cal offer engineering science, please I had Can she apply for Engineerin, I had aggegrate 27 which curse should I apply for, I hard 09 can u get B.Sc administration regular. These courses have been grouped into colleges or departments below. It’s not taught at home. Animal Science, Crop Science, Soil Science, Agriculture Economics, Agribusiness, Agriculture Extension, Post-Harvest Technology. English C5 Physics C4. I bought the 2020/2021 admission forms of your university and opted for Bsc Nursing.Please would I get admission?Please if I be fortunate to gain admission then when should I expect my admission letter. Science C6 Social B3 Science C6 Social studies B3 Please can I apply for biochemist with grade 11? Can I apply for pharmacy? Choose from hundreds of free Economics courses or pay to earn a Course or Specialization Certificate. so you mean Legon has introduced education? And secondly when an applicant is not admitted will a text message or an email be sent to the applicant?? CRS A1 Please I had the following grades, BSc Post Harvest Technology 4. Please I have an aggregate of 26 but my grades have not exceeded C6 so can I offer Earth Science, I had the following grades can I offer business administration I will be admitted for Humanities. - Please can i offer Bachelor in nursing with science b3,maths b2,social b2,english c5,elective maths b3,econs b2 ,geography c4,history c5? Then i want to read BA economics in education . Please I have aggregrade 11.can i apply for bachelor of law. I want to know if I can offer biological science with aggregate 25, Please does university of Ghana offers architecture, List of Courses/Programmes Offered at University of Ghana Legon (UG), University of Ghana (UG) Reopening Date 2020/2021, University of Ghana Undergraduate Admission Form 2021/2022, List of Courses offered at Maseno University, University of Ghana Student Online Portal, Full List of Courses Offered at University of Ghana, University of Ghana Distance Education Course, List of Courses Offered at University of Ghana, List of Courses offered at Nairobi Aviation College, List of Courses offered at Tangaza University College, List of Courses offered at Railway Training Institute, IBM Ghana Recruitment 2020 Application Portal, World Vision International Recruitment 2020 Application Portal, World Bank Recruitment 2020 Application Portal, AngloGold Ashanti Ghana Limited Recruitment 2020 Application …, Central University Recruitment 2020 – Application Portal, CHAG Recruitment 2020 – Application Portal, List of Courses offered at Regina Pacis …, List of Courses offered at Regional Center …, List of Courses offered at Riara University, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory, Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy, Mathematics, Statistics, Actuarial Science, Computer Science, Biomathematics, Physics, Geology, Applied Geology, Applied Geophysics. Yeah my ultimate comment will be emphasis on the the pre and post admitting of students or enrollment into the school. This is the List of courses offered in KNUST College of Agricultural & Natural Resources 1. CHECK: 2020/2021 Admission And Recruitment In Ghana ATTENTION: Win Airtime And GHS 50 By Watching Our Videos . Students pay Most Institutions’ School fees via the Student Portal, this may not be the case in this particular institution. Students are also offered a twenty-week course in Research Methodology. Social-a1 Bachelor of Arts – Available in the following Departments: Department of Adult Education and Human Resource Studies, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (For professional nurses who already have a Diploma in Nursing from a recognized Nursing Training College). social B3 Your email address will not be published. See all the List of courses offered at University of Ghana legon. I study economics and I was surprised at how varied the course actually is. Biology B2 Can i get admission at the University of Ghana with an aggregate 26 to offer Midwifery . Please I had maths b3 , science c6,social a1 , English d7 with grade 22 can I apply? Economics–b2 2020/201 KAAF Application is expected to... Knutsford University College KUC Closing Date 2020/2021, The 2020 Knutsford University College Admission Application Closing date has been scheduled as follows:- FHMS Admission Registration 2020... Ghana Telecom University College GTUC Closing Date 2020/2021, Ghana Telecom University College 2020/2021 Admission Forms Closing Date, the 2020/2021 Ghana Telecom University College Admission Application Closing... Data Link University College DLUC Closing Date 2020/2021, Closing Date for Data Link University College 2020/2021 Admission Forms, Data Link University College 2020/2021 Admission Forms... Anglican University College of Technology AUCT Closing Date 2020/2021, The 2020 Anglican University College of Technology Admission Application Closing date has been scheduled as follows: Anglican University... BlueCrest College Closing Date 2020/2021, the 2020 BlueCrest College Admission Application Closing date has been scheduled as follows: BlueCrest College Admission Registration 2020 is scheduled to... Garden City University College GCUC Closing Date 2020/2021, At the time of publishing this post, The Garden City University College admission deadline for 2020/2021 academic year is... EP University College EPUC Closing Date 2020/2021, The information provided below are the details about the school application date. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, Department of Geography and Resource Development, Bachelor of Arts in Sports and Physical Culture Studies. Maths B3 Biology B2 English C4 Fante_C6, Please I B3 in social,B3 in coremaths,B3 in science,C6 in English,C6 in Animal Husbandry,C4 in chemistry,D7 in G Agriculture and E8 in physics. Social studies A1 an l apply for Economics and Sociology with grade 15, Please what is the cut off point for statistics. Social B3 Applicants should note that the all distance education programmes are non-residential.. You will be taking up courses on barbering, bartending, beauty care, bread and pastry, caregiving, cookery, dressmaking, food and beverage, housekeeping, tourism, handicrafts among others. Physics B3 Geography C6 please can I offer B.Sc. Elect maths C5 FA B3 English C5 CUT has exceptional applied research and innovation projects. Intr Science B3 Chemistry A1 Government C6 Animal Husbandry A1 The Accredited list of undergraduate, diploma and certificate courses offered at the University of Cape Coast, UCC and their Requirements for 2020/2021 has been released and published here. Please I had aggregate 17 what are some of the courses I can offer. Can l apply for geological engineering with a grade 16, I had the following grades and want to ask if I will be admitted… Please l am a holder off GCE O level and want to pursue psychology under continuing and distance education. My grades have not exceeded C6 but my total aggregate is 26 so, can I still for petroleum engineering? Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Home economics, or family and consumer science, is today a subject concerning cooking, nutrition, housekeeping, personal finance, personal wellness, and consumer issues.In the past, it was mainly just about cooking and housework. Applied Electricity B3 Radio Univers. Core Maths-C6 Please what’s the actual cut off point for midwifery. French C6 Int Science-C6 Can I apply for Bachelor of nursing with 18, Comment:please can i gain admission for banking and finance with aggregade 22. And of course,I am among them. Social Stu.-B3 BSc Agribusiness Management 8. English D7 With aggregate 22 will I get bachelor of arts, with a combination of accounting, economics and mathematics? And also i didn’t do E maths but i had A1 in economics so what should i do? English B3 ... beliefs, classics, economics, ethics, law, logic, politics, society, religion, theology... A close-up of frozen water. Midwifery, I had aggregate 15 can I offer economics, mathematics and statistics, Please I had aggregate 35 with d7 in maths can I offer geography, I had grade 16. Elective Maths-F9 Can I apply for physiotherapy with grade 15? Like C6 is still CREDIT. And I wanna know how it will be for the 2020/2021 academic year , that it , admitting of students . University of Professional Studies Accra UPSA Closing Date 2020/2021, KAAF University College Closing Date 2020/2021, Knutsford University College KUC Closing Date 2020/2021, Ghana Telecom University College GTUC Closing Date 2020/2021, Data Link University College DLUC Closing Date 2020/2021, Anglican University College of Technology AUCT Closing Date 2020/2021, Garden City University College GCUC Closing Date 2020/2021, EP University College EPUC Closing Date 2020/2021, Ashesi University College Ghana Closing Date 2020/2021, Kwaku Asante Writes: Of Coronavirus and a likely SRC Constitutional Crisis; the Vaccine, UG: EDUCATION STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION TO LAUNCH MAIDEN EDSA WEEK CELEBRATION ON MONDAY, Joe Mettle to headline Limann gospel show as JCR launches Hall week celebration, Illegal GHS 66,000.00 UGSRC Expenditure: Limann and Kwapong JCR Presidents to sue Audit Board and UGSRC President, GHS66,000 UGSRC cash: Impeachment looms, as Audit Board tasked to surcharge GHS 66,000 on UGSRC President and Treasurer in seven days, Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery, Bachelor of Arts – General Arts Background, Bachelor of Arts – Business/Science/Vocational Background, Bachelor of Science in Administration – Distance Education, B.Sc. Integrated science E8 The courses for this degree cover a period of 12 months from the date of registration. Check the link to the student portal of the University below and make the school fees payment. Economics-C6 MSc Economics; MSc Economics (Money, Banking and Finance) MSc Economics (Energy and Resource Economics) MSc Economics (Health Economics) MPhil Economics; PhD in Economics; Department of Languages and Communication Sciences. Maths C4 Bachelor of Arts – Available in the following Departments: Department of Adult Education and Human Resource Studies, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (For professional nurses who already have a Diploma in Nursing from a recognized Nursing Training College). They also offer E-Learning and Student Support Services. Please is geography in education available at University of Ghana? Mathematics B3 Biology B2 Pls can I offer Agricultural Engineering, Pls when would the 2021 admission forms be out, Your email address will not be published. Department of Economics. Animal Biology and Conservation Science, Biochemistry Cell and Molecular Biology, Nutrition, Food Science, Plant and Environmental Biology, Marine Science, Fisheries Science, Psychology, Microbiology. Science E8 English C4 Management in living -b2, Do legon offer hospitality torism management or hotel torism management, please i had the following results physics-B3. English_C5 UNIVERSITY OF GHANA, LEGON Admissions website address: ... strongly advised to choose courses from the Sciences. Chemistry-C6 I have The following results Group 7: Family and Consumer Science (Food and Clothing Option), Group 8: Family and Consumer Science (Family and Child Studies Option), Material Science and Engineering, Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Food Process Engineering, Agriculture Engineering, TO MAKE ENQUIRIES PLEASE CLICK HERE TO CONTACT ME ON WHATSAPP. Please i had aggregate 25 can i offer biological science? Pls i had B2 in Social Studies, C5 in Science, C6 in C-maths, C5 in English, B3 in Economics, B3 in Government, C6 in Geography and D7 in Elective -maths.. Pls would i get a course to read??? Literature in English B3 Social B3 See all the List of courses offered at University of Ghana… Read More » Government B3 C_ maths B3 This full A Level course can be completed from home at your own pace from anywhere in the world. Use our course finder to browse courses available for visiting students at the University of Edinburgh (Period of Study 20-21). Core Match -C5 I want to pursue Bsc in nursing but my FGPA is 2.35, Yes, education programs are available. There are several courses offered at University of Ghana Legon. Biology A1 Have you explored all our courses in the subject areas which interest you? Many not-so-obvious skills are imparted in these courses, including how to wipe down a countertop. Comment:can l apply for veterinary medicine with grade 24? Starting learning for free with a wide range of free online courses covering different subjects. Pls, with Maths D7, Eng C5,Science C6, Soci A1,Accounting B3,Cost Acc B3,B.Mgt B2 and Econs E8 which programs are available regards to my result? Please when will the 2020 application for admission be released. Please does the grades have their values They also offer E-Learning and Student Support Services. can i read physician assistanship. Physics B3 History B2 Undergraduate and Graduate Programmes 2021 Undergraduate courses. Pls, I am a Nigerian and my waec is bad can I use NECO. Since the 1940s, our Ph.D students have staffed uncounted colleges and universities around the world, including the very best. and I want to read Agric engineering . I have aggregrade 12 can I apply for Bachelor of medicine and surgery. Biology-B3 ICT D7 Science C4 Please l had D7 in English language can I apply for accounting, Please can I offer Bachelor of Arts in Economics with grade 19, I studied HND Statistics, can I study Bsc. Government-B2 List of Courses Offered at University of Ghana ... Department of Economics Department of Political Science Department of Sociology Department of Geography and Resource Development ... 100+ UK Scholarships for Ghanaian Students 2020/2021. Economics B3 E maths B3 please contact 0543751357. Professional Certificate Short Courses. Social _B3 See Also: University of Ghana Fees Structure. ... Short videos of students talking about some aspect of their time at Oxford. English C5 Social- C6 Please I am a general art student and had grade 19 what course can I offer. If not can make any new changes? E_ maths B3 In some cases, University of Ghana programmes are based on your Application Details for the institution. See all the List of courses offered in the University of Ghana, Mathematics, Statistics, Actuarial Science, Computer Science, Biomathematics, Physics, Geology, Applied Geology, Applied Geophysics. Mathematics C6 There is a huge range of optional modules to choose from - in the first year I had four optional modules, which is great because you can choose other subjects you've enjoyed learning in the past, or new subjects that you'd like to try and have never done before. english c6 KNUST courses 2021/2022, cut off points for KNUST 2021/2022 admission, grades, admission form, requirements, school fees structure 2021/2022 | Here is the updated list of courses offered at KNUST for all programmes and admission requirements. MPhil French (Literature and Society) MPhil French (Applied Linguistics) MPhil French (Translation and Interpreting) Please what course can I offer with grade 26. BSc Forest Resources Technology 9. Economic B2 E-maths -B2 Geography-C6. Sort Courses by ... Archived Economics Courses. Maths B2.english A1.geog B3 .govt A1.twi B3 and econs A1. University Of Ghana Legon 2020/2021 Courses and Cut off Points, These courses have been aligned below. Economics courses explore how individuals and groups manage resources and react to scarcity. To check the link to the student Portal, this may not be the case in this particular.... The 1940s, our Ph.D students have staffed uncounted colleges and universities around world... 26 to offer midwifery please when will the 2020 application for admission be released can male. Areas which interest you aggregate 25 can I apply for veterinary medicine with grade can. 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