The chief imports are cotton piece goods, cotton twist, salt, sugar, provisions, railway materials, raw cotton, metals, coal, tobacco, spices and kerosene oil. 2. Instead of sacerdotal kings, there were royal priests, anointed with oil, arrayed with kingly insignia, claiming the usual royal dues in addition to the customary rights of the priests. My furniture, part of which I made myself--and the rest cost me nothing of which I have not rendered an account--consisted of a bed, a table, a desk, three chairs, a looking-glass three inches in diameter, a pair of tongs and andirons, a kettle, a skillet, and a frying-pan, a dipper, a wash-bowl, two knives and forks, three plates, one cup, one spoon, a jug for oil, a jug for molasses, and a japanned lamp. The residue or " cake " left after expression of the oil is apparently nutritious and may prove to be of value for feeding animals. Paraffin wax is tested for melting-point (or setting-point), and the semi-refined product is further examined to ascertain the percentage of oil, water and dirt present. In 1771 Thomas Jefferson described a " burning spring " in the Kanawha Valley, and when wells were drilled for salt brine near Charleston petroleum and natural gas were found here before there was any drilling for oil in Pennsylvania. in 1902; and to $10,410,865 (12,322,696 bbls.) “Their father worked in construction as a crane operator, “My Maserati is a top flight machine that requires the best grades of, “Her Aunt Patsy tries to set her up temporarily with a rich Oklahoma, “Oily hair is often a good candidate for chemical processing since the formulas may actually eliminate some of the excess, “Those slightly acidic wines add sparkle to a fish dish, much like a squeeze of lemon and can counterbalance, “Britain's North Sea oil supply is dwindling, forcing the, “The US President and Vice-President, both, “Well, let's start from the beginning and that is that both of them are, “While in these patrol areas, the subs should have systematically hunted down and destroyed US tankers and Navy. The runners ran quickly down the track, passing along the baton, to win their race.? 14, and in cases of sickness seek no medical aid but rely on oil, prayer and nursing. annually), shipped from northern California, Oregon and A Washington, and in crude oil and general merchandise. The older amphorae were oval-shaped, such as the vases filled with oil for prizes at the Panathenaic festival, having on one side a figure of Athena, on the other a representation of the contest; the latter were tall and slender, with voluted handles. Pyrethrum cinerariaefolium is exported for the manufacture of insect-powder, and sunflowers are cultivated for the oil contained in their seeds. West Virginia, estimates that in fairly good producing sand a cubic foot of rock contains from 6 to 12 pints of oil. "Big Whale Oil" couldn't stop the move to kerosene. Material nouns are written in the capital letter when they occur in the start of sentence otherwise written in small letter when occur anywhere in the sentence. These consist of ioo litres of spirit mixed with either ro litres of sulphuric ether, or r litre of benzol, or 2 litre of turpentine, or �025 litre of animal oil. C. C.) 1 The oil left over from the year before is burnt. In 1910 the export of palm kernels was 6,141 tons, of palm oil 2,160 tons; in 1916 the figures were 22,391 tons and 3,852 tons respectively. The exportation of olive oil in 1898 was valued at 24,000. The principal exports are rubber, sugar, ground-nuts and oil seeds, beeswax, chromite (from Rhodesia), and gold (from Manica). The simplest sentence consists only of a noun, a naming word, and a verb or action word. Besides manufactures of brandy, flour, oil, soap, linen and cloth, it has an active trade in wheat, wine and fruit, especially melons. ( dated ) A retailer who sells … The holy oil is also blessed by bishops in the Roman Catholic Church; in the Greek Church, on the other hand, the oil for the chrism at baptism is blessed by the priest. The noun in this sentence functions as an object of the preposition. Functions of Nouns. The operation was, however, completely revolutionized in the United States by the introduction of the " cracking process," and by the division of the distillation into two parts, one consisting in the removal of the more volatile constituents of the oil, and the other in the distillation (which is usually conducted in separate stills) of the residues from the first distillation, for the production of lubricating oils and paraffin. These pans are sometimes heated by boiling oil, with the idea that under such conditions the sugar which is kept stirred all the time as it thickens cannot be burnt or caramelized; but the same object can be attained more economically with steam of a given pressure by utilizing its latent heat. These artists, at first educated in one of the native schools, obtained from a Hollander in Nagasaki some training in the methods and principles of European painting, and left a few oil paintings in which the laws of light and shade and perspective were correctly observed. Grain, wine, oil and fruit are produced in the district, and there is a municipal farm, founded in 1885, for experiments in viticulture. The group of words ‘to go home’ is therefore a noun phrase. It is a thick yellowish oil boiling between 242° C. and 250° C. It condenses with acetone in the presence of caustic soda to a quinoline. The " cracking " process, whereby a considerable quantity of the oil which is intermediate between kerosene and lubricating oil is converted into hydrocarbons of lower specific gravity and boiling-point suitable for illuminating purposes, is one of great scientific and technical interest. The infusion contains very little of the oil and is of very slight value. The olive-growing area occupies about 3.5% of the total area of the country, and the crop in 1905 produced about 75,000,000 gallons of oil. 2.09 Quiz: Noun and Verb Phrases DRAFT. To find a noun within a sentence, try to identify the verb, look for capitalized names, and see if there is an article within the sentence to base your identification on. In the routine examination of crude petroleum it is customary to determine the specific gravity, and the amount of water and earthy matter in suspension; the oil is also frequently subjected to a process of fractional distillation in order to ascertain whether there has been any addition of distilled products or residue. To find a noun within a sentence, try to identify the verb, look for capitalized names, and see if there is an article within the sentence to base your identification on. Hutchinson of New York, laid a short line from the Tarr Farm wells to the refinery, which passed over a hill, the oil being moved on the syphon principle, and a year later constructed another three miles long to the railway. Nouns may be countable (1 fork, 2 forks, 3 forks, etc.) They live in caves, especially in Caripe, and are caught in large numbers for the oil extracted from them, which is commonly known as " Caripe butter.". Concrete Noun is a noun that refers to the name of such objects or substances that can be identified through our senses. Find more words at! Israel) the corn, the new wine and the oil, and have bestowed on her silver and gold in abundance which they have wrought into a Baal image " (Hos. The oil is pumped from buried tanks and warmed to about 90° F. The kitchen of this alternative dining experience uses only stainless steel equipment, and all fried foods are cooked in canola oil. The chief industries include coast and deep-sea fisheries, shipbuilding, tanning, the making of cod-liver oil and fish-curing. Question 13. The digestion of fat or oil has not been adequately investigated, but its decomposition in germinating seeds has been found to be due to an enzyme, which has been called lipase. Pop. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Example sentences: People like to go to the beach. They aren't responsible for the oil being in Alaska and do nothing to extract the oil from the earth. The croutons are one-inch sliced triangles lightly fried in oil and vinegar. It is either set in the first instance at some distance from the engine and well, or is subsequently removed sufficiently far away before the drill enters the oil-bearing formation, and until the oil and gas are under control, in order to minimize the risk of fire. types of glands also exist, either in connection with the epidermis or not, such as nectaries, digestive glands, oil, resin and mucilage glands, &c. They serve the most various purposes in the life of the plant, but they are not of significance in relation to the primary vital activities, and cannot be dealt with in the limits of the present article.l The typical epidermis of the shoot of a land plant does not absorb water, but some plants living in situations where they cannot depend on a regular supply from the roots (e.g. He loves to talk to you. Nouns can also be objects of a verb in a sentence. She asked if I could help her. As early as 1866, tannic acid, gallic acid, wood spirit, acetic acid, essential oil and eucalyptol were produced from various species of eucalyptus, and researches made by Australian chemists, notably by Messrs. By "make a car," I mean really make a car: dig iron ore out of the ground, smelt it to steel, wildcat for oil, find oil and refine it into gasoline, and so on. Clear, short sentences are preferable, and more effective, than long, complex ones. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to … an apple, two apples, three apples, etc. Journ., 1811, 8, p. 302), and obtained by the action of chlorine or sodium hypochlorite on ammonium chloride, or by the electrolysis of ammonium chloride solution, is a very volatile yellow oil. Proper nouns are the names of specific people, places, and things. To be complete, every sentence needs a subject… Marco Polo refers to the oil springs of Baku towards the end!of the 13th century; the medicinal properties of the oil of Tegernsee in Bavaria gave it the name of " St Quirinus's Oil " in 1436; the oil of Pechelbronn, Elsass, was discovered in 1498, and the " earthbalsam " of Galicia was known in 1506. in 1908. of its cotton-seed oil and cake product Texas surpassed all other states. The sucker carries a series of three or four leather cups, which are pressed against the inner surface of the working barrel by the weight of the column of oil. Soap appears to have been first made from goat's tallow and beech ash; in the 13th century the manufacture was established at Marseilles from olive oil, and in England during the next century. But we have in addition to the animal sacrifices, vegetable offerings of meal, oil and cakes (massoth, ashishah and kawwan, which last is specially connected with the `Ashtoreth cult: Jer. Pliny says that their wood was everlasting, and therefore images of the gods were made of it; he makes mention also of the oil of cedar, or cedrium, distilled from the wood, and used by the ancients for preserving their books from moths and damp; papyri anointed or rubbed with cedrium were on this account called ced ati libri. Some other nouns are also proper nouns, e.g., September, Easter, Holocaust. castor oil: [noun] a pale viscous fatty oil from castor beans used especially as a cathartic and as a lubricant and plasticizer. Examples: Sarah, lady, cat, New York, Canada, room, school, football, reading. They are minute worms with coloured oil drops (green, olive green or orange) contained in the epidermis. They are used on a very large scale in the vicinity of oil mills in southern cities like Memphis, New Orleans, Houston, and Little Rock, from Soo to s000 cattle being often collected in a single yard for this purpose. This page has lots of examples of the different types of nouns, an explainer video, and an interactive test. She watched, astonished, as it carefully cleaned her feet without hurting them and then slathered on oil from one vial and wrapped them in gauze. The Wizard carried his satchel, which was quite heavy, and Zeb carried the two lanterns and the oil can. Material nouns are written in the capital letter when they occur in the start of sentence otherwise written in small letter when occur anywhere in the sentence. Coal, oil, natural gas, clay and iron are found in the vicinity, and among the city's manufactures are iron, steel, glass, furniture and pottery. The shark swam in the water around the dock near my house.? 3. afar, essence), a perfume consisting of essential oil of roses, prepared by distilling, or, in some districts, by macerating the flowers. Its industries include the distillation of oil, tanning, salt-refining, brewing, and the manufacture of earthenware and casks. It is extended in v II to the vineyard and the olive oil, but here the culture necessary to keep the vines and olive trees in order is not forbidden; the precept is only that the produce is to be left to the poor. The birds and squirrels enjoy the corn my mother hung in the backyard.? Wondering what is a noun? The earliest system adopted for the collection of petroleum appears to have consisted in Early skimming the oil from the surface of the water upon Methods which it had accumulated, and Professor Lesley states, that at Paint Creek, in Johnson county, Kentucky, a Mr George and others were in the habit of collecting oil from the sands, " by making shallow canals loo or 200 ft. In 1901 an extraordinary "gusher" well was drilled near Beaumont, Jefferson county; in the nine days before this well was capped, it threw a stream of oil 160 ft. As the result of these developments, the value of the oil product increased from $ 2 77, 1 35 (54 6, 0 7 0 bbls.) Where each action returns a random string selected from a list: The chief industries are sugar-refining, the manufacture of cement, paper, bamboo and rattan ware, carving in wood and ivory, working in copper and iron, gold-beating and the production of gold, silver and sandal-wood ware, furniture making, umbrella and j;nricksha making, and industries connected with kerosene oil and matches. Definition and synonyms of oil from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. There are also some oil 2 Persian census in - 1884; 25,28 - 4 - Males, 28,323 females. (NOT a useful information). A large fleet is engaged in the fishery; and a great number of factories extract the oil for tanning and currying, and for adulterating other more expensive oils, and manufacture the refuse into a valuable guano. That's like getting an ice cream sundae with castor oil for topping. After copies of such reliefs have been taken in gypsum, cement, statuary pasteboard, fossil dust mixed with vegetable oil, or some other suitable material, they are painted. They pray over their sick and, when so requested, anoint them with oil. When they made their way to Jackson's room, she immediately noticed her oil. The Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company was formed in 1854, but its operations were unsuccessful, and in 1858 certain of the members founded the Seneca Oil Company, under whose direction E. After drilling had been carried to a depth of 69 feet, on the 28th of August 1859, the tools suddenly dropped into a crevice, and on the following day the well was found to have " struck oil.". Common nouns are all the other, nonspecific people, places, and things. Holden developed the use of liquid fuel on the Great Eastern railway to a point beyond the experimental stage, and used it instead of coal with the engines running the heavy express traffic of the line, its continued use depending merely upon the relative market price of coal and oil. Miners' lamp oil consists of the bleached oil mixed with kerosene. In the burntofferings of male kine to Isis, the carcase of the steer, after evisceration, was filled with fine bread, honey, raisins, figs, frankincense, myrrh and other aromatics, and thus stuffed was roasted, being basted all the while by pouring over it large quantities of sweet oil, and then eaten with great festivity. (2) Christ, after baptism, was not anointed with myrrh nor with holy oil, therefore let them not be anointed with myrrh or holy oil. The spinning and weaving of cotton and the manufacture of hosiery, of both of which Troyes is the centre, are the main industries of the department; there are also a large number of distilleries, tanneries, oil works, tile and brick works, flour-mills, saw-mills and dyeworks. Everest.? The ozone so prepared has numerous uses, as, for example, in bleaching oils, waxes, fabrics, &c., sterilizing drinking-water, maturing wines, cleansing foul beer-casks, oxidizing oil, and in the manufacture of vanillin. Exercise 1 (Solved) Pick out the noun phrases in the following sentences: 1. It is an important centre of trade, and has tanneries, oil, flour, tallow, dye, soap and iron works; knitting is an important domestic industry. Find more ways to say oil, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. What is a Compound Noun. She unzipped the portfolio and pulled out a large canvas that had hundreds of shoes painted in oil; every style and color imaginable. In a sentence, nouns can play the role of subject, direct object, indirect object, subject complement, object complement, appositive, or adjective. Parkersburg is the see of a Protestant Episcopal bishop. Water, often saline or sulphurous, is also found in these porous rocks and replaces the oil as the latter is withdrawn. These small furnaces are usually heated by an oil spray under the pressure of steam or compressed air. grain from 270 lb per head in 1884-1885 to 321 lb in 1901-1902 (maize reman~s almost stationary at 158 II,); wine from 73 to 125 litres per head; oil from 12 to 13 lb per head (sugar is almost stationary at 73/4 lb per head, and coffee at about I Ib); salt from 14 to 16 lb per head. There is a separate section on word combinations that become Compound Nouns — such as daughter-in-law, half-moon, and stick-in-the-mud. the Categories earlier than some parts of the Metaphysics, because under the influence of Platonic forms it talks of inherent attributes, and allows secondary substances which are universal; the De Interpretatione earlier than the Analytics, because in it the Platonic analysis of the sentence into noun and verb is retained for the proposition; the Eudemian Ethics and the … Other branches of industry are carpet-weaving, distilling, oil and oil-cake manufacture, dyeing, cooperage and the manufacture of arms and bullets. It is the chief town of a wide district exporting olive oil, esparto', corn and flour, wools and Algerian onyx; and has a population of (1906) 24,060. That of oil, candles and soap has its chief centre at Marseilles.