Often you will want to break a table at a specific point Place your cursor on the lower-right corner of the table until the diagonal arrow icon appears. Word automatically adds page breaks when add more content than can fit on one page, but sometimes you'll want to add a break somewhere else -- for example, if you're creating a new section in a long document or you want to create more space around an image or chart.There are two simple steps for creating your page break:1. i work in “reveal codes” or whatever it’s called in Word all day long and know Word very well, so it’s not like i’m confused. Because this button is a toggle, you can easily tell whether it is turned ON A client asked me to check one of their Word documents as a long table row was being forced onto a new page despite them turning on the option to allow the row to break across pages. Simple Page Breaks. That bug seems to happen more with tables created from the table styles gallery. // -->