For other proposals it is possible to name more than one Principal Investigator in the case of partnerships or other sharing of responsibility for the project. 723 talking about this. If diagrams, images or footnotes are being used, they must be contained within this page. The Marsden Fund operates a yearly funding cycle and makes an annual call for proposals in November / December. Its 3,769,495 inhabitants as of 31 December 2019 make it the most-populous city of the European Union, according to population within city limits. No additional pages or attachments will be accepted other than where requested (unless a translation is supplied – see below). For Fast-Start researchers, an optional “Mentor” category is present in Section 1b. ); access to pools of participants. Enhance the quality of research in New Zealand by creating increased opportunity to undertake excellent investigator-initiated research; and. Kaupapa rangahau: A reader. The database is not available to people outside the Royal Society Te Apārangi. The EOI consists of a one-page abstract of proposed research, CVs plus supporting information. A collection of readings from the Kaupapa Rangahau workshops series. These elements will continue for the 2021 round. For Standard proposals, the maximum FTE is 0.05 per year; for Marsden Fund Council Award proposals, this restriction on AI FTE time does not apply. The shares should add up to 100%. Percentage share of Fields of Research (FOR) codes in the proposed research. site access, assistance etc. If unsure about the relevance of the proposed study to the Vision Mātauranga themes, researchers should consult their institutional advisor. Collection of the % contribution of each Vision Mātauranga theme to the proposed research will form part of our reporting obligations for NZRIS (see “NZRIS Obligations” earlier). In total, your CV must not be more than five pages long when submitted. The Marsden Fund encourages New Zealand’s leading researchers to explore new ideas that may not be funded through other funding streams and fosters creativity and innovation within the research, science and technology system. Please note that Vision Mātauranga is now included as an assessment criterion: Proposals should consider the relation of the research to the themes of Vision Mātauranga and, where relevant, how the project will engage with Māori. You can describe any significant interruptions to your research career in the text box underneath section 1e – for example, parental leave, illness, administrative responsibilities. This is not mandatory. Contribute in the long-term to economic, social, cultural, environmental, health or other impacts for New Zealand, Be involved in no more than ONE proposal as a Principal Investigator per funding round (assuming no exclusion – see below). Track A: If the researcher has proceeded straight from their undergraduate or Masters studies to their PhD studies before taking up employment in a research-related position, then to be eligible to apply for this programme a researcher must: Track B: For researchers who took up employment in a position that involved a component of research before commencing their PhD studies, then to be eligible to apply for this programme a researcher must: In both instances, time spent on sickness leave is excluded from the year count. To monitor the profile of different groups within Marsden funding and identify funding trends and gaps, the Royal Society Te Apārangi collects statistical Information relating to each applicant. Typeface should be 12 point, Times or of similar size font, single spacing (12 point), with margins of 2 cm on the left and 2 cm on the right sides of the page. Please note that more than one box may be ticked. 1b. Get an overview of major world indexes, current values and stock market data. Section 2b is for references associated with the abstract. Transforming Science: How our Structures Limit Innovation. This applies across all grant categories, and applies to all Principal Investigators, whether they are contact PIs or co-PIs. 1d. To monitor the profile of different groups within Marsden funding and identify funding trends and gaps, the Royal Society Te Apārangi collects statistical Information relating to each applicant. The Council consists of eleven eminent researchers spanning a range of disciplines. For this reason, any relationship to previous Marsden funding should be described in the proposed research. Private individuals or researchers need to contact the Marsden Fund for their proposal number. A discussion from Mātauranga Māori. Post-doctoral researchers may be part-time or full-time on a Marsden proposal. 2a. (2nd ed.). Should the proposed research be funded by more than one funding agency, this will be followed up by the Marsden administration. The eligibility period for Fast-Start grants may be extended under the following scenarios: For someone who has had a career interruption due to primary caregiver responsibilities for young children born since their PhD was awarded (Track A) or since the start of their research career (Track B), an extra 2 years per child is added on to their eligibility. Have commenced their research career no more than 10 years ago (including the time taken to undertake their PhD studies). Mātauranga Māori may be used in a minor way to guide the work and its relevance to Māori. Referees are not contacted at the EOI stage but if you are invited to submit a Full Proposal then the Marsden Fund Council will appoint referees. 1c. Associate Investigators (AIs) are researchers who play a lesser role than Principal Investigators and may only be involved with limited aspects of the work. This will not affect assessment of the EOI. I also agree to receive email newsletters, account updates, notifications and communications from other profiles, sent by Recognising that research dissemination occurs other than through peer-reviewed publications, this section also lets you list other forms of research dissemination, such as technical reports or popular press. To overcome this, the Council has set a maximum amount per proposal, which differs between panels. The final date for registration of intent will be determined by Research Offices in each institution. A Principal Investigator who was awarded a Marsden Fund grant in 2020 will not be eligible to apply as a Principal Investigator in 2021 or 2022, but will be permitted to apply in 2023. This is designed to provide flexibility in special cases. Two stages: February (EOI) and June (Full). It is important to support the proposal by means of references. All parts of Section 1 (a, b, c, and d inclusive) should not exceed 1 page in length when previewed as a document on the portal. Any changes will also be posted on our website: From your research coordinator if you are at a university, CRI, or TEO. 11 Turnbull StThorndon, Wellington 6011Aotearoa - New Zealand, © 2021 - Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi, Cellular, Molecular and Physiological Biology (CMP), Economics and Human & Behavioural Sciences (EHB), Engineering and Interdisciplinary Sciences (EIS), Mathematical and Information Sciences (MIS), Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry (PCB), The applicant should be involved in their own independent research, and not merely be part of a larger group’s research programme. One-stage proposal process, with a full proposal to be submitted by the February deadline. When you register your proposal on the portal, a unique proposal number will automatically be generated. Are there benefits to Māori? A general statement about the funding round will be prepared and given to all applicants. No photographs are permitted on CVs. Be consistent with the nature and objectives of the Marsden Fund and the criteria set out above. Note that the Fast-Start proposals are ranked separately from the Standard proposals. Research Offices and private applicants will be advised by 13 May 2021 of the outcome of EOIs. Applicants are asked whether they have sought any other funding for the Marsden-proposed research. Please also give key words or key phrases of no more than 255 characters in total, in a single list (separated by commas or semi-colons; please avoid using the return key). No CV or FTE input is required for Mentors, but their contribution must be outlined in the Roles and Resources section. Humanities (HUM) – including: English; languages; history; religion; philosophy; law; classics; linguistics; literature; cultural studies; media studies; art history; film. Private applicants may sign as their own host. The first two numbers refer to the year of application (2021). However, the guidelines provided here should also be referred to as they contain background information about the Fund and what information is expected in each section of the proposal. Any applicants who have had career interruptions due to being primary caregivers of dependent children should explain this in section 1e (Research Experience) of their CV. A holistic approach that considers reciprocity and relationships is therefore desirable. See for further information. ORCID: There is a facility in the "People" section of the portal for each named investigator to add or create an ORCID ID. For Fast-Start and Standard proposals, select one of the ten Marsden panels to assess your proposal, using the three-letter panel abbreviation as listed on page 9. Taumata: The Royal Society Te Apārangi is one of the data providers for the New Zealand Research Information System (NZRIS). If successful as a Principal Investigator in a particular funding year, a researcher will be excluded from applying for another Marsden Fund grant as a Principal Investigator for the next two funding years. View more on how to contact us or use this form to send us an email. In order to evaluate, and assess the long-term impact of our activities, we will keep an electronic record of the information we hold about you indefinitely unless you request that your private data be destroyed. At the EOI stage, any applicants who have sought other funding organisation for a grant for the same purpose should provide the following information: You may provide an explanation if you wish. A Principal Investigator who was awarded a Marsden Fund grant in 2018 is eligible to apply in 2021, even if the 2018 contract has been extended past its original completion date. Please also give key words or key phrases associated with the chosen SEOs, of no more than 255 characters in total, in a single list (separated by commas or semi-colons; please avoid using the return key). Please note that the absolute minimum combined time for all Principal Investigators on Standard proposals is now 0.1 FTE per year. These can include, for example, cultural advisors. Please note that page limits are the same for each named person on the proposal. Applicants are also requested to: There is a limit of three pages for this section when previewed as a document on the portal. Has budget been disclosed and agreed to with Māori partners? Is there a need for members of the research team to be proficient in te reo? The preferred types of projects are those from individuals or small teams, to investigate bright new ideas, involving the assistance of a post-doctoral fellow, research assistants or postgraduate students where appropriate. However, assessment processes may need to change at short notice in order to respond quickly to a rapidly evolving situation. The information included here should give an idea of research relative to opportunity. Please note that overseas investigators cannot have their time or institutional costs paid for by Marsden. Applicants wishing to submit a Marsden Fund Council Award proposal should consult the separate 2021 MFCA Guidelines for Applicants. Please indicate the % share of each FOR code to the proposed research. This framework is as follows: Biomedical Sciences (BMS) – research related to human health and disease in: biochemistry, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, molecular biology, genetics, cell biology, microbiology; neurobiology (including animals as a model species for humans); human genomics and related bioinformatics. Moewaka Barnes, H. (2006). If you want to verify, modify, correct or delete any private data, you should apply to the Society's Privacy Officer
. There is no maximum identified. PhD awarded beginning of 2008; fulltime work for 4 years, parental leave for 1 year (primary caregiver for 1 child), employed at 0.5 FTE for 2 years, parental leave for 1 year (primary caregiver for a 2nd child), employed at 0.6 FTE for 4 years: Total years of experience (a) = 9.4 years b) Eligibility window, Overall eligibility extension in fulltime years (b) is x + 7 = 11 years. It is not mandatory for an applicant to have a permanent position, but the host institution must agree to employ the applicant for at least the duration of the grant, and in a position that allows them to develop an independent research career. In 2020, several new data elements were introduced for each proposal. However, costs associated with collaboration (i.e. The shares should add up to 100%. These codes have recently been updated (ANZSRC 2020). IMPORTANT: Coloured images / text may be included in the Abstract section ONLY. Assessed by discipline-based panels. Please note that because this will be carried out by a third party service, we will not be able to guarantee the accuracy of the translation. Research typically uses kaupapa Māori research methodologies. Only peer-reviewed or refereed publications, or patents should be counted in each section. Note that there is no longer a tick box. travel and accommodation) may be covered under “direct costs”. Each person named in the proposal needs to tick their acceptance of the personal Terms and Conditions page. Instructions how to use the portal, along with FAQs, are available at: The strict deadline for submission of proposals is 12 noon (NZDT) Thursday, 18 February 2021. Mentors should ideally be based at the applicant’s institution. Research is typically collaborative or consultative, with direct input from Māori groups, commonly including Māori researchers or a collaboration with Māori researchers or researchers under the guidance/mentoring of Māori. The work typically contributes to Māori (e.g., iwi / hapū, organisations) aspirations and outcomes. The percentage of all proposals considered by that panel which progressed to the Full proposal stage. Note that it is possible for the combined total to be over 100% (for example, if the proposed research is entirely Mātauranga and also has a Hauora/Oranga theme, the contributions could be 100% and 10% respectively). This allows up to two pages for personal and work history information in Part 1, and up to three pages for evidence of track record in Part 2. The research is generally led by a Māori researcher; non-Indigenous researchers may carry out research under the guidance/mentoring of a Māori researcher. Online Dating, In a perfect world, you and your soulmate would bump into each other on the streets of Germany, lock eyes, and fall madly in love the next second. The Marsden Fund Council encourages proposals from all members of the New Zealand research community. Matauranga Maori and western science: The importance of hypotheses, predictions and protocols, Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 39:4, 163-166. If an applicant is a panellist, they cannot apply to the panel on which they are sitting, either as a Principal Investigator or as an Associate Investigator. This section is for significant achievements, including, but not limited to, honours, prizes, previous grants, scholarships, memberships or board appointments. Each panel works within a limited budget, and very large proposals can substantially affect a panel’s ability to fund projects at the full value requested. Has there been agreement about the intellectual property ownership of research findings with Māori partners? The limit on space in all sections of the templates should be adhered to. Berlin (/ b ÉËr Ë l ɪ n /; German: [bÉÊËliËn] ()) is the capital and largest city of Germany by both area and population. And how have these been agreed with Māori partners? Fast-Start applicants should also include the title of their PhD thesis and the name of their supervisor(s) in the spaces provided. It is important to list all Principal and Associate Investigators, including those based overseas, as new Principal and Associate Investigators cannot be added at the Full Proposal stage except in extraordinary circumstances. A list of codes will be available on the portal, and can also be referred to at: Summer students may also be included under the “postgraduate student” category if required. The Marsden Fund invests in excellent, investigator-led research aimed at generating new knowledge, with long-term benefit to New Zealand. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand Te Puna Whakaaro, 29, 1-16., Pihama, L., Tiakiwai, S.-J., and Southey, K. Have you co-created the research topic/issue with an iwi or Māori organisation? Footnotes may also be included. The ‘ability and capacity to deliver’ criterion will be judged relative to opportunity, with career achievements assessed in the context of career history, allowing for breaks for family or other responsibilities. This section is to record the total number of peer-reviewed publications and patents you have produced during your career. If none apply, please tick N/A. The latest date to receive referee exclusion notifications is within one week of receiving the invitation to submit a Full Proposal – i.e. Contribute to the development of advanced skills in New Zealand including support for continuing training of post-doctoral level researchers, and support for the establishment of early careers of new and emerging researchers. Please note that parental leave is not excluded from the year count, as this is accounted for separately in the eligibility extension for dependent children - see below. If so, please note in the text box the Marsden contract(s) which the proposed research follows on from. Postgraduate students can be supported on Marsden proposals on a fixed-rate basis. Research is grounded in te ao Māori and connected to Māori philosophies and principles. (2009). These will form data to be collected in the future as part of NZRIS. Proposals to the Fund must meet each individual criterion to the satisfaction of assessors to be considered for funding. If an applicant excludes a particular referee, does not get funded and gets through to the full round in future years, that referee exclusion will need to be requested again if the applicant still wishes to exclude them. Taiao: research that aligns with that theme the margins will form part of the proposed research that has for! Any mentors or AIs ( if applicable ) for by Marsden named Investigators, but who to. 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