For mornings, try something like getting up first, going to eat breakfast, brushing teeth, and then getting dressed. I ask because I have a dear friend who is middle-aged and she has, what I can only best describe as mild versions of the “typical” features-the eyes, head shape, and she also has a hole in her heart. It is also good to point out that physical appearance (how many physical characteristics of Down syndrome an individual has) does not determine cognitive ability. Nor does the number of physical problems a person with Down syndrome has correlate with their intellectual ability. If attended to properly, at the right time, Down's Syndrome children have a real chance at a normal life. I was shocked at his question. Mosaic down syndrome is a common genetic disorder. For women who have had one child with Down syndrome, the chance of having another baby with Down syndrome depends on several things. Talk to your doctor if you think your baby may have a disability, and don't worry: your baby can can … Also, look for local suppo ... Read More. Information matters! Low Muscle Tone: One of the most significant characteristics of Down syndrome is low muscle tone (discussed briefly as we talked about the mouth and tongue) or Hypotonia. Contrary to what was believed before, the tongue is not bigger than normal. For this reason, I recommend any patient with Down syndrome, no matter what age, ... which is the normal reflex of the retina when struck by direct light. A person with Down syndrome typically looks more like their close family members than another person with the condition. People will tell you the single palmar creaseor simian creaseis the hallmark physical characteristic of a child born with Down syndrome. Her parents were very concerned over their reputation and sadly I could believe that they might have rejected the idea that she may be “different.”. She eats. I created a guide with 13 practical ways to help you find peace in the midst of chaos, opt in to make sure you get a copy of this freebie! 30 mos. Either way, this site should be a good source for all of your Down's Syndrome questions. I am not trying to troll, or anything like that. I know some of us thought having boys with DS would spare us the whole contraceptive discussion. Most people with Down syndrome fall within the mild to moderate range of intellectual disability, as indicated by scores on an IQ test (individuals with the mosaic form of Down syndrome typically score 10-30 points higher, which places many of them in the “normal” range of intelligence). You can’t even tell that she had heart surgery. (Random fact, my daughter has the short chubby fingers and crooked pinky, but she does not have the single palmar crease. Then the pediatrician said … She’s just beautiful. Those come from people we’ve just met, and sometimes loved ones, who say, “You know, when I look at her, she looks so NORMAL! Down syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality characterized by the presence of an extra copy of genetic material on chromosome 21, either in whole (trisomy 21) or part (such as due to translocations).The effects of the extra copy varies greatly from individual to individual, depending on the extent of the extra copy, genetic background, environmental factors, and random chance. Down syndrome can occur in all human populations, and analogous effects have been found in other species, such as chimpanzees and mice. The ears set slightly lower on the head. But I love hearing about athletes who use their platform to raise awareness and money for people with disabilities. "can two parents with down syndrome give birth to a normal child? I worried about work. The chief of cardiac surgery, who also happened to be Asian American, guided us through what to expect. Translocation Down Syndrome is the only type of Down Syndrome that can be passed down from a parent who does not have features of Down Syndrome. "The parent will need to be understanding of their child and their development," Dr Supa adds. My world, it seemed, was falling apart: We were under a lot of stress at work and Spouse’s job was in jeopardy. Thanks to advances in medicine and social attitudes, as well as improved community services, this is no longer the case. The result is 21 photos and short bios that provide a beautiful testimony to the global reach of Down syndrome, as well as the tremendous diversity among people with Down syndrome. I have crooked pinkies too). After the initial shock of our daughter’s diagnosis wore off, we learned a lot from our friends, especially the authors and disability rights activists Janice Fialka, Richard Feldman and Micah Fialka-Feldman. “Do you want to keep the baby? Eventually, my blood pressure was so high, I had to be induced. I am a part of the International Down Syndrome Coalition, and this is what drives us. People with Down syndrome don't 'all look the same'. It does not reflect the ability for a child to have a wonderful, fulfilling, and successful life. Infants born with Down syndrome may be of average size, but grow slowly and remain smaller than other children of the same age. The ears set slightly lower on the head. Though hypotonia can and often does improve with age and physical … You may also like to use the Early Support Programme Developmental Journal for Babies and Children with Down Syndrome. By having fun, playing, and hanging out with a child with Down syndrome, you’re showing the world how they should treat children with special needs — with caring, kindness, and respect, like any other child. It also can be detected during pregnancy with genetic testing. Each case is different and you, with the help of the support team you have assembled, will have to assess if that is the best approach for your child. Is it possible for a person to reach adulthood un- diagnosed? An echocardiogram showed a “ventricular septal defect,” or a hole in KK’s heart. When “KK,” as I’ll call her, was born, she had to stay in the hospital for nearly a week due to complications including jaundice and abnormal platelet counts. A speech and language therapist can help. At 6 months, a second cardiologist confirmed what we’d hoped to avoid: KK needed heart surgery, sooner rather than later. Photo credit: Emily P. Lawsin. An infant with Down syndrome can be born an average size, but will develop more slowly than a child without the condition. When your child has Down syndrome, one of the most useful things you can do is learn as much about it as you can.You might search online for programs and resources to help your child. Neck:Some individuals with Down syndrome (like my daughter) have a “thicker” neck, or what appears to be an excess of skin on the neck. If attended to properly, at the right time, Down's Syndrome children have a real chance at a normal life. Feet: There may be a gap between the big toe and the rest of the toes. Many parents like to record developmental ‘firsts’ on the pages provided in the main PCHR. Someone can look at a child or adult with Down’s and know right away they have it. Not all individuals with Down syndrome exhibit all of these characteristics. The New Parenting Trends That Are Here to Stay, Dear Reader: Let’s Make Things Better, Together, How to Talk to Young Children About Race and Racism, Finding Your Village: Virtual Parenting Support Groups for Seattle-Area Families, How New Parents Can Create Calm in the Chaos, Nature Has a Remedy for All That Ails You, How Hormonal Fluctuations Could Be Impacting Your Mental Health, 17 Take-Home Craft and Cookery Kits for Puget Sound Families, The Pornographic Perils of Virtual Schooling, 8 Vegetarian Recipes for Kids Who Don’t Like Veggies, Tons of Activity Sheets to Keep Your Preschooler Busy, Watch Out! These studies show that the percentage of mosaicism doesn’t accurately predict outcome. Short neck. Low muscle tone: Infants with Down syndrome often appear “floppy” due to a condition called hypotonia. Her personal blog, Everything and Nothing from Essex, chronicles her journey through motherhood and raising a child with Down syndrome. Those come from people we’ve just met, and sometimes loved ones, who say, “You know, when I look at her, she looks so NORMAL! Each parent has an extra 21st chromosome, and each has 1/2 chance of passing it to the child, since the pairs all divide in half to make eggs and sperm and half the time, the extra one would go along. In reality, children with Down Syndrome can learn in similar manners as other children, just with a little more push and assistance. Last update: Oct 9, 2020 1 answer. Whether you’re celebrating Down Syndrome Awareness Month in October or World Down Syndrome Day in March, we wanted to ask the HuffPost Parents community to share photos of their kids with Down syndrome and tell us one thing they wished people knew about their child. 0 thank. In many important ways, children who have Down syndrome are very much like other children. If you want to terminate, you are running out of time to legally do that in this state,” said the doctor subbing for my obstetrician. Typically, a baby is born with 46 chromosomes. This happened before we had any insight into the genetic makeup of individuals, so it was not known that the presence of an extra 21st chromosome caused Down syndrome. Spouse and I, like many Asian Americans, have experienced all sorts of racism and microagressions growing up in Seattle and Los Angeles, and working in Michigan. There are many misconceptions about people with Down syndrome. Shelly, yes, there is a lot of outdated information. However, children with Down syndrome have a widely recognized physical appearance. I felt out of breath just walking to work. This is one of the markers for Down syndrome that can be detected in an ultrasound. Check out the post I have with 31 facts about Down syndrome! Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21. There’s plenty of “Oh, can I touch her hair?” or “Can I take a picture of her because she looks just like a China doll?!”. Down syndrome or Down's syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. It is usually associated with physical growth delays, mild to moderate intellectual disability, and characteristic facial features. This can lead to physical limitations, bullying, and teasing from others. A baby, for example, may appear “floppy.” It affects movement, strength, speech, and development. Yes, you read right. 29 mos. BEAUTIFUL photos of precious children. You can’t even tell that she had heart surgery. Individuals with Down syndrome have low muscle tone, and therefore, the muscles in the mouth and tongue might be weaker. She is expecting her third baby in November. And it does not measure equally important attributes such as creativity, personality, perseverance, and life experiences. When the tongue is sticking o… A child with Down syndrome will be evaluated by the pediatrician at birth, ... the person is, they may not be able to communicate that they can’t see. People with Down syndrome are not always happy. The following are ultrasound markers that are seen … Reflections from a mom of an Asian American child who has Down syndrome, The author's daughter. What does ‘normal’ mean to you?”, The Secret Language of Chickens: How a family pet helped a boy communicate, Dangling Without a Diagnosis: Moving forward on an unclear path, Parenting in the Present: Why special needs aren't so special, Undercover Expertise: A mom on trusting her gut, It's Not a Catastrophe: Learning to cope, one year at a time, My Daughter's Superpower: A mother's diagnosis helps inform her daughter's, 'But She Looks So Normal': Reflections from a mom of an Asian American child who has Down syndrome. Down’s Syndrome has quite a lot of abnormalities, some of which cannot be seen. Short, stocky build: At birth, children with Down syndrome usually are average size, but tend to grow at a slower rate and remain smaller than other kids their age. Children with Down syndrome can usually do most things that any young child can do. 36 mos. However, every aspect of the appearance does not need to be present as the phenotype, the way the genes make the child look, can be markedly different for each patient. 0. She climbs the furniture and tries to run. They can range from having very mild features to having most of the features of Down syndrome. I heard some people with DS have more flexible joints than people without it. The exact ages of these development milestones is different for each child. Researchers don’t know how to prevent the chromosome errors that cause this disorder. Dr. Ledoux: Unfortunately, children with Down Syndrome often do not complain about their eye problems, either because they don’t notice the problem or because they can’t communicate the problem well enough. Teeth:Teeth may come in late and in an unusual order. Let’s take a closer look at what some of these physical characteristics are. It is usually associated with physical growth delays, mild to moderate intellectual disability, and characteristic facial features. Ears: The ears in individuals with Down syndrome can be smaller and the tops may slightly fold over. All the children pictured are so adorable, and you can just tell how much fun they must be, and how much love they have surrounding them. A person who has Down syndrome is born with an extra copy of the 21st chromosome. You can’t even tell that she has Down syndrome!”, Sometimes when I’m exhausted, I just nod and smile, convincing myself that they don’t mean it maliciously. At birth, babies with Down syndrome are often the same size as other babies, but they tend to grow more slowly. Your posts have opened my eyes. Get the Special Needs Parent Survival Guide,, 31 facts about Down syndrome - Ellen Stumbo. Mosaic Down syndrome is a rare, less severe form of Down syndrome. This extra genetic material causes the developmental changes and physical features of Down syndrome. Women with Down Syndrome CAN get pregnant While not all women with Down Syndrome (DS) will be able to have kids, some are indeed fertile. A typical human karyotype is shown here. 7.5 years 4-5 years 3.5-4.5 years (NYSDOH, 2008) This is a serious question, so please only answer seriously. Individuals with Down syndrome have low muscle tone, and therefore, the muscles in the mouth and tongue might be weaker. Mental and physical developments are usually slower in people with Down syndrome than for those without the condition. Some individuals with Down syndrome have just one crease across their palm, called the transverse palmar crease. I am so grateful – thank you. A 35 year old woman has about a one in 350 chance of conceiving a child with Down syndrome, and this … This is great information for those of us who do not have experience with people affected by Down Syndrome. Every baby born with Down syndrome is different. With the scar on her chest hidden under clothing, you wouldn’t know that she had heart surgery unless someone told you. Seattle Activities for Kids, Parenting Articles and Resources for Families. As an older mother I had a 1 in 6 chance of having a Down syndrome baby. We quickly learned how each state has different procedures but is required to implement federal laws designed to help children with disabilities. Down syndrome can also lead to complications such as congenital heart disease, visual … Down syndrome is a genetic disorder faced by 1 out of every 700 infants born in US. For example, Nichole got her bottom 2 teeth first, followed by a random order (her molars came in before her two top teeth.) It’s detected at birth. In addition to all of the doctors’ visits, we were regularly seeing an occupational therapist to teach KK how to suck and drink more. Babies with Down syndrome have an extra copy of one of these chromosomes, chromosome 21. You can’t even tell that she has Down syndrome!” Sometimes when I’m exhausted, I just nod and smile, convincing myself that they don’t mean it maliciously. It has been observed that the Mosaic Down syndrome affects the person very badly, however, if it is treated at an early stage then the quality of life of the patient can be improved by … Down syndrome symptoms vary from person to person and can range from mild to severe (often featured with medical problems). It was 1866 when an English Physician named John Langdon Down first described the similarities of the condition that came to be known as Down syndrome (Down, named after him.) Genetic counsellors are trained to provide information and support that is sensitive to your family circumstances, culture and beliefs. I was wondering if someone who has tested positive for mild down syndrome could appear perfectly normal, and hide the fact that they had down syndrome? Send thanks to the doctor. Early intervention programs that begin when a child is a baby can help the child reach his or her potential. There are many misconceptions about people with Down syndrome. The baby with Down syndrome has a hallmark appearance. These days, KK is a thriving 3-year-old. At the time, an individual would be diagnosed by noticing certain characteristic physical features. Contrary to what was believed before, the tongue is not bigger than normal. Relative to MA matched normal children, they displayed a signific … I just kissed Nella. My son has down syndrome and I wouldn’t trade him for anything. My beautiful, perfect daughter. Is it possible that she could be 42 and never diagnosed. It is important to remember that no one person living with Down syndrome will have all of the symptoms, features, health conditions, or intellectual problems described here. Down syndrome occurs in people of all races and economic levels, though older women have an increased chance of having a child with Down syndrome. They might have small folds of skin at the inner corners, which are called Epicanthal Folds. Can two people with down syndrome have a normal child. Blank symbols can be used in order to spontaneously respond to situations when the child wanted to move the communication in a certain way (Figure 2).For example, one child with Down syndrome who very quickly picked up on the informal and non-threatening format responded with great joy and obvious signs of enjoyment in his newly found empowerment. about 4 years 33 mos. 1 doctor agrees. Down syndrome varies in severity among individuals, causing lifelong intellectual disability and developmental delays. Although there’s no cure for Down syndrome, early intervention can make a difference. It is one of the common disorders that cause lifelong disabilities especially in intellectual properties. The condition is lifelong and develops in utero. 0. Every chromosome has two copies. Find out the type, causes, and kinds of effects it can have. For some individuals their teeth might be small, unusually shaped, or out of place. 4-5 years 3 mos. The term stuck. For what must seem like a rocky road at times, you are so lucky! Many years ago, if a child was born with Down syndrome, they weren't expected to live very long or go to a normal school.They weren't expected to have a career or get married. They develop more slowly than others. She drinks. We explain the condition, its cause, symptoms, and how to diagnose it. You have a beautiful daughter, thank you for sharing her with us. Can a Down syndrome child look normal? Men with Down Syndrome CAN father children. Help your child to have positive experiences with new people and places. Being a parent of a child with Down syndrome, I believe the personal stories from these athletes, who have a wide reach and recognition, help bring acceptance and show my kids how common families like ours are. YES, people with Down Syndrome can and do have babies. You may hear the term “developmentally delayed” and this means things like speech, walking, talking, and other motor skills are slow to develop. Get the best of ParentMap delivered right to your inbox. Not so much anymore! They will be missing something called a simian crease, which is the uppermost … Presently there are at least 30 documented pregnancies involving women who have DS. That last pic…the curls! 20 mos. Normally, a baby tends to have 46 chromosomes in each cell. This form needs Javascript to display, which your browser doesn't support. Through early intervention services, you can work with health professionals to choose therapy options to treat your child’s symptoms, support your child, improve outcomes for your child and … DS happens as a result of incomplete separation of one of her chromosomes at the time of fertilization. There are at least 3 instances where paternity tests proved that the father was indeed a man with Down Syndrome. They introduced us to specialists and our area’s local Down syndrome organization. ... Can two people with down syndrome have a normal child. I see that some have a distinct set of physical features that people generally associated with Down, but others less so. Eyes: The eyes of an individual with Down syndrome might slant upwards a little bit and are almond shaped. The genetic disorder varies from person to person and severity. Read to your child and play with him or her, just as you would any other child. You daughter looks like you and is adorable! Emily P. Lawsin is a performance poet from Seattle, lecturer at the University of Michigan and vice president of the Filipino American National Historical Society. There was a chance, the cardiologist said, that the hole would close, so we held off on surgery. Raising a baby with Down Syndrome. 26 mos. 36 mos. After she was released, a Down syndrome specialist heard a faint heart murmur. The risk for chromosome defects in a pregnancy varies based on the mother’s age at the time of delivery. After all, 46 of their chromosomes are perfectly normal. These misconceptions are largely a result of two contributing factors: Her hair is now long, and while it is not as curly, she still has some curl to her hair, especially when it is humid! Low muscle tone affects all the muscles in the body. Still, that doesn’t keep strangers from sharing their opinions. Don’t intrude their privacy, as that would be rude, but if you have an opportunity, look at their hand. But the hardest comments? Ears: The ears in individuals with Down syndrome can be smaller and the tops may slightly fold over. Other times, I seize the teachable moment and say, “REALLY? As well as providing emotional support, they can help you to understand Down syndrome and what causes it, and what a diagnosis means for your child's health and development, and for your family. We teach ethnic studies, so we wanted to read everything there was about Asian Americans and Down syndrome. M yes, I think it goes hand in hand with the low muscle tone, but yest it is pretty common and now that you mention it, I don;t see it mentioned very much at all, thanks for pointing that out! As you can see in Nichole’s picture bellow, she seems to be sad, when in reality that is her “resting” pose. Children with Down syndrome, like the majority of other kids, do exceptionally well with routines. Markers are findings that, in and of themselves, won’t cause the baby any problems but might indicate that the baby has an increased risk of having an underlying chromosome abnormality. As your new baby grows… Your daughter is a gorgeous girl, love her big beautiful eyes . As a friend or loved one of a child with Down syndrome, you can show others that having Down syndrome doesn’t get in the way of living a full life. I was scared to look up at Brett, so I didn't. They have the same moods and emotions, they like to learn new things, play, and enjoy life. This sometimes gives the appearance of a slightly broader nose. You can see that in the picture bellow, your left hand side between the front tooth and the canine tooth. 48 mos. I remember my brother being really “floppy” when he was born. He is a super strong 34 year old… no more low muscle tone for that guy! Genetic tests, he’d just explained, showed a 98 percent positive screening that the baby in my belly would be born with Down syndrome. The condition is characterised by certain physical features, but people can have all of them — or none. But they usually do these things at a later age than other children. Beautiful kids, and fascinating info presented so positively – love it! Down syndrome affects the normal physical development of a baby and can lead to mild or moderate learning difficulties. It’s a single crease across the palm of the hand. An IQ score is, after all, just a number. 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