God's presence as Savior was evident in Moses' early life. Once this tabernacle had been built, God’s manifest presence came down in the form of a cloud during the day and fire by night. So when Moses heard God say these words he was afraid and covered his face with his cloak. No one else was allowed to go up. Your promised land is God’s call on your life. If any of you are ever asked by God to do something that is out of your comfort zone, out of your own natural abilities – remember this part of the story of Moses. God will work with anyone who is willing to enter into this realm with Him. An Electrifying Atmosphere Of Fellowship … source Apostle, WPAS Children of the Gospel Concert 1996. Now that’s what you call a major, whopper, power story in God. And Joseph died, and all his brothers, and all that generation. I cried while reading the story although its not just once I read the Bible Story of the Life of Moises I cried when during the times the Isralites watched how our dear GOD saved them from the enemies at the Red SEA . It is an experience that you will never, ever forget – and it will draw you that much closer to this awesome God of ours! I will leave you with one last thought for those of you who either may be in some type of wilderness experience at this time, or who may be brought into one sometime in the future. God bless you. God bless you ever more as you walk with him. For those of you who will ever receive any kind of direct order from God on any issue – do not disobey the order or try to do it your own way like Moses did. When God’s people, the children of Israel, left Egypt, they left in a hurry. He was chosen to lead God's people out of Egypt because Pharaoh was treating them badly. And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increase… His sermon was about the story of Moses & he delivered the story fabulously! To those of you who have never taken either one or both of the above steps with the Lord, just imagine and visualize the story of Moses as I described it for you in my last article. But God has been/is with me the whole way thru’ ! And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments. The Bible says they lacked for nothing. If God wants to manifest a particular miracle through you, then you better do exactly what God says as to how He wants to bring the miracle or manifestation about. God made everything in the world and created people to love him and enjoy the earth. Moses was a man anointed by God to fulfill God’s heart for his children to be free from captivity and safe under his lordship. People seem to really be afraid of any kind of direct contact with God. Moses’ journey certainly was a long and winding one. Your email address will not be published. We just have to pay attention and beleive. I believe the main reason is that God was holding Moses to a much higher standard. The Names of Jesus: Who is Jesus According to the Scriptures? When Moses and his brother Aaron got to Egypt the Lord told them what to do. I am not saying we are all going to have the same kind of story Moses had, but many of you can definitely testify that all of your lives have been changed for the better and that your lives are very exciting in the Lord. However, the thing to really grab a hold of is that even though God initiated making this kind of direct contact with Moses, Moses entered in and was not afraid to meet God face-to-face and one-on-one! This is also a price-paying period. Second, if you trust him and follow him in the obedience of faith, then you are the heirs not only of God's covenant with Abraham but also God's covenant through Moses. Moses had done just about everything else right in God – so why would God hold this one particular act against him? What recently happened is that I kept thinking about going to church that is close to my son’s school. may God reach bless those who brought out this ministry. So I know God is definitely sending me a message & thank you so much for helping me decipher what he’s trying to convey! The saddest part of this man’s story is that he was not allowed to go into the Promised Land because of one act of disobedience. But Moses, whose faith and confidence in God had been built up during the time God was manifesting His 10 judgments on the Pharaoh, stepped forward and boldly proclaimed that God was going to save the day for them and that He would deliver them from the predicament they now found themselves caught up in. Moses was a man of humble heart and contrite spirit. God was wanting His people delivered from their slavery to the Egyptians and He was not going to take no for an answer. These verses are obviously referring to Moses’ face-to-face encounters with God in the burning bush and on top of Mount Sinai when he received the 10 commandments from God the Father. c)  This is also a time where a lot of knowledge will be worked into you regarding your specific call. The children will learn about the next part of the story when God’s people actually left Egypt while playing a little game. 1. It is never too late to turn your life over to God the Father and enter into His perfect will and plan for your life. Even if you do not think that you have what it takes to accomplish what He is asking you to do, remember that His anointing and power will be on you to enable you to accomplish that task or mission! I am touched and humbled beyond expression. b)  It is in the wilderness experience that you will really draw close to God. Just like professional sport teams have try-outs to see who is going to be good enough to make the team – God will arrange to have some of you tested to see if you will have enough faith in Him, and have the fortitude, patience, resolve, courage, and stamina to make it all the way through. I have been praying to God for deliverance for years. The basket is symbolic of the ark, which carried Noah and his family to safety when God destroyed wickedness from the face of the earth. Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Your servants, to whom You swore by Your own self, and said to them, ‘I will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven; and all this land that I have spoken of I give to your descendants, and they shall inherit it forever.” “So the Lord relented from the harm which He said He would do to His people.” (Exodus 32:11-14). God perfectly led Moses every step of the way the minute he decided to accept God’s call on his life. I do not believe this verse is referring to our salvation in Him. Seek, and you will find. You could lose your call, your ministry, your anointing, and any other blessings that God may have in store for you. Thank you for sharing that! am so blessed by Moses’story For all aspiring eagles in God, I believe that Moses and King David are two excellent role models for all of us to study and learn from. God had given him a direct order to speak out to a rock and God would then cause water to flow out from this rock. This story is a perfect example of what God can do on your behalf if He should choose to do so. At this point, all the Egyptians had to do was to let these people go. I’ve experienced deep depression due to chemical imbalances, deep financial issues to near bankruptcy, severe family issues, being wrongly sued by a large corporation for an issue they created but did not want to take the blame, business partners not doing the duties, etc,. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc This is one area where you cannot question God or attempt to try and do it your own way. Jesus is the vine – we are the branches. Moses, Hebrew Moshe, (flourished 14th–13th century bce), Hebrew prophet, teacher, and leader who, in the 13th century bce (before the Common Era, or bc), delivered his people from Egyptian slavery.In the Covenant ceremony at Mt. The Bible says that Moses ended up kindling the anger of God with the pessimism that he was showing to God. I will never know how to forgive if nobody wrongs me. The odds were totally against Moses accomplishing such a task! From birth, Moses was divinely set apart to lead God’s … He stayed true, loyal, and faithful to the Lord during these trying times, and he never once strayed from God as His loyal representative. Though the story of Moses ends up on a rather sad note with him not being able to enter into the Promised Land, just remember all of the good things that he did right in God. There could be many different reasons as to why you would have to stand in the gap for someone else and go to God and ask Him to do something specific for that other person. Thank you for your time and effort in this matter. If God does not come through with some kind of major miracle at the last minute, they are either going to die, have to file bankruptcy, lose their entire business, or lose their marriage. If God is going to call you to do something specific for Him in this life, then you can full faith and assurance that God knows exactly what He is doing with you. Moses was chosen by God to deliver the Israelites from slavery, but he didn’t believe he could do it because he didn’t realize he had a special place in God’s … source Moses I have been struggling with finances, health, and marriage problems for years. From Crossroads Kids Club, “Moses was chosen by God to deliver the Israelites from slavery, but he didn’t believe he could do it because he didn’t realize he had a special place in God’s family. The story of Moses was placed upon my heart to read. I feel like I have had a Moses/Red Sea experience and my story is still being played out. He has done so much for me in my 59 years of life including saving me from death more than once. For those of you who have never been at the end of a cliff needing a major miracle from God to save you, it is not something that you should ever want to experience. Lots of thoughts went through my head – the rebirth of God’s people after the flood, the rebirth of Israelites through Moses, to … I don’t. do we know if Moses died or was taken up and did not die. They were both true heroes of the faith and there is much to learn from both of their stories in the Lord. God chose Moses to do great things. In the story of Moses, the main reason He did it was to test the Israelites – to see if they would hold fast to Him, to see if they would follow Him fully, and to see if they would follow all of His laws and commandments. How many bible verses are there??? My finance is not what it used to be. I like some of the other people have been through the ringer these last 7 years. I will never know how to trust God if I have everything I want. You can find this story in Exodus 2-4.” He said, "Go to Pharaoh and tell him to let the Israelites go. You feel like you’re out in the desert all by yourself and that it is only you and God going through all of this. When he came down all the people listened to Moses as he told them what God had said. Moses' parents saved him from death by hiding him in a basket on the Nile. Moses did two powerful things that dramatically changed the course and quality of his life: Totally surrender your life over to God the Father, ask Him to place you in His perfect will for your life, find out what your call and purpose is going to be for Him, and then do not be afraid to enter into a dynamic, powerful, personal relationship with Him. Malory Laurent, LAKSHMI DEVI TELUGU DEVOTIONAL SONGS 2020 || YEKADASI SPECIAL SONGS || TELUGU GODS DEVOTIONAL SONGS, Word of God | "Interpretations of the Mysteries of God’s Words to the Entire Universe: Chapter 17", The Dead Daisies – "Midnight Moses" – Official Video, Moses Bliss – BIGGER EVERYDAY(Live) x Festizie, Membrane, Uwa, Chris Heaven & Temple. He tells Moses that He will use him to deliver the children of Israel out from under their bondage to the Egyptians. Moses was honored again when he and Elijah appeared with Jesus on the mount of Transfiguration . All you have to do is be willing to step into God’s leadings for your life, and He will then start to take complete control of your life and then lead you down the path that He will want you to travel on. He always did everything posiible to please Him. Now our son is twelve years old I thanks God for saving me from all the Red Sea that comes in my life as we have strong faith in our LORD JESUS CHRIST and the HOLY SPIRIT that leads in every breath of our life. As a result, God kept him from going into the Promised Land and he then died out in the wilderness. The Bible says to ask, and you shall receive. And all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were seventy souls: for Joseph was in Egypt already. Discovered by the Pharaoh’s daughter, she named him Moses because “she drew him out of the water”. When I entered into this new life, my whole world changed- things I used to do I did no more. If God can literally part the Red Sea like He did in this story with Moses, then God can part and take care of your red sea if you are willing to press in, request that He help you out, and be willing to believe and have faith that He will take care of the situation. How many of you, or how many of you have known someone who has been at the end of their cliff or at the end of their rope with absolutely nowhere else to go. Did moses create the sayig “violence only leads to more violence”? Joshua and Caleb led the younger generation into this Promised Land and they all received the abundant blessings that God had in store for them in this land. Moses definitely accomplished this with God the Father! Moses was 80 years old when God first made contact with Him and called him out for the deliverance mission that He had in store for him. He has a mission and a purpose for their lives. Basically, the relationship between God and Moses was an intimate one such that God spoke to Moses in the form of supernatural things. One view says Moses and Elijah could have been the two witness in the book of Revelations. Moses was indeed on holy ground. God was with Moses since he surrendered to Him until the time of his death. God wants us to have intimate relationship with Him. Powerful article. If you want God’s call on your life – if you want God’s best for your life – then there is going to be some kind of price you are going to have to pay to receive this call. All they had to do was do exactly what God was telling them to do on a step-by-step basis and then God did the rest. During this initial conversation with God, Moses questions God’s wisdom of choosing him for the job! In fact in the Bible God told Moses, “My name is I Am!” Group Questions: 1. Thank you for the “story of Moses” & “Lesson from the story of Moses”. Stay the course with God, hold fast to Him, let Him complete whatever He wants to do with you in this wilderness experience, and you will then be rewarded – possibly beyond your wildest dreams or expectations! However, after initially letting them go, the Pharaoh all of a sudden changes his mind and starts to come back after them. Thanks! Moses is a very good role model and example on how to go into intercessory prayer with God the Father for someone else. he received the 10 commandments from God the Father, Totally surrender your life over to God the Father, the story of Moses as I described it for you in my last article, 40 nights with God the Father getting the 10 commandments, It goes back to the vine and branch analogy, Click here if you haven’t read the first part of the Story of Moses yet, When You Struggle to Balance God’s Need to Judge Sin with His Love, How to Pick a Fight: What the Word of God Says About Choosing Your Battles Wisely, Biblical Solutions to Your Everyday Problems. Other times some people are either not saved or they have no real personal relationship established with God and are not confident enough to get God to answer their personal prayers. God finally gives in at this point and tells Moses that He will also anoint his brother Aaron for the job, that He will be with the both of them, and that Aaron will be his mouthpiece to the people since Moses had no faith in God’s anointing to enable him to speak effectively to the people and to the Pharaoh. However, there is also a time not to question God and to accept whatever He is telling you to do! The story of God using Moses to set the children of Israel free is getting more and more interesting! This story is a perfect example showing the extreme lengths to which God will go for you if He is forced to fight and engage with any enemy standing in your way. Three days later, I was watching a Kirk Franklin video “Imagine Me” when a few of TD Jakes sermons along with others popped up on the right hand of the screen. The branches totally depend upon and lean on the vine for their life and support. Lessons From the Story of Moses' Birth . Again, this is not something that He puts everyone through. God wants the same thing from each of us. If Moses can do this, so can any other Christian who has established a good, working relationship with the Lord. Some of you have had your wilderness experience with the Lord and some of you have not. Here is the verse that tells you word-for-word what Moses said to God to get Him to change His mind: Then Moses pleaded with the Lord his God, and said: “Lord, why does Your wrath burn hot against Your people whom you have brought out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a mighty hand? God’s anointing came onto both Moses and Aaron and they both were able to fully accomplish the mission. God will anoint and empower you, and perfectly lead you every step of the way if you are willing to take this journey with Him. I will not go any further on this subject in this article, as this would be an entire article all in itself. He was born to Jochebed and Amram, both from the tribe of Levi, when the children of Israel lived in Egypt as slaves. The Story of Moses: Signs of God’s Magnificent Power Then the final sign of God’s anger was revealed, the water of the Nile river turned to blood. But through my difficulties and my oppositions, I am learning to trust God and allow him to work inside of me, according to His pupose. STORY 31 Moses and Aaron See Pharaoh STORY 32 The 10 Plagues STORY 33 Crossing the Red Sea PART 3 Deliverance From Egypt to Israel’s First King Show more. And the list can go on. God will lead you on a daily basis as to what needs to be accomplished for that day. The Adam and Eve Story These were men that Moses had heard about. That’s beautiful! Look what happened to this man’s mundane life out in the desert once he fully surrendered his entire life over to God’s call for his life – and then had enough courage and faith to enter into a very powerful, personal relationship with God the Father. Explain that the story of God saving baby Moses is similar to another story we read in the New Testament about baby Jesus. Here are some of the main reasons. Bless you Sir continue the good work. Students engage with the Moses story using the three worlds of the text. And look what they all missed out on – entry into the Promised Land. Moses is the channel between God and the Hebrews, through whom the Hebrews received a basic charter for living as God's people. Am blessed and lifted. Ask one of the partners to look up Exodus 2:1-10 and the other partner to look up Matthew 2:13-18. He knew that God had done great things for these men, and He believed in their God. For those of you who have had this type of miracle with God in your own personal lives, or for those of you who may experience something like this in the future, the one thing I can tell you is that it will increase your faith tenfold once you see God come in at the last minute to save you. They told Moses that he should go up there and talk with God for them lest they should die from coming into direct contact with the Lord. However, when Moses sees how mad God is getting and what He is wanting to do to these people, Moses immediately “steps into the gap” for his people and begins trying to reason and plead with God as to why He should change His mind and not kill them. Live. | "Time Is Running Out", THE VOICE OF THANKSGIVING By Apostle Johnson Suleman (Thanksgiving Service – 6th Dec. 2020), New world order, gender ideology, freemasonry Botinec, Zagreb Croatia June 16th 2018, Islam's Answer To The New World Order Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, "I Have Never Seen a YAHOO BOY That LIVED LONG" – Apostle Suleman Speaks, KEEP ME THROUGH LORD JESUS KEEP ME THROUGH – APOSTLE RAY FOSTER – CLIP, Nagbago na ang lahat sa Quiapo | Ganito na ngayon ang Quiapo Church Manila Update, JESUS CHRIST YOU ARE MY LIFE – JMJ RIO 2013 (WORLD YOUTH DAY BRAZIL). Since much of your social time has been decreased, God will arrange for you to have more time to gain knowledge on whatever your call is going to be in Him. AND GOD HIMSELF buried him. I have been deceived and lied by loves one. The Bible says that to whom much is given, much more will be expected! Amazing revelation from the story of Moses. I want a close and personal relationship with God. If you do, the consequences could be severe. I was enthus, energetic, eager, curious and zealous. The verses tell us Moses took his father-in-law’s flock beyond the wilderness to “Horeb, the mountain of God”. In some cases, it could be a matter of your own life and death. Here and there, I would hear God’s voice and have profound dreams.I was sold out for the Lord. Some people may wonder why God was so harsh with Moses on this particular matter. God’s knowledge and ways are absolutely perfect. Version. God's Story: Moses Moses was chosen by God to deliver the Israelites from slavery, but he didn’t believe he could do it because he didn’t realize he had a special place… Saved by Vimeo He never wanted to displease God in everything that he did. The story of moses is a great achievement in terms of leadership and trust. When Moses was up on Mount Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights with God the Father getting the 10 commandments and many of the other basic laws and commandments that God was wanting His people to live by, the Israelites were down at the bottom of the mountain making a false idol by way of a golden calf. Why Are ZERO Christians Talking About This? The Story of Joshua and Caleb, The story of Moses was so inspiring.Our God is mighty and moses was a good vessel unto honour. God is no respecter of persons. One of the most amazing things about the story of Moses is that Moses stayed true, loyal, and faithful to God the Father during the entire 40 year journey in the wilderness. The story of Moses is a perfect, dramatic, and powerful example of just how far someone can go with God if they are willing to follow God fully and not be afraid to walk with His anointing. The pessimism that he would send the Hebrew slaves free this test good, relationship... 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