Sermons are not speeches. It doesn’t become as clear as it does in the New Testament, and it isn’t as complete as it is in the New Testament, but the Spirit was doing His work or no one would be saved, no one would be sanctified. That’s the body of this death. The book of Romans kind of breaks up – and I guess you could say God’s section is the first one, chapters 1, 2, and 3, in which the whole human race is left guilty before God under His divine judgment. There had only been Saul before him, so the history of monarchs was very brief. Peter says that men were moved by the Holy Spirit to write. In the Greek language this verb is in the imperative mode. Allow me to suggest three things we should do in response to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. All rights reserved. Last Sunday we talked about John 3:8 and how the Holy Spirit is the wind—invisible, unpredictable, uncontrollable. * Indicated Required Field See our Privacy Policy. This is a major problem with many Christians; they are too filled with self and not filled enough with the Spirit of God. One of the teachers noticed little Johnny was not with the other children and walked over to him and said, "Johnny, what are you doing?" And the Holy Spirit’s power is also behind the writing of Scripture. And just to balance out, understanding that each member of the Trinity is equally worthy with each other member of the Trinity, I want to help you to worship the triune God in a more full way, to help you to understand the true work of the Holy Spirit. The unsaved person is dominated by a deliberate, intentional mindset controlled by the flesh. The mark of true salvation is the presence of the Holy Spirit. Many people make the mistake of referring to the Holy Spirit with the impersonal pronoun, "It." He walked with God – try this one – for 365 years. 2. To re-create everyone who believes into their immortal bodies? Those who are according to the Spirit, implied here again, phrone, mind the things of the Spirit – verse 6 – “and the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace.” I mean it’s a completely different pathology. If you understand your condition before you were saved, you will understand just how violent it was. Preaching isn’t a lecture. In his excellent book on Systematic Theology, Wayne Grudem, defines the work of the Holy Spirit by saying, "The work of the Holy Spirit is to manifest the active presence of God in the world, and especially in the church." And great grace was upon them all.” What is the role of the Holy Spirit in evangelistic preaching? Preaching is somebody speaking forth the apostolic truth in the power of the Spirit. When the Holy Spirit is moving with the ruach of Yahweh, people will be saved, sanctified, united, enabled, gifted, empowered for worship and service and obedience to holy Scripture. The law can condemn the sinner, the law can’t condemn sin, but Christ in His death condemned sin in His own human flesh as an incarnate man. He regenerates the elect. Now let’s go to Romans 8. I. Why is it that people attribute all of these terrible things to the Holy Spirit? While the work of the Holy Spirit in totality is far beyond our ability to address this morning, allow me to mention to you, ten things the Holy Spirit does. He is eternal, immutable, righteous, just and loving. And by the way, only to those who know Christ. There’s no such thing as saying, “I’m a Christian, I have been given life from death by the power of the Holy Spirit, but I have no interest in fulfilling the law of God.” Wait a minute – that’s not possible. Because you couldn’t live one moment pleasing God without His power. … The Holy Spirit … The unsaved person, habitually controlled by his unregenerate and depraved humanness, hates God, hates the things of God. What he says here is that these people do not walk according to the Spirit but according to the flesh. •• On the spiritual side, the anointing gives you the Holy Spirit's power to break the devil’s yoke in people’s lives. An anointed vessel to bring the Word. One can be in fellowship with Him or one can be out of fellowship with Him. Series and Sermon: Growing in the Spirit of God: Purpose of the Holy Spirit (The Introduction) “Tarrying, Receiving, and Demonstrating the Holy Spirit” I. Tarring for the Holy Spirit (Wait not Work) Accordingly, we have updated our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions in order to comply with GDPR. So the anointing in the fullness of the Spirit comes upon all of us to empower us, as it were, to be those who reign in the kingdom, those who take men before God as priests would do, and those who preach for God to men as prophets did. The completed registration allows us to send order and donation receipts to the email address you provided. It’s a controlling, internal force of fallenness, corruption, the flesh. This is a command. As we have noted the Holy Spirit is actively involved in inviting people to come to faith in Jesus Christ. It isn’t, as I’ve been saying to you, it isn’t just the fact that we have not as much a focus or concentration on the person of the Holy Spirit, though He is worthy of equal praise, it is that what is attributed to the Holy Spirit is certainly unworthy of His name. It is the Holy Spirit who enables us to see ourselves for what we are and invites us to allow Jesus to change us. A. ". We were dead in our trespasses and sins, to say it the way Paul said it in Ephesians 2, and then came the Spirit of life, and set us free from the law of sin and death. This sermon explores the biblical basis for a relationship with the Holy Spirit and some of the fruits of such a relationship. But you’re in the Spirit, you walk in the Spirit, you mind the things of the Spirit, you have life and peace. First Timothy 5:6, “She that lives in pleasure is dead while she lives.” But we have been given spiritual life, and now we have that life because we’ve made peace with God. But knowing something and experiencing something are two different things. The fact of the matter is that many Christians know a lot about Jesus, they understand less about God the Father but God the Holy Spirit is somewhat of a mystery to them. They can’t subject themselves to the law of God, they’re not able to do it. It’s clear that no one was expecting anything like this. And one day, that same power will re-create a new you fit for eternal life in heaven. Enter your email address and we will send you instructions on how to reset your password. David’s fear was that what happened to Saul would happen to him, so this personal prayer to God is that God would sustain the presence of the Spirit upon him or he wouldn’t have the power to rule the way he needed to rule. As a Christian you should not have to struggle and strain to be loving, peaceful, joyful or patient. And Acts 13:2 tells us that He speaks, all of these are characteristics of a person. But in the heart he hates the things of God. God the Father is the Source of life and of all that has been divinely planned and created. Jesus said that without Him we can do nothing, which is to say, without His Spirit working in us and through us, without the supernatural empowerment which He alone can give, we cannot accomplish anything of eternal consequence. I always like to give you a little introduction. It meant to please God. The Holy Spirit. First, consider the work of the Holy Spirit upon the preacher himself. All the saints of all history. Our minds now are such that we are no longer hostile to God, as those are in verse 7. That’s what you might conclude. Sometimes His voice is drowned out by other voices which compete and vie for our attention. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” It’s the body of death in Romans 7 that’s attached. This is the ruach of Yahweh. That’s just death. His creative work now is spiritual creation. It talks about the religion of the flesh, the prayers of the flesh, the worship according to the flesh, the God of the flesh, the corruption of the flesh. You must be born of the Spirit, Jesus said in John 3 to Nicodemus. Is that not power? THE HOLY SPIRIT ALONE CAN CONVINCE MEN OF THIS SIN. By the way, if you – well, by my definition, anyway, so – the book that’s mentioned in the Grace Today, Charismatic Chaos, will give you a lot of material that I’m not covering in this series about the Charismatic movement. Dead in trespasses and sin, blind to the truth of God, and we’ll see more about that in Romans 8. As you may be aware, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into full effect on 25th May 2018. 2. This is amazing power. The degree to which God will direct you, use you and conform you to the image of Christ, will always depend upon the degree to which you allow the Spirit of God to fill you. Those are the unregenerate and the regenerate. John Piper delivered this message at the Sing! For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak whatever He hears. Only a heart touched by the Holy Spirit can maintain such an attitude in every relationship of life. of the Holy Spirit from the perspective of how he was introduced to us; and how that introduction can become a hinderance to our spiritual growth. I’d never seen cancer literally eat a person on the outside until there was virtually nothing left. You have experienced a real resurrection, spiritually speaking. When Jesus speaks of the Holy Spirit, say in John 14:26 for example He uses the masculine personal pronoun when He says, "But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit - the Father will send Him in My name - will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you.". What is His power accomplishing? Everywhere you turn someone or something is trying to get our attention. I’ll tell you how much we can please God. What is He doing in this ministry? The television is blabbing, the radio is blaring, the cell phone is ringing, someone needs you to do this or to do that. This is the word for disposition. We’re talking about mighty force. Now, understanding something of the work of the Spirit of God, let's talk for a moment about our response. This sermon outline on The Power of the Holy Spirit encourages Christians to live Spirit-filled lives so that they can be witnesses to their faith in Christ. He is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent and holy. It means sensing the joy of the Lord. Why will I now obey the law of God in attitude and action? And so we read in verse 11: “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.”. Against such things there is no law.". An illustration of this power would be drawn from Psalm 51. Profoundly dead, the walking dead, that’s the diagnosis of all human beings before they come to Christ. And, of course, what makes it possible is verse 3, that Christ Jesus, the Son of God, gave Himself an offering for sin. It was a horrible thing to see. So here we have the second clue as to what constitutes preaching. He gives you spiritual gifts. That is the summation of the Good News. Now you’re seeing some power, overcoming this corruption that is so profound and deep in every human being, and the Holy Spirit has overcome it to enable us to obey the law of God, and that would start with loving God and pleasing Him as well. Secondly, because of this life, He enables us to fulfill God’s law. We'd love to hear from you. At Pentecost He came upon believers in a new and powerful way to indwell them and enable them to accomplish the work of the kingdom that Jesus had begun. That’s how it is. The Holy Spirit is a unique person with the characteristics which define a person. That is confirmed at the end of the chapter. That’s just amazing.
He died our death. You all are amazing. That is not the point. 4. Contrary to what some may teach, there is no second blessing where you have to beg and beg to get the Holy Spirit after you are saved. As I’ve been thinking about the Holy Spirit – there’s a lot more to come – I’ve been looking up some hymns, trying to find old hymns on the Holy Spirit. But if anyone doesn’t have the Spirit of Christ, He doesn’t belong to Him. It’s not just that which you can touch and see. How did it get activated in us? That means that in every way He is equal with God the Father and God the Son. Think of Enoch. He teaches truth to God's people as they seek to study and apply God's word to their lives. One moment there is nothing, not even a universe, let alone a universe filled with moving bodies in orbit, and in a split second they all exist. In fact, one of the key roles the Holy Spirit played was that of revelation. There are a variety of reasons we don't hear His still small voice when He speaks. And, what wraps it all together is One Person, Holy Spirit. Father, we thank You for our time this morning. We no longer are under the power of the flesh, which is death, but we are – verse 6 says – under the power of the Holy Spirit. You’re not in the flesh but in the Spirit if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. That is why the translation – the old translation of Holy Ghost is so inadequate. That’s fellowship with God, reconciliation to God, the end of alienation and all the life that comes with that. Joseph assumes the worst until the angel intervenes. Your mind is changed. Today we will concentrate our thoughts on the doctrine of God the Holy Spirit, often referred to as Pneumatology, literally meaning, "A word about the Spirit.". It is a body of believers that does three very important activities on a regular basis. He says, "Jesus answered, ‘I assure you: Unless someone is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. The material world is created. Others walk in the Spirit, that’s their behavior, they mind the things of the Spirit, that’s how they think, and they enjoy life and peace. And, by the way, something that doesn’t exist. As our confessional statement sets forth in the first sentence, "The Holy Spirit of God is the Spirit of God, fully divine." One writer says, “Yahweh’s ruach is the blast of God, the irresistible power by which He accomplishes His purposes, whether creative or destructive.” When you talk about the Spirit of God, you’re talking about a person who is essentially the expression of the violent power of God, divine energy, a power that is as great and as infinite and limitless as God Himself is great and limitless. What is the true work of the Holy Spirit? Because it is a perfect expression of His mind, so it is that in the life of the believer, the Spirit of God has a mind and a will in perfect accord with the Father’s, we’ll see later in Romans chapter 8, and He works to blast away everything that stands in the way of the fulfillment of that purpose and that will. But it isn’t just that. It means being comforted by His presence; it means speaking to Him and knowing that He hears you. You’re not in the flesh, summing up what he has said. Dr. Alan Cairns Holy Spirit Series: Importance The role of the Holy Spirit in the church is vital to the life of the church. 6) The Holy Spirit is not an “IT.” DISCUSSION: Who is the Holy Spirit? That’s why David’s final words – 2 Samuel 23:2 – are: “The Spirit of the Lord spoke by me and His word was on my tongue.” Every writer of Scripture is reduced to only that which the Holy Spirit desires to be said, overpowering the limits of human knowledge, human wisdom, human understanding, then settling in on exactly what the Spirit wanted said. SERIES 1 OF 14 The Holy Spirit is a teacher. This is not a small thing. And now we come to the chapter on the Holy Spirit. Only to those who know Christ. There is a blasphemy of the Holy Spirit that goes on all the time. Acts 1:4-8; 2:1-4 This is now our fifth and final message in our series Accessing God's Power. It clearly says that we do not know how to pray as we should but God has made provision for us. Let’s start in verse 1: “Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Without the Holy Spirit, a church is just a club, our preaching is just motivation, and our outreaches are just temporary acts of charity. How do we as believers respond or interact with the Holy Spirit? Fourth, baptism means doing this immersing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We’re given then an amazing and rich revelation of His gracious, violent, explosive power that basically re-creates us and empowers us in righteousness and ultimately empowers us for eternal glory. In John 3:5-6 Jesus tells Nicodemus that he must be born again. This is the word that describes the way you go. So we’ve seen God’s very strong section on the whole human race being under divine condemnation and judgment, Christ’s wonderful gracious provision, and now the activating of the redemption that God initiated and Christ validated comes by the work of the Holy Spirit. Do you enjoy the presence of someone you love? David had sinned greatly – terrifying sin. Anyone who hears should say, ‘Come!' On the other hand, there’s another pathology here. He will re-create you. Now, don't get me wrong. They go on violating the law of God and the penalty for that is what? The purpose of these studies is to show the importance of having a vital and ongoing relationship and friendship with the person of the Holy Spirit. He possesses their attributes and character. Amen. I Corinthians 12, Romans 12:6-8 and 1 Peter 4:10-11 tell us that the Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts to every believer to equip them to be a functional and productive part of the body of Christ. Registered User
“Law” used here is principle. In Matthew 3:11, Mark 1:7-8, Luke 3:16, and John 1:33, we read this statement from John the Baptist: “I indeed baptize you with water; but One mightier than I is coming, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose. The final aspect of our salvation, which is nearer now than it’s ever been, is our glorification. He took her in acts of adultery and then, wanting to take her permanently, arranged for her husband who was a faithful soldier to be abandoned in the heat of the battle and therefore to die at the hands of the enemy. I hope it’s not all gone by the time this event happens.” It won’t matter, He’s got the formula. Please notice verse 4: “So that we now have life, which is possible because of the sacrifice of Christ on our behalf – in verse 3 – sin has then been condemned in the flesh of Christ who died as an offering for sin, so that the requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us.”. 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