quality of your cable (for those boxes that support it), video game systems and DVD/Blu-ray players. The chemical components of chalk are precisely the same as those of limestone. Frank Kender once said, "Perception. Very many broken cars remain in the garage. Its component parts may be analyzed. Hence with three phases we can form two independent equations for each component. Poynting may also be mentioned, in which the tangential component of the thrust of obliquely incident radiation is separately put in evidence, by the torsion produced in an arrangement which is not sensitive to the normal component or to the radiometer-pressure of the residual gas. Components showing improvement are called " expansive components." But although the crests of its component ranges reach altitudes of 21,500 to 22,000 ft., they are not as a rule overtopped by individual peaks of commanding and towering elevation, as the Himalayas are, but run on the whole tolerably uniform and relatively at little greater altitude than the lofty valleys which separate them one from another. Fresh fruit and vegetables are an essential, 18. The neural correlates of the verbal component of working memory. The Metropolis Management Act of 1855 established (outside the city) two classes of parishes - the first class with vestries of their own, the second class grouped under district boards elected by the component vestries; and the Metropolitan Board of Works (abolished in 1888), elected by the vestries and the district boards, was made the central authority. Answer. High quality example sentences with “component of sentence” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English If there is an x-axis data component this will be used to give the x-axis. Resolve the evil into its original component parts. A school uniform can also be a vital component of a strong school ethos. This extraneous influence may, however, be eliminated by surrounding the rod with a coil of wire carrying a current such as will produce in the interior a magnetic field equal and opposite to the vertical component of the earth's field. The spectrum contains just one component, at 256 Hz, because the pure tone is a single sine wave. The use of a variance component allows the effects of noise in bias subtraction to be properly monitored. Subject. anesthesia machine control or component that he or she wishes to set. They are similar to component. He regarded the apparent indeterminacy of quantum phenomena as a fundamental component of their nature. Eating has a social component and with that comes societal influences. There were Florentines and Lombards, Guelfs and Ghibellines; but even Dante had scarcely conceived of Italy as a nation, independent of the empire, inclusive of her several component commonwealths. Profits, people and teamwork Higher productivity is a crucial, 1. He is making the unarguable point that our desires and preferences have a social, 6. spheroid component, or perhaps a close companion. The method of measuring the horizontal component which is almost exclusively used, both in fixed observatories and in the field, consists in observing the period of a freely suspended magnet, and then obtaining the angle through which an auxiliary suspended magnet is deflected by the magnet used in the first part of the experiment. the less volatile vapours are condensed and return to the flask,, while the more volatile component passes over. It is a system amply provided with checks and balances; it recognizes and enforces the principle of popular sovereignty, while subjecting that principle to many checks in practice; and it is well calculated to maintain unchanged the relation of its component parts each to the other. See Also: add remove public void remove( component comp) Removes the specified component comp) Removes the specified component from this container. caret position also cannot be set to less than zero, the beginning of the component's text. R is the radial component of force, is the moment about a lilie through 0 perpendicular to the plane ZOP, and 4 is the moment about OZ. Direct and Indirect Objects. Examples of Component in a sentence. As dendrites form the predominant elements in neurons, so dendritic spines form the dominant component of many types of dendritic trees. Synonym Discussion of component. 1. The "magnetic equator" is an imaginary line encircling the earth, along which the vertical component of the earth's magnetic force is zero; it nearly coincides with the terrestrial equator. The infantry is / are still an important, 15. The soredia are the most successful method of reproduction in lichens, for not only are some forms nearly always without spore-formation and in others the spores laregly abortive, but in all cases the spore represents only the fungal component of the thallus, and its success in the development of a new lichen-thallus depends on the chance meeting, at the time of germination, with the appropriate algal component. I, 2 and 3), used to bolt the head of one of the screws, and the instrument was provided with a slipping piece, giving motion to the micrometer by screws acting on two slides, one in right ascension, the other in declination, so that " either of the, webs can be placed upon either component of a double star with ease and certainty (Mem. K is a natural component of the. Weather is a critical component for skiing and should always be a factor when planning your day. Worst-case assumptions are a reasonable component of screening calculations, to ensure that the stack height will not be under-estimated. China is an important component to elegant table settings. He is making the unarguable point that our desires and preferences have a social, 27. This component of sport science is essentially concerned with the assessment of how the body responds to single or repeated bouts of exercise. Read on to find out more about those and the optional parts that can join them. Uniplanar Motion of a Liquid due to the Passage of a Cylinder through it.-A stream-function 4, must be determined to satisfy the conditions v24 =o, throughout the liquid; (I) I =constant, over any fixed boundary; (2) d,t/ds = normal velocity reversed over a solid boundary, (3) so that, if the solid is moving with velocity U in the direction Ox, d4y1ds=-Udy/ds, or 0 +Uy =constant over the moving cylinder; and 4,+Uy=41' is the stream function of the relative motion of the liquid past the cylinder, and similarly 4,-Vx for the component velocity V along Oy; and generally 1,1'= +Uy -Vx (4) is the relative stream-function, constant over a solid boundary moving with components U and V of velocity. When you are mixing this fabulous beverage, keep in mind that every component adds depth and flavor to the finished result. His theory of the world and of humanity is universal and idealistic. It's the subjective component, " he says. As in other literatures, these popular elements form the foundation on which greater works are gradually built, and it is one function of literary criticism to show the way in which the component parts were welded into a uniform whole. It is possible for parts of speech to do this work alone in the sentence in either the subject or the predicate. Most of these classes will involve a short conditioning component but are predominantly aerobic classes. 4. (3) There is one carotis conjuncta, but the basal portion of its original right component is obliterated, leaving a socalled c. primaria sinistra, an unfortunate name. The propellant cordite was an essential component of ammunition during the First World War, and the solvent acetone was used in its manufacture. apportionment method was unsatisfactory, and that the preferred method was the cohort component method. For the sake of simplicity, however, the basic parts of a sentence are discussed here. tot - toy) pointing out the aberration from the ordinary structure exhibited by the Goatsucker (Caprimulgus) and the Swift (Cypselus) - an aberration which, if rightly understood, would have conveyed a warning to those ornithological systematists who put their trust in birds' toes for characters on which to. Regardless of how you structure a compound sentence, it signals to the reader that you are discussing two equally important ideas. The content of different modules should not necessarily accord equal importance to PTS but the PTS component should be made overt. He has learned its component parts. The palpi vary in form and in the number of their component segments, and the proboscis, though usually straight, may be curved (as in Megarhinus) or otherwise modified in shape. Note that the population intraclass correlation can be estimated using variance component estimation methods. Deciding on which children's playroom ideas work best for you and your kids doesn't have to be a difficult choice if you plan the room out as much as you can before selecting each component of your new design. CRASH 2. The broad distinctions which, as a matter of fact, exist between every known form of living substance and every other component of the material world, justify the separation of the biological sciences from all others. The biggest category of reports was still in the " incorrect blood component transfused " - 201 or 69.1 %. On the other hand, if the attention is fixed on the end or on any particular part of a given action, and the other component parts of the action are performed unconsciously, the automatism may be called relative. The first component is the food storage area. It seems that confusion and trouble will be best avoided by abstaining from the introduction of the non-evident somites, the ocular and the praegenital, into the numerical nomenclature of the component somites of the three great body regions. The hydrosphere is an essential component to the earth's surface. Within a sentence, the subject is the noun (or pronoun) that performs the action. polynomial regression, the quadratic component of the ordinate scale was significant and positive. Fabric is a wonderful component of Country French design. Decoding the paintings is not difficult once you know what the, 4. Conversely, if the kinetic energy T is expressed as a quadratic function of x, x x3, y1, y2, y3, the components of momentum, the partial differential coefficient with respect to a momentum component will give the component of velocity to correspond. The Major Components of a Military Problem. Thus if the particle start at time t=o from the origin, with the component velocities uf, Vo, we have x=u~t, y_~vct~1/8gt5. neural correlates of the verbal component of working memory. 2 a : any one of the vector terms added to form a vector sum or … The training and advice from this component will provide a sound foundation upon which to build a research program in socio-cultural anthropology. These other possible parts of a sentence include objects (direct and indirect), complements, phrases, and clauses. Sentence with the word Component. Consider writing topic sentences early in the process, while you’re working on an outline. In the Algol variables one of the component stars is dark (that is to say, dark in comparison with the other), and once in each revolution, passing between us and the bright component, partially hides it. ' = -1, the gradient of 0 down the normal at the surface of the moving solid; 1 =0, over a fixed boundary, or at infinity; similarly for 02 and 03. Either I seriously miscalculated something wrong the first time or I'm missing a component on my shopping lists this time. The lines of the trunk series are double but for the sake of shortness the least refrangible component is here omitted. If something is interesting to you, but not directly related to the topic sentence, save it for elsewhere in th… Component parts of a simple variable mica compensator for polarizing microscopes. The components are five seconds … component commander ensures that the best-suited aircraft are used to fill each role. Moreover, this is precisely the condition for the absence of interference between the component of a split beam; because, the time of passage being to the first order fds/V f(udx+vdy+wdz)V2, the second term will then be independent of the path (43 being a single valued function) and therefore the same for the paths of both the interfering beams. See Also: add remove public void remove( component component comp) Removes the specified component from this container. Example Sentences for "component". Subjects: Grammar, ELA Test Prep, Writing. The component label is a 50 mm x 50 mm label which is affixed to the lower left quadrant of the base label. 31. If there is an x-axis data component this will be used to give the x-axis data component this will be used to give the x-axis. 2. Knitwear is a key component; softly draped pieces gave a nod to volume without being too over-the-top. In a given sentence, there may be more thanone of any of the five core sentence elements. Component failure was the cause of … The most distinctive component of African music, however, is the … Magnitudes of the components about 4 and 7-1/2. If P represent the average value of the component of a force in the direction of the displacement, s, of its point of application, the product Ps measures the work done during the displacement. See component software and component video. Denoting the distance AM by d 1, BM by d2, and AB by 1, we have for the force at M due to the magnetism of the rod H P =d 12 - horizontal component (dla - d 2 3). Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. I n a straight uniform current of fluid of density p, flowing with velocity q, the flow in units of mass per second across a plane area A, placed in the current with the normal of the plane making an angle 0 with the velocity, is oAq cos 0, the product of the density p, the area A, and q cos 0 the component velocity normal to the plane. Examples of Comport in a sentence Because the children do not comport well in a formal dining atmosphere, we have placed them at a kids’ table in the kitchen. When Nunez in 1885 disregarded the constitution of 1863, which made the component states severally sovereign, he was strongly opposed by the people of Panama, who had no actual representation in the convention which made the constitution of 1886, an instrument allowing Panama (which it made a department and not a state) no local government. When a system is supplied and installed by a company, a component of the price is the installation cost. It will then retrieve occurrences of entity ONE_B subject again to the profile passed down from the parent component. He's a good component on this team ." To be used for this purpose plant carbohydrate polymers first have to be hydrolysed to their component monosaccharides. 3. Subject Verb Object These mechanisms provide a way of establishing the provenance of any component, and indeed of transformations conducted on these components by others. The water content of the soil, its mineral content, its humus content, its temperature, and its physical characteristics, such as its depth and the size of its component particles are all edaphic factors. Definition of Component. Every paragraph in the body of an essay consists of three main parts: a topic sentence, some supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence. The component of dependency grammar can predict how informants will chunk sentences. Show More Sentences The division of labor in traditional Inuit society had a strong gender component , but it was not absolute. Two of the decision is there are two of the mineral, involved... Power lost is released as heat, meaning is a critical component of a! Additional component to a larger whole, especially a part or element of a sentence, you can later... Component pieces that are sensitive to a commercial speaker-independent speech recognition system ( Nuance ) understanding component using typed grammar... 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