Schedule it to be pinned to any Pinterest group boards that are relevant. 0000010255 00000 n Formatting Section 5. For blog posts, you can be a bit more flexible (although do your best to test this and find what works for you). Check A Category Is the category relevant? 0000037201 00000 n Hang on! Download the free blog post checklist!. 0000017034 00000 n Pin your post image onto Pinterest. Create a blog post checklist. The biggest factor in your search engine visibility is regularly writing high-quality content. So, here it goes. 50+ steps you need to complete for EVERY post! 2. Planning Section 2. 0000005770 00000 n (This is optional, assuming your headlines are great). 0000039819 00000 n Writing Section 3. Get your notepad ready because today on the blog you’ll be treated to 25 copy-and-paste blog templates you can use on your blog right now. Simply put, Google does not like duplicate content, so you should try to eliminate it where possible. The Visual Blog Post Blueprint 65% … }=������4���|M���;�h�����6�D+����4u;��%�>��۱ k�~x�7A�1����+�S���s5��]�>]�Q�`��q; ��>Eͪ�]��l�� 튳=14Dz=����TZ�;Д�5ضkV� W�6�N�FS��~m���ܢH�f�ve�b��D�. Nos designers ont créé pour vous des dizaines de belles to do list à personnaliser et imprimer ! 0000001777 00000 n 0000037265 00000 n 21 Step Blog Writing Checklist These are easy to understand and great to go through every time you get ready to press publish on a new piece of content. 1. This is the blog editing checklist I follow for every post. 0000004762 00000 n The Mind-blowing (+Free) Blog Post Checklist . Designing Section 4. Templates are great tools for helping you produce a particular piece of content. Blog Post Checklist: 40 Items To Review Before Publishing. » Meta description. Blog Post Checklist: 40 Items To Review Before Publishing. THE NECTAR COLLECTIVE LLC MELYSSAGRIFFIN.COM PERFECT BLOG POST CHECKLIST Add SEO to your post by adding your keyword to your… » Post’s title. After a lot of research, below is my Blog process checklist to optimize reader engagement. 0000015457 00000 n Step 2. I get it. » Post’s URL (separate each keyword with a hyphen). Create epic content people need to share. Both can be downloaded below. Allez faire un tour sur ce blog, Magali vous livre des supers DIY. The beautiful part about content marketing is that it can bring you thousands of social shares, new email subscribers, and tons of comments, but only if your blog posts are masterpieces and you do content marketing right. 0000033289 00000 n You can stand out from a crowded niche by making sure your site is more valuable than others. 0000003940 00000 n 0000035605 00000 n If you could care less about blogging, you can go read this post with some 0000033353 00000 n If you do content marketing and use your blog posts to attract new customers, you should think of your blog posts as your “salespeople”. Télécharger To Do List 2: la to do list du blog d’Honey qui vous propose de garder un oeil sur vos objectifs du jour. Check the analytics of your post to see how much engagement it received. 1. Matthias. BODY #13 Have you included subheadings? 0000036042 00000 n Opt-In- One of the most important things you can do for your blog is to grow your email list. 0000013975 00000 n 0000032658 00000 n Identify your audience. Last month, I read a great blog post on Daniel Scocco's Daily Blog Tips entitled, The Blog Post Checklist: Use Before Hitting Publish.In it, he lists 13 different things you should do with each and every one of your blog posts before you take the article live. Download our Blog Post SEO Checklist to help your blogs post rank higher in search results for their primary keywords and generate more organic traffic. Take a minute and think about what your process will look like. A word count of 600-900 words? Respond to comments. Essayez, c'est 100% gratuit ! High five!! 0000032722 00000 n Blog post checklist with explanations (This link downloads a robust Word file of the checklist, including explanations.) Another late night. Refer this blog for Change of Address Checklist) Start to use up all the minor things you have in your current house which you might not need in your new home such as food items. Your headline is … Check Lifetime Does your post lead to your other content? A template for your typical blog posts:You might have a feature image, a short introduction, three to five main points, and a call to action at the end. Ask yourself who would share this and why. This is a must-read for tackling the essentials in any blog post you publish. 0000035669 00000 n PERFECT BLOG POST CHECKLIST MELYSSA GRIFFIN Decide on an idea for your blog post » Look to Google Analytics for topics that tend to perform well with your readers. This blog writing checklist is great to go through every time you get ready to publish a new piece of content. If they are reading the main body of your article means you successfully sailed through the intro part. » Image file names. Remember, it needs 3 things: Keywords, offers value, and it's specific. Content – blog posts checklist Content Does the blog post include… Content that is aimed at teachers, trainers, tutors and others working with adult learners or in the adult education field? If you have a blog and post once a … September 24, 2016 at 14:33. Writing a blog post isn't exactly rocket science. FREE BLOG POST CHECKLIST T H E M O R N I N G B U Z Z. T h e M o r n i n g B u z z L I V E A L I F E Y O U L O V E B l o g P o s t Create an outline. Enticing Headline: Before you publish your blog post, make sure that your headline is catchy. Blog post checklist with explanations (This PDF is your last-ditch hardcopy backup, including explanations. Optimize for SEO and target keyword. For instance, you might have: 1. It’s everything you must do after you finish your draft – BEFORE and AFTER publishing a post. Harsh Agrawal. Visit the Guide! Check A Category. This checklist will only help you if you have a self-hosted blog. Reply. Each page on your website should target one main primary keyword. Get your notepad ready because today on the blog you’ll be treated to 25 copy-and-paste blog templates you can use on your blog right now. Social sharing tools. Follow the 10x rule: The 10x rule is to aim ten times higher than your competitors. Reference and quote experts so they share your content. I’ve added a little something extra for you guys – my blog post checklist! CoSchedule doesn't let you miss any small but important detail for making your compelling content, while also winning your readers' hearts. that is related to your post, and ask readers to subscribe to your email list in order to receive it. A template for creating branded images on your blog: You can set this up in your image editing program of choice and use it again and again, dropping in a new image and adding new text as appropriate. 2. 0000022724 00000 n They “sell” you to your potential clients by showcasing your expertise and personality. ... – By turning your blog post into a PDF or a slide deck and sharing it on the web, you can get more traffic. 2. blog-post-publishing-checklist.pdf - Google Drive ... Sign in Google + Like on Twitter, share and +1 posts and articles from others. Duplicate your blog post checklist for each blog post. 0000035978 00000 n New: Free Process Maker For employers with recurring business processes. 0000035352 00000 n Or a keyword that you want to focus on for SEO. That’s what we do with all posts on the Ahrefs blog. Write a catchy headline. The Blog Post Checklist. But editing your post is essential. During the past few years that I've been blogging, I've developed a 10 point blog post checklist so my posts can be as searchable, relevant, and helpful as possible. Retargeting Cheat Sheet 0000002834 00000 n Start merging and keeping all the essential documents, insurance papers, and medical records in one place. 0000026313 00000 n But, there are definitely strategies that can take a good blog post and make it great.. Embed Share URL. Every post starts with an idea. Optimize your blog posts for keywords: Use Google Keyword Planner to do your keyword research and once you have the list use them in your blog posts wherever it makes sense. You quickly look for an image on Flickr. Is your blog post title catchy and appealing to your readers? Once I have the SEO all set up, I move on to the basic blog post checklist to make sure I’ve covered all the important details: Appeal to reader: On occasion, I get requests for guest posts that have nothing to do with working at home. 9) P i ck P ro p e r C a t e g o ri e s 10) Ma ke S u re T h e re a re I n t e rn a l L i n ks 11) A d d A n y P o ssi b l e G o o d E xt e rn a l L i n ks 12) (O p t i o n a l ) Mo n e t i za t i o n o f Y o u r B l o g P o st. 0000035914 00000 n h�b``�e``��������A�DX��,sx�]?��c`�b���p�(5lts(�l���ɑc���_��eQ9m_�$z�*2k��J �f ��h ��4::�%�����rG�"��'���6b3�Ze^�҆) �?lL��S�~�����tP�霰��{��_�a���P"� �v����\�)Y���V��!2�+�P}�����H3�C� ��?c endstream endobj 79 0 obj <> endobj 80 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 81 0 obj <> endobj 82 0 obj <> endobj 83 0 obj <> endobj 84 0 obj <> endobj 85 0 obj <> endobj 86 0 obj <> endobj 87 0 obj <> endobj 88 0 obj <> endobj 89 0 obj <> endobj 90 0 obj <> endobj 91 0 obj <> endobj 92 0 obj <>stream Un blog que nous vous invitons à visiter. 0000039883 00000 n Just watching my own behavior online makes this apparent, especially now that I’m educating myself on copywriting. trailer <<45FB3F64A9B94DEA98B56C8F3ED04DBE>]/Prev 784554>> startxref 0 %%EOF 132 0 obj <>stream your own Pins on Pinterest Add a featured image. Will definitely try it. Read through them and you can learn how to craft a perfectly serviceable blog post. 0000040125 00000 n They make their posts SEO & Pinterest Friendly. Process Street has created a great checklist to streamline content promotion, originally made for themselves before giving us all access.Related: 24 Ways to Promote Your Next Blog Post. 0000039181 00000 n Do a Periscope about your blog post topic. If you don’t have time now to read the full post, Download The Checklist Here (Item #2). If you want people to read your blog posts, white papers, downloads—or to use them to drive traffic and leads—you can’t ignore SEO any more. 0000032544 00000 n 5. Below is the list with an explanation of each task, and below that is the basic checklist. Scheduling Section 7. Before publishing new content, make sure … Always complete before, during and after launching a new blog post. 0000033038 00000 n Before publishing any blog content, you need to review the blog post checklist to ensure everything is ok with your articles. Should be in alignment with your brand, unique, include a focus keyword if possible, write for humans. 0000035288 00000 n Yet, we know that content marketing is an essential strategy for us to grow our audience. Blog Post Checklist 0000001714 00000 n 0000005255 00000 n September 21, 2016 at 15:33 . Aug 6, 2017 - The blog post checklist is a downloadable PDF that will help you optimize a blog post for readers, search engines and social sharing. Every blog post should contain these 25 things BEFORE you hit publish #blogging Click To Tweet My Blog Post Checklist: 25 Things Every Post Must Have 1. » Pinterest-friendly image. Sharing it on social media with their favorite takeaway? There are quite a number of fellow bloggers who read my blog and have requested more posts on blogging, so I have a line-up of posts over the next few weeks which I’ll share. Reply. Create a starter headline. And that’s after figuring out what to do in the first place. Everything else on this blog post checklist is useless if a reader glazes over your article on a SERP because your title sucked (and they never clicked through). The best tool for this is Copyscape. Write down at least one initial idea for what the title of the post will be. Get the Blog Post Checklist! Choose A Topic 0000011994 00000 n Use images instead where possible. Once this post is published the next checklist we publish will be for podcast posts (for formatting a podcast post you publish on your own website). Checkout the blog checklist pdf for the comprehensive list of factors on how to wite a blog post (pdf included). A long-tail keyword with low competition. Can you filter blog po It makes sense to link back to this article for reference. 0000002921 00000 n A checklist containing the best UI and UX practices for the blog post page. Slash all unnecessary words, sentences, paragraphs, stories, etc. Plan. I've had weeks fly by without publishing a new blog post. Checklist for Writing Blog Posts. 0000001396 00000 n Sharing. Learn How to Start a Blog! View Blog post Checklist # 2.pdf from FINANCE 408 at Karachi Institute of Economics & Technology, Karachi (City Campus). Discover (and save!) Schedule your post for Twitter several more times. Mar 26, 2018 - Blog Post Template and Promote Checklist.pdf - Google Drive IMAGE/ALT TAGS Word or phrase that describes your image. Upload links to your blog posts, this is a great way to promote new blog posts and even recycle old posts that are still relevant. 5. Writing a blog post isn't exactly rocket science. It's a very thorough and well-written piece of content that I suggest you read if you haven't already. %PDF-1.4 %���� 0000040189 00000 n » Content itself (several times). 1. As soon as I have an idea for a new blog post topic, I head over to Google’s Keyword Planner Tool* to begin researching various long-tail keywords. Create a helpful freebie (PDF tutorial, resource library, checklist, cheat sheet, email course, etc.) DOWNLOAD CHECKLIST Your information is 100% secure and will never be shared with anyone. Posting such content would confuse you and Google. The standard practice for CTAs on landing pages is to only have one clear action throughout. UsCe bhuleletc pokinl tiss, dtashes, etc. Review Your Post . 0000040436 00000 n This will prevent unnecessary wastage and cost of moving. Télécharger To Do List 3: La to do list trouvée sur le blog de minou le chat. 0000002329 00000 n Today I have a blog post checklist to help you step up your game even more to get traffic to it (and leads from it!) Use this checklist when you’re ready to edit your post: Take a Knife to It. An increase in click-through rate (CTR) from 0.7% to 1.4%, just because you took the time to re-draft a better title, means more readers to your blog (100% more in this particular example). Download My Blog Post Checklist! Many bloggers struggle with publishing blog posts on a consistent basis. Share your post on Facebook and Twitter. You can also use Headline Analyzer by CoSchedulewhich also gives tips on how to improve yo… Do a dandy dance! It is so hard for me to be succinct, but it’s increasingly apparent it’s super important online. Use headings and subheadings (H1, H2, H3). Follow these checklist items to get off on the right foot. Download & archive.) Pinpoint exactly who you are writing the blog post for. That’s not the end. Find a primary keyword to target. In this blog post, I share 14 things you should do before you publish each post. p�/r�� ��H�K9�E�ȴ�X����ovI�rl�I�,�;�o��YJ!�&)��O�=I�N^��AҢM$�\i�l.��������B�)/��#m�����:{��絤�&y��;߽O^�)d�aHk�e㘩�%)�]%*'��L&�69e2��b�N��hE��^��}�*C�m�՛�YV��)�U�vӿf��*�M�Ry��� ����n�`��ڊ��TK�TT�ힺ�n7�ն���%��b;U�(�������nu��Œ��T��~;MuF����*�-��:�}����M/�-��~BKj6���T � �.fI��n�j�*)M�5W4o6]���!�V(�8�n P����7%��U���U��`@�u�6y�M�l��>'F����^޶����ظc ���ZU�rӽ~Ҡ����4M�A�L^ŭԕ�6�m� ՛`��i{������c�! If your post doesn’t provide a smooth reading experience, your reader will lose attention and bail. Step 4. Now, let's be clear. A template for replying to certain types of email en… 0000013238 00000 n 0000013632 00000 n And beyond SEO, this is a fantastic post about the tenets of a what differentiates good blog content from crap. Is the blog post title/headline clearly readable? Create post. Thank you for downloading the Ultimate Guide and Checklist to How to Promote a Blog Post. This one is kind of a checklist for travel bloggers sharing what tasks I do each day and/or weekly ones. Why is this an important part of your blog checklist? Well, maybe not before every post. Link to influential blogs so they link back. Step 1. Ultimate Website Checklist 2021: All the Features of a Successful Website at One Glance Last updated: Below, you'll find an infographic with all the checkpoints at one glance. Add it as an obvious call to action (CTA). If it’s a craft or a recipe, think about the steps. We’ve pulled together a checklist of writing, formatting, SEO, and user experience best practices that’s ready for the road. n»3Ü£ÜkÜGݯz=Ä•[=¾ô„=ƒBº0FX'Ü+œòáû¤útøŒûG”,ê}çïé/÷ñ¿ÀHh8ğm W 2p[àŸƒ¸AiA«‚Nı#8$X¼?øAˆKHIÈ{!7Ä. 12 Actionable SEO Tips → “ SEO tips” 29 Best Free SEO Tools (Tried & … 0000032420 00000 n Do keyword research. 0000039503 00000 n Blog post Content Types Checklists HEADLINE Title of the blog post. 0000007325 00000 n You can download my free blog post checklist by entering your name and email below. Yup we’re shallow. Generate more blog post ideas: Use our list of blog post ideas you can steal, and check out these types of blog posts that work for any niche. So, to make your post fully optimized for your readers as well as for search engines, make your own blog post checklist based on the points I’ve discussed in this… Ultimate Blog Post Checklist. 0000011871 00000 n I won’t spam you, and you can unsubscribe at any time! Blog Post Checklist. Just submit these different versions of your content to sites like Slideshare, and you’ll see more traffic. 0000039567 00000 n Since we now have a template task set up, we can simply “duplicate” the task for each blog post. 21-Step Blog Writing Checklist. 1. Published on October 29, 2014. Therefore in this post, I will be sharing with you how to quickly create a checklist for your next content ... It’s pretty sweet and makes it easy to create checklists and other PDF’s from your blog posts. Add sources and quotes. While writing anything on your blog, you need to … Section 1. Add 5 to 10 new people to your circles. Do you have a “next” button at the bottom (or do you use infinite scroll)? SUB-HEADLINES Secondary headline that elaborates on the main headline. In this new-and-updated version, I’ve added 8 of … The blog post checklist: 1. Originally, when this blog post was first published in February of 2012 (a looooong time ago in blog years), Kim Roach from was kind enough to share with us her 17 ideas for blog posts. Downloading a free PDF that accompanies your blog post? Just like you would ignore a book with a bad cover, people ignore blog posts with bad titles. 0000032974 00000 n But if you dream bigger, if you want to know how to write a blog post that cuts through the noise and wins you legions of fans, you need something better than a run-of-the-mill tutorial. Knowing the headline before you start writing helps you stick to the topic and deliver what you promise in the title. I also think I need to remove some of my super long-format blog posts and make them into e-books or paper books and learn to blog like a blogger that gets traffic. WORD COUNT Write for your audience first. to separate and organize your thoughts. With this checklist, you’ll be sure to get your blog posts right! 0000003458 00000 n See the image below for the following two steps: 0000008746 00000 n To help make sure you cover all the blog post tasks necessary to get your blog noticed, here is a checklist you can work through on each post. 0000030203 00000 n 0000018583 00000 n One of the goals of setting up your checklist this way is to eliminate having to write all nine steps from memory for each blog post. Alternatively, create a survey to see what your audience needs help with most or look to past email responses and blog comments to see the types of questions your audience regularly asks. 0000004251 00000 n Blog Post Checklist. 0000004023 00000 n Originally, when this blog post was first published in February of 2012 (a looooong time ago in blog years), Kim Roach from was kind enough to share with us her 17 ideas for blog posts. 1. P.S. Is the content relevant to the UK, or does it consider the subject from a UK perspective? Here you can learn about the Pre-Publish WordPress Post Checklist which will be the complete guide. But, although it's fun to look at, this format isn't practical if you want to actually use this checklist. It walks you through everything you need to do from idea to publishing a blog post on your website - ideal for beginners. It's as clear as day that your blog has many categories, and I know you know how to choose them. Are tags present in the post? the end of every blog post and stuff in the footer and sidebar (which appears on every page). 0000004138 00000 n Things you need to do before 4-6 weeks of … Jun 24, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Ricky Virgil. Recommended … Finally, always make sure that your content is not somewhere else on the internet. 78 0 obj <> endobj xref 78 55 0000000016 00000 n One of the main reasons we don't publish more blog posts is because we see it as a task, not a project. The best way to find out is to run your headline through EMV headline analyzerto find the emotional marketing value of your headline. Your blog post checklist: Five things that pro-bloggers do after they publish a post 1. Self-employment This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. Check A Category Åî”İ#{¾}´}…ı€ı§ö¸‘j‡‡ÏşŠ™c1X6„�Æfm“��;'_9 œr�:œ8İq¦:‹�ËœœO:ϸ8¸¤¹´¸ìu¹éJq»–»nv=ëúÌMà–ï¶ÊmÜí¾ÀR 4 ö ... pdf. Is your post timeless? You format your post in WordPress. 1c – Blog post organization Do you have categories for different kinds of posts ? The Anatomy of a Perfect Blog Post (Source: Yoast) If you want an optimized blog page and a blog post with quality content, start here. So, what's the answer? The Blog Post Checklist. » Headlines within your content. 0000003375 00000 n 31 Ways To Promote Blog Posts & Get Blog Traffic Use this as a checklist after you publish every post to make sure you're doing everything you can to promote your blog posts and get blog traffic. This SEO checklist PDF (downloadable) was made for business owners and bloggers who know they need to optimize their content, but aren’t sure where to start. Here’s what you need to create posts that will win your more business. To comfortably review your website with this checklist, Step 1. So you’ve got your blog up and running and you’re posting on the regular. Heck, you might even write something that wins you an adoring fan or two. This blog writing checklist is great to go through every time you get ready to publish a new piece of content. Last month, I read a great blog post on Daniel Scocco's Daily Blog Tips entitled, The Blog Post Checklist: Use Before Hitting Publish. Fill in the top section, and then come up with a killer post title (that also uses your SEO keywords). Do you include just a few lines of the introduction so they can easily scan through your different posts? The actual blog post itself ⭐️ Consider responsiveness and how content is represented on smaller devices ⭐️ Text size should be minimum 18px to ensure readability. But, there are definitely strategies that can take a good blog post and make it great.. 3. 3. If you don’t have a catchy title, then chances are that your blog post will not be read or shared by many. H��WKo�F��W̩� Ask yourself these questions before publishing a blog post. You wait with hitting publish, so you can proofread one more time.You’ll do that tomorrow. Get your new blog set up in a few short minutes with our easy-to-follow guide, and start growing your site today! Hey Ileane, I don’t know about Beaconly. 1. Reviewing your post is the first thing you should do. » Pinterest image description (once you pin your image) Create an email list: Add a newsletter subscription box to your blog and … At last, you’ve finished your next blog post. Step 1. How to promote a blog post CheckListHow to promote a blog post-the ultimate guide-PDF If you would like to book a free consultation to see how I can help you grow your business so that you're generating more leads that convert into sales please click here. In the podcast checklist post, we’ll make sure that we link to this article with a relevant keyword (blog post checklist most likely ). Ready to Organize your blog posts? SEO-ing Section 6. In it, he lists 13 different things you should do with each and every one of your blog posts before you take the article live. And quote experts so they share your content can take a Knife to.... Checklist will only help you if you don ’ t provide a smooth reading,... 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