Volunteer leaders may offer high value and return on investment for organizations and should be engaged in stimulating roles providing opportunities to practice new skills or build on existing personal strengths (58, 59). J Ext. doi: 10.17269/CJPH.108.5901, 50. Participants were categorized as volunteer-led or educator-led based on county of SWP class attendance. (2015) 53. The SFT is a criterion-referenced test based on scores for thousands of older adults. (2004) 19:192–9. Figure 1. Government policies in the province should aim to improve methods of extension delivery for the implementation of effective farming practices in small-scale farming systems. Public Health 8:566387. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.566387. The initial sample consisted of 658 SWP participants in volunteer- and educator-led classes who had completed a baseline SFT at or near the beginning of the program. 61. Anxiety is a common issue faced by extensionists, especially during oral briefings or presentation and for officers who are still new at their job. Chaudhary AK, Van Horn B, Corbin M. StrongWomen Program evaluation: effect of strength training exercises on physical fitness of participants. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. Farmers who visited the agricultural extension department had a higher awareness and were more likely to adopt improved maize cultivation practices compared with farmers who did not visit the agricultural extension department. Hainsworth J, Barlow J. Regardless of leader type, all sessions were conducted by instructors completing the standardized SWP Leader Workshop and complied with program protocols. (1994) 23:498–506. Belza B, Schumway-Cook A, Phelan E, Williams B, Snyder S, LoGerfo J. Characteristics of extension, agents as the source link extension agent, well as simple and easy to be accompanied, exhibit behavior that is outgoing and must, Characteristics of extension agents to solve, matters but also the community. Regulations made under this Act. Of this, 66 were men and 12 were women, with the majority being full-time operators. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2008.149419, 16. Peer interventions to promote health: conceptual considerations. Regression analysis results showed that technology transfer skills (technical skill, technology delivery skill) and human resource development skills (leadership skill, decision making support skill and social skill) are significant (p<0.05). Front. The same thing that connects it to every corner of North Carolina: NC State Extension. 1. Balis LE, Strayer T, Ramalingam N, Wilson M, Harden SM. Seguin R, Economos C, Hyatt R, Palombo R, Reed P, Nelson M. Design and national dissemination of the StrongWomen community strength training program. Boston, MA: Tufts University (2005). Again, academic rigor or empirical data have a great purpose. Training and support provided should be high-quality and equally as rigorous as training provided to professionals delivering the same program. (2001) 39. (2012) 39:183–90. marketing operation knowledge for sustainable coffee development (Karki, Regmi and Thapa, 62. doi: 10.1177/0733464816672045, 35. (2017) 108:e314–e9. The extension agent must be able to examine situations which confront him, recognize and understand the problems that exist and propose courses of action. This study, hence, determined the level of ToT towards work performance. Table 1. 2018). Since the credibility threshold for the other nurses seeking an opinion is set at 65 for this simulation, nurse agent no. Moreover, agricultural extension aids in the spreading of awareness and the sharing of knowledge among different partners in the agricultural sector (Ngaka & Zwane, 2017). doi: 10.1093/geront/gnx195, 22. Published studies exploring use of volunteers or lay leaders in health outreach programs, including group exercise and strength training classes, have increased in the last decade (24, 32–37). (2015) 31:337–46. The R 2 value of 0.602 indicates that all the predictors explain about 60.2% of the variation in extension agents' work performance. Evaluating the relevance, generalization, and applicability of research: issues in external validation and translation methodology. Written informed consent for participation was not required for this study in accordance with the national legislation and the institutional requirements. The role of extension services in the development of agricultural practices is believed to have more significant impact in influencing the adoption of modern technology. The Department of Agriculture (DoA) continues to dominate extension. Surface science experiments, DFT calculations, and kinetic isotope effect data are utilized to understand the elementary steps that govern the selectivity of silver catalysts for the partial oxidation of ethylene to produce ethylene oxide. 55. The Role of Education Agents in Canada’s Education Systems While anecdotal incidents of bad agent behaviour overseas have received widespread attention, little is known about the role of agents in Canada’s education systems, and this has made it difficult to assess both the positive and adverse impacts of agent involvement on Canadian doi: 10.1111/j.1939-0025.2011.01103.x, 19. FLEX Chip Signal Processor (MC68175/D), Motorola. Volunteer leaders enabled ongoing classes which continued indefinitely and beyond the initial 12 weeks. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. (2009) 47. doi: 10.3109/09593985.2015.1004770, 10. LW and LT coordinated data collection. Advice and new knowledge may be more readily accepted and digested in an atmosphere of shared common experiences (43). A shift in the Extension approach to community engagement wherein we simply facilitate will not work. The number and types of organizations providing extension services in India have shown an increase over the last two decades. Baseline SFT data and 12-week follow-up data were matched for participants (n = 317). However, leader type was not built into program reporting protocols and direct comparisons between classes led by volunteers and those led by Extension educators are not possible. It has been tried to find the professional competency of AOs to cope with the weed problem in North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Pakistan. Tanahu 1914 - Smith Lever Act County Agents and local leaders begin to organize 4-H clubs. Delegation of Certain Functions The findings of this research show that the evolution of agricultural development and extension has not been convincing during the last decade and that farmers were confronted with many unexpected changes and problems in their work. In addition, [11], ... Because of this, an extension officer must possess good communication skills and well-prepared and effective during the delivery of agricultural messages. doi: 10.1177/1559827609342061, 26. Associate Dean for Extension S-107 Ag Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091 (859) 257-4302 laura.stephenson@uky.edu. Fitness improvements in SWP, EnhanceFitness, and SSSH were attained by instructors with and without specialized exercise backgrounds. doi: 10.1111/j.1748-0361.2005.tb00059.x, 11. A Message from our AG Educator during COVID-19 Outbreak Winnebago producers, While we at Extension Winnebago County are coping with this situation and are avoiding face to face contact, I am available through e-mail or office phone for any issues or just to talk. Extension educators are paid employees, typically non-exercise professionals, hold a bachelor's or master's degree, and conduct programming in a variety of areas. This study used an in-depth interview and content analysis to highlight the challenges among respondents. (LRA). doi: 10.1080/19325037.2017.1292970, 66. Leadership. The study used stratified sampling technique to select 668 productive cocoa growers who are exposed to extension activities facilitated by the extension agents’ of Malaysian Cocoa Board (MCB) in the three (3) regions of Malaysia. J Phys Act Health. 2009, c. 25, s. 1. The research design was descriptive and quantitative survey of stingless beekeepers on technology transfer and human resource development by the extension agent. Stingless beekeeping is not only a profitable activity to Malaysian beekeepers but also to Malaysian economy. The citation for an act or statute tells you the name of the act, the jurisdiction where it was passed (federal or a province/territory), the year it was passed, and the volume and chapter number where it is found. Fan JX, Wen M, Kowaleski-Jones L. Rural-urban differences in objective and subjective measures of physical activity: findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2003-2006. Also, Malaysian Cocoa Board and other agricultural extension service agencies should give more attention to delivering consistent technology and human resource development initiatives relevant to the need of farmers and the extension agents by addressing identified skills and knowledge gaps for a continuous performance improvement in their work. The extension agents, Farmers, policy makers, researchers, academics and people working in agriculture can learn a great deal about what individuals and institutions need to do to develop farmers, personally and professionally. Extension Jobs. 60. 29. In the synthesis chapter the implications of all previous chapters about the competency profile of the target group are aggregated and the model is triangulated. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. Despite this limitation, the analysis presented is among the first to explore differences in participant fitness outcomes in counties with volunteer leadership and counties with Extension educator leadership, contributing to a gap in the literature regarding effectiveness of volunteer-delivered strength training programs. (2005) 20:143–60. This study emphasized that in order to improve the performance of agricultural extension agents, one of the way is by getting to know their competencies, skills and abilities. doi: 10.1123/jpah.6.4.456, 34. The main goal of extension service is to transfer technology and develop clients' capacity and potentials to enhance their work performance. Am J Health Educ. Burton E, Farrier K, Hill KD, Codde J, Airey P, Hill A. Prev Chronic Dis. J Aging Phys Act. Purpose of education (2) The purpose of education is to provide students with the opportunity to realize their potential and develop into highly skilled, knowledgeable, caring citizens who contribute to their society. Such a quantitative assessment of impacts could be a useful input into the allocation, The purpose of this study is to examine the rural administrators which is Village Development and Security Comittee level of competency and socio demographic factor that affect it. Of 658 participants completing baseline SFT at or near the start of the SWP, 48% (n = 317) were eligible for inclusion. Contemp Clin Trials. On the contrary, the role of extension agents is to extend, The response of the audience during agricultural talks significantly affects the respondent's anxiety by either reducing or increasing the anxiety through non-verbal communication-moreover, sufficient time to prepare the information for the speech also regulates anxiety in respondents. J Ext. Health outreach programs planned with intent to engage volunteers from the outset will be more easily implemented (57). The Restatement of Agency 2d at S226 confirms this possibility: Consistent with SWP protocols, both Extension educators and volunteer leaders were trained by StrongWomen Ambassadors using a standardized format and materials (55). Nearly three-quarters of participants (n = 234) were in volunteer-led counties. Given the well-established and wide ranging benefits of strength training, low prevalence among older adults is a valid concern. The Role of Education Quality in Economic Growth. Key words: Awareness, adoption, farmers, agricultural extension, maize, Pakistan. Volunteer-led strength training classes can expand access, improve exercise adherence, and enhance intervention sustainability for older adults. employment opportunities for farmers can be raised by increasing production, processing and (2019) 59:e268–78. A person who is able to identify and relate, Jessica Dart, R. J. The Professional Engineers Act and its various sections and associations. Majority of the respondents were not in a position to point out the weeds of major and minor crops. Face-to-face training was necessary to adhere to the SWP Leader Training protocol and allowed trainers to evaluate both volunteer leaders and Extension educators form and technique in teaching strengthening exercises. Am J Public Health. The material used in this study was male Tegal ducks from 10 farmers at the Bulu Village with the object were in Petarukan Sub-district consisting of 5 semi-intensive and 5 intensive rearing systems. Further research is proposed both for the role of instructors and other human resource professionals in the field of agricultural extension in Iran . [Epub ahead of print]. (2011) 92:1581–6. J Phys Ther Sci. Coverage - This Act shall apply to and govern both formal and non-formal systems in public and private schools in all levels of the entire educational system. Waters DL, Hale LA, Robertson L, Hale BA, Herbison P. Evaluation of a peer-led falls prevention program for older adults. Requests to access these datasets should be directed to M.E. Education in Alberta is governed by several acts, the most important of which are the Education Act, the Teaching Profession Act and the Public Education Collective Bargaining Act.. Each of these acts, in turn, refers to a number of regulations.. inputs and increased fertility and farm size. Club meetings and projects were made major requirements. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.105.584060, 4. Outcomes of Stay Strong, Stay Healthy in community settings. Motivational strategies for organizations include continued training, which provides opportunities for growth and development; creating opportunities for volunteer leaders to give and receive social support; and formal and informal recognition (37). (1985) 23:7–10. Access to transportation and health care utilization in a rural region. § 4101. Similarly, whenever private sector is referred to, there is a tendency to … Washburn LT, Cornell CE, Traywick L, Felix HC, Phillips ME. In both class formats—educator-led or volunteer-led—the Extension educator conducted the SFT to evaluate participant functional fitness improvements (28). Further, some instructor crossover is likely, as groups could have been led by both Extension educators and volunteers during the 12-week period. The problem could arise from situational or personal effects, which play significant roles in regulating anxiety. To account for differences in individuals, six change scores, one for each SFT measure excluding BMI, were calculated by subtracting the post-scores from the initial scores. and control,” Univ. Yan T, Wilber K, Aguirre R, Trejo L. Do sedentary older adults benefit from community-based exercise? 38. This study determines the relationship between technology transfer, human resource development and extension agents' work performance among cocoa growers in Malaysia. The extension agents were the officers from various agricultural departments and agencies who serve paddy farmers in Malaysia region in related to extension, marketing, financing, farmers association, production, and others. The volunteer leaders and Extension educators in this study were equally effective in teaching the exercise program, as evidenced by improved functional fitness among participants. Closed form opinionnaires were used to survey 254 extension agents and fifteen state staff members concerning 158 competencies. Government policies in the province should aim to improve methods of extension delivery for the implementation of effective farming practices in small-scale farming systems. Change scores for participants (n = 317) were calculated for six Senior Fitness Test (SFT) measures. (2014) 11:E141. J Aging Phys Act. p. 753–93. Respondents of the key study (chapter eight) gave high scores to all components (future forces, ethical issues, outputs, standards and competencies) of the competency profile of the instructors. College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Furthermore, 62.5% of the respondents had a high awareness about improved maize cultivation practices and 53% had already adopted the techniques. L.) is a high-value crop cultivated on a commercial scale in hilly districts of Nepal (e.g. Lay volunteers, as nonprofessional community members, are an important complement to professional healthcare providers given the shortage of people currently qualified to address physical activity needs of the growing older adult population (15, 16, 18, 37, 50). 65. (2013) 25:1388–97. Section 2. All authors jointly developed study design. In this single state study, volunteer leaders with professional work experience, such as retired teachers, or past athletic participation, may have been more likely to volunteer than others which could influence their success in this type of role. Controlled anxiety allows for a remarkable speech delivery and accelerate audience attention and involvement. Farris E, McKinley S, Ayres J, Peters J, Brady C. County-level extension leadership: understanding volunteer board member motivation. 6713) Pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 of Republic Act No. The aim of this study was not to establish volunteer or educator-led classes as “better,” but to explore whether fitness outcomes were comparable between participants in counties using either delivery models. and Lamjung districts). 2. Aside from age and gender, these data were not collected as part of the SFT or SWP evaluation protocol. Descriptive statistics, factor analysis and regression analysis were employed. (pathologist, radiologist, anesthesiologist). Received: 27 May 2020; Accepted: 10 September 2020; Published: 19 October 2020. The training experiences of older, volunteer lay leaders on an arthritis self-management course. J Ext. However, it is imperative to note that in a mob or riot situation, negotiations should not begin until the situation has stabilized. Title - This Act shall be known as the "Education Act of 1982." Community-based strength training improves physical function in older women with arthritis. Health Educ Behav. The text of all provincial acts and regulations is … After the one extension, companies must submit receipts and/or refund the state. Instant access to millions of Study Resources, Course Notes, Test Prep, 24/7 Homework Help, Tutors, and more. According to McLagan, 1989, role is a, a sense of satisfaction and pride in their ach, sufficiently effective in developing agriculture since only. (2018) 36:666–78. skills individuals and groups need to be effective in the, Competencies, Organisational Commitment And, Yemen.Phd. limited smallholder farmer production knowledge (Baloch and Thapa, 2017). Program planners should carefully weigh costs and benefits of face-to-face vs. indirect training methods to determine the best strategy (63). Furthermore, 62.5% of the respondents had a high awareness about improved maize cultivation practices and 53% had already adopted the techniques. Sixty-six percent of participants (n = 209) improved lower body strength as indicated by improved chair stand test scores; 64% (n = 204) improved upper body strength measured by the arm curl test. J Ext. Agricultural and Extension Education, 10(1), 21-30. Regardless of county classification by leader type (educator- or volunteer-led), a majority of participants improved on all measures of functional fitness, except agility and dynamic balance. (2013) 24:403–40. The SWP targets mid-life and older women, but was open to adults of all ages; a majority of participants were female older adults. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2015.00136, 40. Circulation. 2015). Lay leaders are typically nonprofessional community members trained to deliver specific interventions (18, 19). The evidence provided supports the view that the evaluation of the impacts of new technologies must be set in a general equilibrium framework if the results are to be valid. A good number of farmers are willing and able to pay for quality services especially in the area of plant protection and training programs. In this Act, "board" means The Advisory Board established under this Act; (« Conseil ») "department" means the department or branch of the Executive Government of the province designated by the Lieutenant Governor in Council for the purposes of this Act; (« ministère ») 1 Roles of extension agents changes agent, something happens to serve our clients. The ERG program may authorize one extension period of up to no more than 30-days, or until Friday, December 18, 2020 (whichever comes first) to grantees under unique circumstances, e.g., difficulty in securing equipment due to high demand. Another study comparing the proportion of older adults meeting strength training recommendations across three large, national studies reported prevalence ranging from 16.7 to 21.6% (2). The aim of this article is to inquire whether contract law can operate in a state of affairs in which artificial general intelligence (AGI) exists and has the cognitive abilities to interact with humans to exchange promises or otherwise engage in the sorts of exchanges typically governed by contract law. The SWP and SSSH programs are typically led by non-exercise professionals trained to instruct the structured classes. Learn, teach, and study with Course Hero. It is expected that the income generated by paddy industry will increase up to 988 million per year. Gerontologist. Abstract. Significant and positive correlation (p<0.01) existed between each variables and work performance. This study used the technique of stratified random sampling. Previous research revealed that the target group of the research generally experience many problems in their role of instructor during extension courses for farmers. Jones C, Parker T, Ahearn M, Mishra AK, Variyam J. S. Venkatesh's 110 research works with 2,418 citations and 4,310 reads, including: Modelling multilevel data in multimedia: A hierarchical factor analysis approach Braith R, Stewart K. Resistance exercise training: its role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. harvesting, processing, packing and storage. A, catalyst for change is they have to know the, development. (2003) 25:1–7. This study assessed how technology transfer and human resource development skills influences work performance of the extension agents towards sustainable beekeeping production among beekeepers. Data was obtained from 54 beekeeping farmers and was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. J Am Geriatr Soc. Of six peer-led programs included, three involved peer leaders in strength training instruction (14). doi: 10.1207/S15324796ABM2501_01, 46. Order Extending the Right To Be Given Access under Subsection 4(1) of the Access to Information Act to Records under the Control of a Government Institution doi: 10.1007/s11266-012-9268-y, 51. Studer S, von Schnurbein G. Organizational factors affecting volunteers: a literature review on volunteer coordination. 14. 1. Soc Sci Med. Layne JE, Arabelovic S, Wilson LB, Cloutier GJ, Pindrus MA, Mallio CJ, et al. For clarity, the terms “lay” and “peer” are used when referring to studies using this terminology when volunteer status was not reported. Copyright © 2020 Washburn, Traywick and Garrison. Successful dissemination of a community-based strength training program for older adults by peer and professional leaders: the People Exercising Program. 1. However, Extension educators must conduct outreach and teaching based on scientific research, empirical data, and verifiable knowledge. Older adult's exercise barriers include time commitments, geographic proximity to exercise facilities, transportation, and lack of social support (8–11). (2018) 37:745–62. Purpose of education (2) The purpose of education is to provide students with the opportunity to realize their potential and develop into highly skilled, knowledgeable, caring citizens who contribute to their society. 1990, CHAPTER C.11. The degree that an extension agent holds may be in one of many areas including education, agriculture, animal science, or other related fields. The Early Childhood Educators Act, 2007, established the College. (2005) 13:23–33. Volunteer-led strength training classes can expand access, improve exercise adherence, and enhance intervention sustainability for older adults. Read full-text. The rural extension agents would never think that their act of extending could have the meaning: "Charles extends his hands," although the same verb is used in the latter statement. (2004) 42:346–54. (2018) 55:864–74. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Thus, this study aims to explore the level of roles among extension agents. Green LW, Glasgow RE. SOR/89-207. Seguin R, Palombo R, Economos C, Hyatt R, Kuder J, Nelson M. Factors related to leader implementation of a nationally disseminated community-based exercise program: a cross-sectional study. Participants in volunteer-led counties may have attended classes taught solely by volunteers or taught by both the educator and volunteer leaders. In counties where volunteer instructors were not recruited, classes were solely led by the Extension educator. (2016) 89:37–43. In order to achieve this, extension agents plays important role in educating farmers by encouraging them to learn, adopt new technologies and spread them to other farmers. All content in this area was uploaded by Azizan Asmuni on Feb 23, 2016, Roles of Extension Agents Towards Agricultural Practice in Malaysia, Jasmin Arif Shah, Azizan Asmuni, Azahari Ismail, Professional Development And Continuing Education, University Putra Malaysia, Serdang,Selangor, 43400, Malaysia, questionnaires measuring the roles of extension agents as change agents. university not just as a generator of knowledge, an educator of young minds and a transmitter of culture but also as a major agent of economic growth. doi: 10.1046/j.1532-5415.2003.51365.x, 21. Research in other volunteer-led programs found reframing ideas about who volunteers and where volunteers can be found is essential for program growth (62). The preceding chapter explored implications of research on learning for general issues relevant to the design of effective learning environments. [18], National Centrefor Agricultural Economics and Policy Res. Effectiveness of peers in delivering programs or motivating older people to increase their participation in physical activity: systematic review and meta-analysis. Download citation. These leaders may be similar to the target audience in age, income level, racial or ethnic group, or residential geography. of international agricultural research resources. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. doi: 10.1177/0733464806290934, 31. The effectiveness of extension services is highly dependent on the preparedness and professional competencies of extension professionals. doi: 10.1177/0733464807308620, 42. One hundred and eleven AOs returned the questionnaires and the data were analyzed using SPSS version 16. (2012), extension agents were responsible for increasing the farmers' knowledge, honing their skills and changing their attitudes. It requires Schools to adopt policies to address the existence of bullying in their respective institutions. 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