540-828-5377 *Please note: The estimated award for 2021-2022 is $3,520. 99.0% of incoming freshmen (527 total) were given scholarships at Bridgewater College, averaging $24,371 per student. Please inform the Office of Financial Aid about outside scholarships by emailing scholarship notifications to finaid@bridgewater.edu. BC will inform students of their eligibility after they are admitted to the College. Interest rates are normally variable and can change on a quarterly basis. You are automatically considered for these scholarships after you submit the FAFSA. Scholarship selection is based on technical and musical proficiency in your medium, the needs of the department and the potential for continued success. Scholarships range from $21,000 to $30,000 per year and require no special application. This is the Bridgewater College Field Hockey scholarship and program information page. Federal Direct Loans are available to students who have submitted the FAFSA regardless of the demonstration of eligibility for need-based aid. Transfer students who maintain an acceptable cumulative grade point average will retain their scholarships each academic year. The Bridgewater College Scholarships and Grants are available to incoming freshmen and transfers. Amount determined by government calculation, Must enroll in at least 12 credits in a semester to receive full funding for that semester, Award given to selected Pell Grant recipient, Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen, Be enrolled in coursework that is necessary to begin a career in teaching or plan to complete such coursework, Meet certain academic achievement requirements (generally, scoring above the 75th percentile on a college admissions test or maintaining a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25), Must not have earned a bachelor’s degree or post-baccalaureate degree. Merit Scholarships for Newly Admitted Students, Available exclusively to out-of-state students, Provides $5,000 a year, consisting of $3,000 for tuition and fees and a $2,000 housing allowance for those living in a BSU residence hall, With this $5,000 scholarship, the cost of tuition, fees, housing and meals for non-Massachusetts residents to attend BSU is approximately $25,000—nearly the same or in some cases less than the cost of attending an in-state college, Covers tuition and fees at in-state rates for up to four years, Five annual recipients automatically enrolled in BSU’s Honors Program, Recognizes academic achievement, leadership and diversity, Five students receive the ROSE Scholarship annually, Rewards Massachusetts students for high academic achievement, Covers all in-state tuition and fees for up to four years, Five students receive the Tsongas Scholarship annually. View all the details and perhaps even apply for this scholarship. Commuter students are not eligible. Here you'll have access to specifics on the college and details on their Field Hockey program like who to contact about recruiting, names of past alumni, what scholarship opportunities can be had and ways to start the recruiting process. Students that confirm their enrollment in the Program will receive an annual Honors scholarship of $1,000. Outside scholarships are not affiliated with Bridgewater College. Please read these disclosures carefully and be aware you have to actively accept the terms of your loan and complete a self-certification form in order for the loan to be disbursed. Bridgewater College is the most recent example. The Bridgewater College Diversity Grant is a renewable grant awarded to incoming freshmen and transfers from groups underrepresented in the Bridgewater College student body. cgarlett@bridgewater.edu, Betsy J. Henderson Thanks to the generosity of donors and the Bridgewater State University Foundation, nearly $1 million in annual funding supports BSU students in a variety of majors as well as students participating in paid internships, study abroad and undergraduate research. If your parent has an adverse credit history, consider having him or her apply for the PLUS Loan. The Digital Scholarship Gurus are trained Bridgewater College students working with the IT Center. BC offers exceptional academic scholarships for transfer students: Transfer student merit award eligibility is based on credits earned, cumulative GPA for all college work, and other factors from the applicant’s record. Scholarships are available to students who are members of the Church of the Brethren. This award is for students majoring in aviation who are entering their sophomore, junior, or senior year in college. President’s Merit Award – Full Tuition Scholarship The Church of the Brethren Scholarship is available to freshmen and transfer students at Bridgewater College. They strive to educate Bridgewaterâs campus by implementing digital media strategies because of their passion for digital media providing a deeper insight into innovative ways of thinking. Students must meet the requirements specified below in order to receive Title IV federal aid. The student must have a 3.0 grade point average or higher to be eligible. Thanks for visiting the Bridgewater College Men's Lacrosse scholarship and program info page. ---First YearTransfer from 2-Year Community CollegeTransfer from 4-Year University/College. Bridgewater College met 85% of its studentsâ financial aid need. The amount for each year depends on the funding allocated by the General Assembly and the total number of eligible applicants. If funds are not sufficient to make full TAG awards to all eligible students, a priority system is used to determine the size of the awards. To be considered for these scholarships, apply to BC early and submit your high school transcript and test scores (if submitted) as soon as possible. If so, you can apply for a Bridgwater & Taunton College scholarship. smorriso@bridgewater.edu, Cindy K. Garletts Students must meet all the basic eligibility requirements set forth by the General Assembly and detailed in the TAG regulations: You can obtain the application in one of two ways: New students must complete the TAG application and submit it to the Financial Aid office by July 31. Music Faculty Scholarship . Students should review all scholarship materials and information carefully, especially before submitting an application fee of any kind, and apply for scholarships at the student’s own risk and discretion. Unique Scholarship Opportunities: As a Flory Fellow, you will have access to scholarship opportunities and research fellowships. Bridgewater College 402 E College St, Bridgewater, VA 22812-1599 (540) 828-8000 Submissions from 2017 PDF. First year students with a truly outstanding academic record will be invited to compete for Bridgewater’s highest scholarship award, which is open only to members of the Flory Honors Program. Neither Bridgewater College nor its Financial Aid Office can guarantee the accuracy or the timeliness of information found at any of the links in the listing, particularly where deadlines are concerned. 540-828-5378 ---AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming, Student Type Financial Aid Coordinator A more complete picture of where Bridgewater College is the "best of the best" can be found on our 2021 Badges Awarded page. For loans disbursed between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021, the interest rate is a fixed 5.30%. Apply for admission to Bridgewater College through the office of admissions. Bridgewater awards $27.5 million in federal, state and university funds each year, including more than $600,000 in endowed scholarships for upperclassmen. Fax: 540-828-5671 Quantitative Measure: Students must successfully complete at least 67% of the courses they attempt. ehenderson@bridgewater.edu, Melissa King The award equals full-tuition and can be received for a total of six semesters provided the student remains active in the honors program. Commuter students are not eligible. Visit our Net-Price Calculator to determine your potential awards. If a student does not meet the specified requirements, they may make an appeal for aid if extenuating circumstances existed. In order to be part of the Federal Work-Study Program, you must submit a FAFSA and be eligible for work on the basis of financial need. Over 1 million high school students are earning no-essay college scholarships for their grades, activities, The next numbers refer to grants and scholarships mainly supplied by the school itself. Flory Honors Scholarship Music scholarships are open to all full-time Bridgewater College students, regardless of their academic major. Contact Bridgewater College to learn about their financial aid program Though Bridgewater College does not offer Micro-Scholarships on RaiseMe, over 300 other colleges do. Voluntary, John G. Barr. Lenders that are no longer offering private alternative loans have been removed from the list. The maximum, additional unsubsidized amount is $4,000 for first year students and sophomores, and $5,000 for juniors/seniors. We are excited to work with you as you decide where you want to continue your educational journey. Fill out this form and we'll send you information about Bridgewater College and upcoming admissions events. Located in Bridgewater, which is a city setting in Virginia, the campus itself is Suburban. You must be a member of the Church of the Brethren to be considered for this award. Be enrolled as a full-time student for a minimum of 12 semester credits at Bridgewater College in an eligible degree program. The financial aid office begins releasing aid packages to prospective students after December 15 on a rolling basis. We encourage students and parents to take advantage of the federal loan programs before opting for private loans, which generally have higher interest rates and higher fees than federal loans. Bridgewater College does not endorse any lender and expresses no opinion with respect to any lender. Learn about the scholarships available at Bridgewater State. The President's Merit Scholarship is available to incoming freshmen at Bridgewater College. Bridgewater awards $27.5 million in federal, state and university funds each year, including more than $600,000 in endowed scholarships for upperclassmen. Scholarships of $2,500 for residents and $1,500 for commuters are available to students who are members of the Church of the Brethren. $3,000 scholarship for those students who transfer with a membership in Phi Theta Kappa from a community college. bridgewater state college scholarships; UAA Janice K. Barden Aviation Scholarship. Students who borrow Federal Direct Loans will have their loan information submitted to the, New borrowers need to complete a Federal Direct Loan Master Promissory Note and Federal Direct Loan Entrance Counseling on. Private loans are not federally guaranteed. Follow. Submissions from 2018 PDF. Director of Financial Aid It is the largest college in the Massachusetts state university system outside of the University of Massachusetts system. At BC, we work with you and your family to make college affordable. mking3@bridgewater.edu, Jennifer D. Puffenbarger 540-828-5485 Welcome to the Bridgewater College Softball scholarship and program info page. This $3,500 scholarship is available to students who do not reside in the state of Virginia and who are not eligible for the Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant. Founded in 1880, Bridgewater College is a Private college. First year students with a high school GPA of 3.8 or higher, and a strong record of academic achievement, will be invited to join the Flory Honors Program. A minimum year-end 2.000 cumulative grade point average must then be maintained until graduation. Check out Bridgewater College (Bridgewater) Scholarships for High School Students in Bridgewater, VA to find $5000 Easy Road Safety Scholarship, Stephen G. and Jacqueline A. Economos Scholar Athlete Scholarship, Joseph D. Early Scholarship, East Brookfield Scholarship, John N. Engelsted Scholarship, Marilyn M. and Russell S. Fox Nursing Scholarship, Mary Connolly Memorial Scholarship⦠Please visit our Veterans and Military Service page for more information on services and benefits available for veterans and military service members. The campus is home to 1,882 full time undergraduate students, and N/A full time graduate students. Get information to assist veterans, military personnel and their families. A $1,000 grant is available to transfers who earned an associate degree from a Virginia two-year public institution with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and who have an expected family contribution (EFC) from the FAFSA of 12,000 or less. For loans disbursed between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021, the interest rate will be fixed at 2.75% for subsidized and unsubsidized loans. 402 E. College St. This is a wonderful opportunity to have your ability recognised. The application process for this scholarship highly competitive and is sent to eligible students after they are admitted. Therefore, they do not have the same deferment, cancellation, and consolidation benefits as federal loans. Outside scholarship checks should be mailed to: Office of Student Accounts A visit to campus is the first step in determining if Bridgewater is the right fit for you. Students should exercise caution when pursuing outside scholarships. * Description and images provided by Wikipedia under CC-BY-SA 3.0 license . This ⦠Additional information about Federal Direct PLUS Loans is available at the Federal Student Aid website. College Box 27 Don't Go, There's More!! Home > Division of Communication Studies, Fine Arts and Literature > Department of Music > MUSIC_FAULTY_SCHOLARSHIP. Bridgewater College does not have a preferred lender list or any preferred lender arrangements. Entering transfer students with at least 24 credits and cumulative post-secondary GPA of at least 3.9 will be invited to apply for this scholarship. Bridgewater College Scholarships; 1; VA Two-Year College Transfer Grant Program. In order to renew your academic scholarship, you need a cumulative year-end GPA equal to or greater than the one listed below: Numerous endowed scholarships, funded by our generous alumni and other private donors, are also available. Bridgewater College will certify (based on eligibility) a private/alternative loan from any lender the student chooses. You are one step closer to discovering if Bridgewater College may be the right fit for you. Bridgewater State University is a public liberal-arts college in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, in the United States. Students in the first categories must receive full funding before subsequent categories can be considered: If funding is insufficient to fully award all students, it is possible that some students will receive no award. Its 300-acre campus is located in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, nearby to Harrisonburg, Charlottesville, Washington, DC, and Richmond. We put your mind at ease about tuition and costs. finaid@bridgewater.edu, Office of Financial Aid Maximum Time Frame: Students must complete their program by the time they have attempted 150% of the hours required for their degree program. To learn more, contact the Office of Undergraduate Admission at admission@bridgew.edu or (508) 531-1237. For more information about federal financial aid programs, visit the Federal Student Aid website. They offer design suggestions, how-tos, and host workshops. If eligible, institutional aid is posted to your account in the fall and spring semesters. Financial Aid Counselor Please use the self-certification form your lender sends you or provides online. If SCHEV finds it necessary to award an amount less than $3,400, Bridgewater College will make an adjustment on the student’s account for spring semester and submit a revised billing. The Out-of-State Incentive Scholarship is available to students who do not reside in the state of Virginia and who are not eligible for the Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant. Phi Theta Kappa scholarship recipients are ineligible to receive the Honors scholarship. Students are responsible for researching the terms and conditions of these loans. Award amounts are $2,500 for residents and $1,500 for commuters. If you did not provide an email address, the notification will be sent to the home address listed on your 2019-2020 FAFSA. A student can choose to borrow from any lender that offers private alternative loans. Check out Bridgewater College (Bridgewater) Scholarships for College Sophomores in Bridgewater, VA to find Maryland Workforce Shortage Student Assistance Grant, Champions for Christ Scholarship, Because College is Expensive Scholarship, Thomas Soldan Healthy Communities Scholarship, HDA Foundation Scholarship, Proctor and Gamble Professional Oral Health Scholarship, Dr. Juan D. ⦠As a Flory Fellow you will have unique opportunities at Bridgewater College and be part of an extracurricular life focused on building personal relationships and maintaining and strengthening the honors community. All admission and scholarship requirements must be completed by January 31 in order to be considered. Assistant Director of Financial Aid The lender will interpret credit history and other determining factors to see if the student is eligible. Phone: 540-828-5377 Merit scholarships are our most commonly awarded scholarships. President’s Merit Award – Full Tuition Scholarship Here you'll have access to information regarding the college and information on their Men's Tennis program like who to contact about recruiting, names of past alumni, what scholarship opportunities are presented and how to begin the recruiting process. Outside scholarships are not affiliated with Bridgewater College. It is important to note that many scholarship opportunities have deadlines that differ from Bridgewater Collegeâs internal deadline, and students are advised to research their options at least six to 12 months before the semester in which they plan to study abroad. Students should exercise caution when pursuing outside scholarships. Inclusion in the listing does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Bridgewater College. Qualitative Measure: Students must have at least a 1.700 cumulative grade point average by completion of their second semester and at least a 2.000 cumulative grade point average by completion of their fourth semester. Students that exemplify high academic achievement are chosen by Bridgewater College to qualify for the following distinctive awards. Bridgewater College is the most recent example. You will receive a TAG application in your award package from the financial aid office, which you can then submit. The PLUS loan is for parents. For more information about available scholarships, contact the Financial Aid Office at finaid@bridgew.edu or 508.531.1341 See Alert: Scholarship Scams below for information on how to avoid scholarship scams. The same process applies to state aid. Welcome to the Bridgewater College Men's Golf scholarship and program info page. Here you'll have access to information about the college and details on their Men's Lacrosse program like who to make contact with about recruiting, names of past alumni, what scholarship opportunities are available and how to start the recruiting process. College Box 2 A dependent student whose parent is denied a Federal PLUS Loan may borrow an additional unsubsidized Direct Loan, which has a better interest rate and terms than most private alternative loans. Bridgewater College Federal aid may be available for summer sessions if your annual eligibility is not fully used during the regular academic year. This is a content holder for the one button emergency notification system. If you need assistance completing the form or need a blank form, please contact the office of financial aid. The 2020 undergraduate tuition & fees of Bridgewater College (BC) are $36,600 for their students and the 2020 graduate school tuition & fees are $20,623. Transfer students with at least 24 credits and cumulative post-secondary GPA of 3.8 or higher will be invited to join the Flory Honors Program. Upon receipt of fall semester enrollment from eligible institutions, the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) will determine whether or not sufficient funds exist to make the official award of $3,400 with a second disbursement of $1,700. Bridgewater State University - In State Tuition $10,732 - Out Of State Tuition: $16,872 - 4 Year Graduation Rate 37.40% (2018) The school's mascot is the bear. Any views or opinions expressed by these outside sites do not necessarily represent those of Bridgewater College. Triptych: III. To check legitimacy of scholarship search services or individuals, for information about financial aid scams, and tips to avoid being scammed visit these web sites: Veterans’ educational benefits can be used at Bridgewater College. jpuffenb@bridgewater.edu. Flory Honors Scholarship The registrar can be reached at chowdysh@bridgewater.edu and 540-828-5313. The application process for this scholarship is highly competitive and is sent to eligible students after they are admitted. The maximum, additional unsubsidized amount is $4,000 for first year students and sophomores, and $5,000 for juniors/seniors. If you have specific questions, contact the Office of Admissions at admissions@bridgewater.edu. Private loans are offered by private lending institutions and are not guaranteed by the federal government. A donor who wants to remain anonymous has made a $1 million contribution to Bridgewater College to honor his close friend â A. Edward âEdâ Burgess, a BC graduate from the class of 1962 who died in February â and to help lower the cost of attendance for students, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a press release. Repayment begins 6 months after you graduate, drop below half-time status, or withdraw. A scholarship is designed to fan the flames of your ambition, so that you have the very best start to your academic adventure. Application for Participation in the Two-Year College Transfer Grant Program (pdf download), Epsilon Sigma Alpha Foundation Scholarships, GE-Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation Scholarship Program, Mary Blackwell Barnes Memorial Scholarship, The Community Foundation of Richmond and Central Virginia, The Community Foundation for Northern Virginia, Community Foundation of the Dan River Region. Once you receive an academic scholarship, you have a maximum eligibility period of 8 semesters to apply it to your undergraduate degree. Number of Bridgewater Grants & Scholarships. The process can be started by going to https://www.vets.gov/education/ to request a Certificate of Eligibility. Note: If a recipient fails to complete the service requirement as described in the TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve, the TEACH Grant will be treated as a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan, with interest accruing from the date the grant was disbursed. For more information about available scholarships, contact the Financial Aid Office at finaid@bridgew.edu or 508.531.1341. Bridgewater determines eligibility for these awards based on high school GPA and test scores (if submitted)*, and all students who apply for admission to BC are automatically considered. Thanks for visiting the Bridgewater College Men's Tennis scholarship and program information page. 540-828-5376 Scholarships.com may have scholarship and grant opportunities in our online database for students attending Bridgewater College, whether offered by the school, a private organization or a local or national philanthropic entity. In 2021, the average non-need-based scholarship or grant awarded to first-year students at Bridgewater College was $3,814. Bridgewater College receives $1 million gift for student scholarships Only colleges and universitiesâlarge or smallâwith momentum are able to attract $1 million gifts. This award is available to Virginia resident undergraduate students who are planning to attend a four-year public or four-year private, non-profit institution in Virginia. That’s when you’ll see what life at BC is really like. The financial aid committee rules on all satisfactory academic progress appeals. The scholarship amount is $3,500 per academic year. The certificate should then be forwarded to the registrar, Cynthia Howdyshell-Shull, for certification. Bridgewater, VA 22812-1599. A complete description of eligibility and application requirements is available from this Application for Participation in the Two-Year College Transfer Grant Program (pdf download) from State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV). 540-515-3798 All admission and scholarship requirements must be completed by June 30 in order to be considered. 402 E. College St. For more information check out student employment. Be a full-time domiciled resident of Virginia for at least one year prior to receiving TAG. Below is a comprehensive list of alternative loan lenders from which students at Bridgewater College have borrowed during 2016-2019. Total: $5000. Associate Director of Financial Aid Inclusion in the listing does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Bridgewater College. This award equals the full cost of tuition, renewable for a total of eight semesters, provided students remain in the honors program. By reviewing your FAFSA analysis, we can determine your eligibility for these federal grants: Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG). Let us help you discover your cost to attend Bridgewater College by applying to Bridgewater and completing the FAFSA. Aid analysis determines type of Direct Loan, Subsidized: Government pays interest until six months after the student graduates, drops below half-time status or withdraws, Unsubsidized: Student responsible for interest accrued while in school, Maximum eligibility for Direct Loan funds each year depends on academic level, First Year Students (0-25 credits): $5,500. If you filed a 2019-2020 FAFSA, the federal processing center will send a 2020-2021 renewal notification to the email address listed on your 2019-2020 FAFSA. If federal work-study is listed on your aid package, you will be contacted by August regarding job placement and required employment documentation. To discover any available opportunities, please conduct a free, college scholarship search. Returning students receive their aid packages after June 15. ... he was proudest of his work with classmates to establish the Class of 1962 Endowed Scholarship Fund, presented to the College ⦠The list is in alphabetical order only. Established in 1880, Bridgewater College admitted women from the time of its founding and was the first private, co-educational, liberal arts college in Virginia to do so. Bridgewater, VA 22812-1599, Scott Morrison A cosigner is recommended in order to obtain the best rate and terms available. 99 students (5.38% of the enrolled undergraduate students) have received grant or scholarships aid and the average amount is $26,571. If you are a resident of Virginia, you may be eligible for the Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant (TAG). The listing of outside scholarships on this page is for informational purposes only. For more information or to apply, please visit the scholarship provider's website. McKinney ACE Scholarship (Achievement in a Community of Excellence) Sponsored by: Bridgewater College Selection is base upon cumulative high school GPA, class rank, SAT Reasoning/ACT test scores, and quality of high school curriculum. The listing of outside scholarships on this page is for informational purposes only. When a parent is denied a PLUS loan based on adverse credit, the student is allowed to borrow an additional unsubsidized loan. Bridgewater College, is a private, coeducational, four-year liberal-arts college located in Bridgewater, a town in Rockingham County, Virginia, United States. Here you'll have access to specifics on the school and details on their Men's Golf program like who to contact about recruitment, names of past alumni, what scholarship opportunities can be had and ways to begin the recruiting process. SCHEV has more information on state financial aid for Virginia residents. *BC uses the cumulative high school GPA to determine eligibility, as well as the highest scores on the ACT or SAT. You will be notified of awards by the end of April. Repayment begins within 60 days after final disbursement. Bridgewater College, founded in 1880, is a private liberal arts college affiliated with the Church of the Brethren. Community Foundation of the Virginias, Inc. Peninsula Community Foundation of Virginia, National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), Get information to assist veterans, military personnel and their families, 2021-2022 Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant Program Application, 2020-2021 Dependent Verification Form (.pdf), 2020-2021 Independent Verification Form (.pdf), Verifying Your Tax Information Instructions (.pdf), 75%: more than $30,000 in first year scholarship and grant aid packages, 19%: $25,001 – $30,000 in first year scholarship and grant aid packages, 6%: $20,000 – $25,000 in first year scholarship and grant aid packages, 1%: less than $20,000 in first year scholarship and grant aid packages, Provide a copy of all college transcripts. Bridgewater State University offers a number of merit-based scholarships to students at the time of admission, recognizing outstanding academic achievement and leadership potential. TAG may be received for a maximum of eight semesters. 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